Vitamin B17 -
                  World Without Cancer


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World without Cancer - G. Edward Griffin.
Movie and audio transcript - Fascinating Info!

This year 350,000 Americans will die from cancer. One out of three to four of us will develop cancer in our lifetime. That's over 50 million people in the United States alone.

The purpose of this presentation is to show that this great human tragedy can be stopped now entirely on the basis of existing scientific knowledge.

We'll explore the theory that cancer, like scurvy or pellagra, is a deficiency disease aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet and that its ultimate control is to be found simply in restoring this substance to our daily intake.

We are not in the business of promoting vitamins, food supplements or products of any kind. We're not prescribing any course of treatment. We endorse nothing, except freedom of choice. We have nothing to sell, but facts.

What you're about to hear does not carry the approval of organized medicine. The Food and Drug Administration, the American Cancer Society and the American Medical Association have labelled it fraud and quackery.

The average physician, however, is less dogmatic. He's more apt to say: "Let's give it a try and then pass judgement!" Consequently, an increasing number of doctors all over the world now are testing and proving in their own clinics that the vitamin concept of cancer is true.

With billions of dollars spent each year on research, with other billions taken in from the cancer-related sale of drugs and with vote-hungry politicians promising ever-increasing government programs we find that today there are more people making a living from cancer, than are dying from it. If the riddle were to be solved by a simple vitamin, this gigantic commercial and political industry could be wiped out overnight. The result is that the science of cancer therapy isn't nearly as complicated as the politics of cancer therapy.

In the past the FDA and other agencies of government have used every means at their disposal to prevent this story from being told. They've arrested citizens for holding public meetings to tell others of their convictions on this subject.

They've confiscated films and books. They even now are prosecuting doctors, who apply these theories in an effort to save the lives of their own patients.

With this background in mind it may appear to be the height of folly to proceed with this presentation. But ladies and gentlemen, if the story that follows is true, - as we firmly are convinced, it is - then in the name of humanity someone simply has to stand up against the bureaucracy and we are determined to do it!

Greatest Discoveries Often Rejected, Maligned Or Suppressed By Scientific and Medical Establishment:

The history of science is the history of struggle against entrenched error. Many of the world's greatest discoveries initially were rejected by the scientific community and those, who pioneered those discoveries, often were ridiculed and condemned as quacks and charlatans.

Columbus was bitterly attacked for believing, the Earth was round. Bruno was burned at the stake for claiming, the Earth was not the center of the universe. Galileo was imprisoned for teaching that the Earth moved around the Sun. Even the Wright brothers were ridiculed and condemned for claiming that a machine could fly above the Earth.

In the field of medicine Andreas Vesalius was denounced as an impostor and heretic because of his discoveries in the field of human anatomy. William Harvey was disgraced as a physician for believing that blood was pumped by the heart and actually moved around the body through arteries. And Ignaz Semmelweis was fired from his hospital post for requiring his maternity staff to wash their hands.

Centuries ago it wasn't unusual for entire naval expeditions to be wiped out by scurvy. Between 1600 and 1800 the casualty list of the British Navy alone was over one million sailors. Medical experts of the time were baffled, as they searched in vain for some kind of a strange bacterium, virus or toxin that supposedly lurked in the dark holds of ships. And yet for hundreds of years the cure was already known and written in the record.

In the winter of 1535, when the French explorer Jacques Cartier found his ships frozen in the ice off the St. Lawrence River, scurvy began to take its deadly toll. Out of a crew of one hundred and ten, twenty-five already had died and most of the others were so ill, they weren't expected to recover. And then a friendly Indian showed them the simple remedy. Tree bark and needles from the white pine - both rich in ascorbic acid or vitamin C - were stirred into a drink, which produced immediate improvement and swift recovery. Upon returning to Europe, Cartier reported this incident to the medical authorities. But they were amused by such "witch-doctor cures of ignorant savages" and they did nothing to follow it up.

Yes, the cure for scurvy was known. But because of scientific arrogance it took over two hundred years and cost hundreds of thousands of lives, before the medical experts began to accept and apply this knowledge. Finally in 1747 John Lind, a young surgeon's mate in the British Navy discovered that oranges and lemons produced relief from scurvy and recommended that the Royal Navy include citrus fruits in the stores of all its ships. And yet, it still took forty-eight more years, before his recommendation was put into effect.

The twentieth century has proven to be no exception to this pattern. Only a generation ago large portions of the American Southeast were decimated by the dread disease of pellagra, which was thought to be contagious and probably caused by an as yet undiscovered virus. As far back as 1914 Dr. Joseph Goldberger had proven that this condition was related to diet and later showed that it could be prevented simply by eating liver or yeast. But it wasn't until the 1940s - almost thirty years later - that the medical world fully accepted pellagra as a vitamin B deficiency.

