Understand and combat cancer.
It's all about knowledge and choices.
get some initial basic questions out of the way ...
9 Common Cancer Questions:
1) What is
The bodies natural response to toxic overload.
2) Why do i have
cancer, what causes cancer?
The source is normally the body-mind connection -
the location of the cancer explains the issues.
Triggers may be diet, the environment, or exposure
to chemicals.
3) What
choices do i have?
There are many 'labels' to choose from - natural,
alternative, naturopathic, holistic, intergrative
or traditional.
4) What
are natural cancer treatments as opposed to
traditional oncology?
Non-toxic therapies that serve to heal not harm.
5) Can i eat anything i
NO. Primarily eliminate all sugar.
6) My
family want me to have chemotherapy, do i have to?
NO - this is your life, your body, your choice.
Pressure from friends and family is common and can
sway your decision, with irreversible consequences
- their fears do not have to become your own.
Follow your own inner voice - do what you feel is
right for you.
7) Why
does my oncologist oppose natural therapies?
Because he/she has to. They are only trained to
administer drugs, chemo or radiation. You are a
customer, a bank account. Complete recovery or
quality of life is not considered as there is no
profit to be made.
Addressing and eliminating the SOURCE of your
cancer is totally irrelevant to the protocols of
traditional, orthodox oncology.
8) My
oncologist declared i only have a certain time to
live, is it true?
NO. Oncologists have absolutely no right to play
God and predict your death! They have been proven
wrong countless times. This only becomes truth, if
you believe them.
9) Do i
stand a chance against cancer?
YES! It's a dramatic wake-up call to change your
life - to let go of emotional pain, anger,
trauma, unforgiveness and stress, so that
healing may begin. All aspects of your life
should be examined and adjusted accordingly
and honestly.
is not a pink ribbon.
It is every color, every race,
every age.
Too many people are diagnosed with cancer everyday
- allegedly 1 in 2 men
and 1 in 3 women will develop cancer in their
lifetime. Too
many people are dying of cancer every single day.
The statistics are getting worse, not better. Is
there any one of us that does not know someone with
cancer right now, or know someone that has died of
Everyday i receive phone calls and emails from
people worldwide with cancer, or from their friends
and families that are desperate for help.
So ... for the past two decades i have
specialized in cancer research and natural
therapies. No i am not a doctor or an
oncologist. I am simply a highly intelligent
human being, a college graduate that has
traveled the world and spent most of my life
researching and studying health, nutrition,
natural alternative healing methods, and the
mind-body connection.
I have lost too
many friends and family ...
As a child i lost my nana to brain cancer
and my favourite aunt to breast cancer. On
June 7th 2012, i lost a very dear friend,
Joseph from Cuba, to cancer (this was the
3rd time it flared up). On December 21st,
2013 i lost one of my best friends, Arnon,
to bone marrow cancer. He was barely 39
yrs old with two little children.
I witnessed the devastating and
debilitating effects of chemo in person.
Later photos of post-chemotherapy were so
horrifying, i hardly recognized him. My
cancer research during the last several
months of his life became more intense
than ever before and i discovered things
that are mind-blowing - his death was not
in vain.
I had
previously done massive research on breast
cancer because a close American girlfriend
had barely stage 2 but immediately opted
for a double mastectomy and on-going
chemo-brain, which she now regrets.
Meanwhile my dear British friend Dave
struggled everyday battling cancer without
oncology despite pressure to succumb to
chemo. He died in 2019 but lived several
years past diagnosis.
In the
1980's, i lost Herman, a close colleague, to lung
cancer, and then on December 5th 2018, i lost
another best friend to lung cancer, Mike, who chose
chemo. He reached out for natural healing only in
the last weeks of his life, too late. My beloved cousin
in the UK was diagnosed with
prostate cancer and he too chose
chemo, and lost.
When will traditional oncology be overhauled,
and non-invasive cancer therapies and
protocols be intergrated to become standard options
without hostility or condemnation?
How many more family and friends will you and
i lose to oncology drug cocktails?
It is outrageous how many precious lives are
terminated by chemo and radiation, NOT by the
cancer itself.
What can we do ...
following web-pages are a culmination of the
cancer research i have done over the years,
which i gift it to you the reader, and in
memory of all the family and friends i have
lost to cancer. I have confidence and belief
that this extensive information will make a
difference for you or for someone you love.
is NO single protocol that will work all
by itself to remove cancer, but
there are many that can work together as a
team to target both the mental, emotional,
physical and spiritual. It's all about
knowledge and choices.
Conventional oncology is one of
the biggest scams ever created, never identifying
or addressing the source, only poisoning the
Truth be told, every successful cancer therapy
contains three important ingredients: Serious
Detoxification, Diet Change, and Emotional Stress
Lets begin ...
You will find
four sections below - all equally important:
1) Understand cancer.
radiation, breast and prostate cancer.
3) The Body/Mind connection.
4) Remove environmental toxins.