By 1952 Dr. Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., a biochemist in San Francisco had advanced the theory that cancer, like scurvy or pellagra, is not caused by some kind of mysterious bacterium, virus or toxin, but is merely a deficiency disease aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet. He identified this compound as part of the nitriloside family, which occurs abundantly in nature in over twelve hundred edible plants and found virtually in every part of the world. It's particularly prevalent in the seeds of fruits, but also is contained in grasses, maize, sorghum, millet, cassava, linseed, bitter almonds and many other foods that generally have been deleted from the menus of modern civilization.

A chronic disease is one, which usually doesn't pass away of its own accord.

A metabolic disease is one, which arises within the body and isn't transmittable to another person.

Cancer therefore is defined as a chronic, metabolic disease.

Dr. Krebs has pointed out that in the entire history of medical science there hasn't been one chronic, metabolic disease that was ever cured and prevented by drugs or mechanical manipulation of the body. In every case the ultimate solution was found only in factors relating to adequate nutrition. And he thinks that this is an important clue as to where to concentrate our scientific curiosity in the search for a better understanding of cancer.

Animals Natural Instinct:
But there are other clues, as well. Before looking at the more technical aspects of Dr. Krebs's theory, it's well that we examine some of them. For example, domesticated pets often seek out certain grasses to eat, even though they're adequately filled by other foods. This is particularly likely to happen, if the animals are not well. It's interesting to note that the grasses selected by instinct are Johnson grass, Tunis grass, Sudan grass and others that are especially rich in nitrilosides or vitamin B17.

Monkeys and other primates at the zoo, when given a fresh peach or apricot, will carefully pull away the sweet, fleshy part, crack open the hard pit and devour the small seed that remains. Instinct compels them to do this, even though they've never seen that kind of fruit before. These seeds are one of the most concentrated sources of nitrilosides to be found anywhere in nature.

Wild bears are great consumers of nitrilosides in their natural diet. Not only do they seek out berries that are rich in this substance, but when they kill small grazing animals for their own food, instinctively they pass over the muscle portions and consume first the viscera and rumen, which are filled with nitriloside grasses.

In captivity, animals seldom are allowed to eat all the foods of their instinctive choice. In the San Diego Zoo, for example, the routine diet for bears, although adequate in volume and nutritious in many other respects, is almost totally devoid of nitrilosides. In one grotto alone over a six-year period five bears died of cancer. It was generally speculated by the experts that a virus had been the cause.

Now, it's highly significant that one never finds cancer in the carcasses of wild animals killed in the hunt. These creatures contract the disease only, when they are domesticated by man and forced to eat the foods that he provides and the scraps from his table.

Dr. George M. Briggs, professor of nutrition at the University of California has said: "The typical American diet is a national disaster ... If I fed it to pigs or cows without adding vitamins and other supplements, I could wipe out the livestock industry."

The American Diet:
A brief look at the American diet tells the story. Grocery shelves now are lined with high-carbohydrate foods that have been processed, refined, synthesized, artificially flavored and loaded with chemical preservatives. Some manufacturers even boast of how little real food there is in their product.

Millet once was the nation's staple grain. It is high in nitriloside content. But now it's been replaced by wheat, which has practically none at all. Sorghum cane has been replaced by sugar cane with the same result. Even our cattle are fed increasingly on quick-growing, low-nitriloside grasses, so there's less vitamin B17 residue in the meat we eat. In some places livestock now are being fed a diet containing fifteen percent paper to fatten them quicker for market.

And so we see that in the past 50 years the foods, that once provided the American people with ample amounts of natural vitamin B17, gradually have been pushed aside or replaced altogether by foods almost devoid of this factor. Significantly it's during this same time span that the cancer rate has moved steadily upward to the point, where today one out of every four persons in the United States is destined to contract this disease.


Various Tribes Who Eat Rich-Nitriloside Foods, Have No Cancer:

The ultimate scientific test of the vitamin theory of cancer would be to take a large number of people numbering in the thousands and over a period of many years expose them to a consistent diet of rich-nitriloside foods and then check the results. Fortunately this already has been done. In the remote recesses of the Himalaya Mountains between West Pakistan, India and China there is a tiny kingdom called Hunza. These people are known world over for their amazing longevity and good health. It's not uncommon for Hunzakuts to live beyond a hundred years and some even to a hundred and twenty or more. Visiting medical teams from the outside world report that there never has been a case of cancer in Hunza.

Although presently accepted science is unable to explain, why these people should be free of cancer, it's interesting to note that the average Hunza diet contains over two-hundred times more nitriloside, than the average American diet. In fact, in that land, where there is no such thing as money, a man's wealth is measured by the number of apricot trees he owns. And the most prized of all foods is considered to be the apricot seed. It's also interesting to learn that when the Hunzakuts leave their secluded land and adopt the menus of other countries, they soon succumb to the same diseases and infirmities - including cancer - as the rest of mankind.

The Eskimos are another people that have been observed by medical teams for many decades and found to be totally free of cancer. The traditional Eskimo diet is amazingly rich in nitrilosides that come from the residue in the meat of caribou and other grazing animals and also from the salmon berry, which grows abundantly in the Arctic areas. When the Eskimo abandons his traditional way of life and begins to rely on westernized foods, he becomes even more cancer-prone, than the average American.

There are many other peoples in the world that could be cited with the same characteristics: the Abkhazians near the Black Sea, the Hopi and Navajo Indians of North America, certain native populations in South America and South Africa.

From all races and all regions of the world the one thing they have in common is that the degree, to which these people are free from cancer, is in direct proportion to the amount of nitrilosides or vitamin B17 found in their native diet.

In answer to this the skeptic may argue that these primitive groups aren't exposed to the same cancer-producing elements that modern man is and perhaps that's why they're immune. Let them breathe the same smog-filled air, smoke the same cigarettes, swallow the same chemicals added to their food or drinking water, use the same soaps or deodorants and then see, how they fare! This, of course, is a valid point. But fortunately even that question now has been resolved by experience.

Thousands Of People Have Altered Their Diet Accordingly:
For over two decades there has been a steadily growing group of people, who have accepted the vitamin theory of cancer and who have altered their diets accordingly. They represent all walks of life, all ages, both sexes and reside in almost every advanced nation in the world. It's estimated that there are many thousands in the United States alone.

Now it's true that there's no way to determine their exact number or to conduct clinical examinations on each of them. But they do constitute a rather well defined group that is both vocal and conspicuous. It's significant therefore that after starting and maintaining a diet rich in vitamin B17 none of these people has ever been known to contract cancer.

Now let's repeat that statement! While their fellow citizens are suffering from cancer at the rate of one out of every four, not one of these thousands has ever been known to contract this dread disease.

For many persons the logic of all these facts put together is so great that it would be easy to close the case right here. But in view of the powerful opposition against this concept let's not content ourselves only with the logic of the theory! Let's reinforce our convictions with the science of the theory also, that we may understand, why it works the way, our logic tells us that it must.

John Beard, a professor of embryology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland:

In 1902, John Beard reported that there were no discernible differences between highly malignant cancer cells and certain pre-embryonic cells that were quite normal in the early stages of pregnancy. In technical terms these normal cells are called trophoblasts. Extensive research had led Professor Beard to the conclusion that cancer and trophoblast are in fact one and the same. His theory therefore is known as the trophoblastic thesis of cancer.

The trophoblast in pregnancy indeed does exhibit all the classical characteristics of cancer. It spreads and multiplies rapidly, as it eats its way into the uterus wall preparing a place, where the embryo can attach itself for maternal protection and nourishment.

The trophoblast is formed as a result of a chain reaction starting with another cell identified as the diploid totipotent. For our purposes let's call this simply the "total-life" cell, because it contains within it all the separate characteristics of the complete organism and has the total capacity to evolve into any organ or tissue or for that matter into the complete embryo itself.

About eighty percent of these total-life cells are located in the ovaries or testes, where they serve as a genetic reservoir for future offspring. The rest of them are distributed elsewhere in the body for a purpose not yet fully understood, but which may involve the regenerative or healing process of damaged tissue.

The hormone estrogen is well known for its ability to effect changes in living tissue. Although it's generally thought of as a female hormone, it's found in both sexes and performs many vital functions. Wherever the body is damaged either by physical trauma, chemical action or illness, estrogen always appears in great quantities, possibly serving as a stimulator or catalyst for body repair.

It's now known that the total-life cell is triggered into producing trophoblast, when it comes into contact with estrogen. When this happens to those total-life cells that have evolved from the fertilized egg, the result is a placenta and umbilical cord, a means of nourishing the embryo. But when it occurs non-sexually as part of the general healing process, the result is cancer.

When cancer begins to form, the body reacts by attempting to seal it off and surrounding it with cells that are similar to those in the location, where it occurs. A bump or lump is the usual result. Under microscopic examination most of these tumors are found to resemble a mixture or hybrid of both trophoblast and surrounding cells; a fact, which has led many researchers to the premature conclusion that there are many different types of cancer.

But the degree, to which various tumors appear to be different, is the same degree, to which they're benign; which means that it's the degree, to which there are non-cancerous cells within it.

The greater the malignancy, the more these tumors begin to resemble each other and the more clearly they begin to take on the classic characteristics of pregnancy trophoblast. And the most malignant of all cancers, the chorionepitheliomas, are almost indistinguishable from trophoblast cells. For, as Dr. Beard pointed out over seventy years ago, they're one and the same.

Let's turn now to the question of defense mechanisms! Before we can hope to conquer cancer, first we must understand, how nature conquers cancer, how nature protects the body and controls the growth of trophoblast cells.

White Blood Cells:
All animals contain billions of white blood cells. One of the functions of these cells is to attack and destroy anything that is foreign and harmful to our bodies. For this reason it would seem logical that they would attack cancer cells, also. But since cancer is trophoblast and since trophoblast is not foreign to the body, but is in fact a vital part of the life cycle, nature has provided it with a very effective means of avoiding the white cells.

One of the characteristics of the trophoblast is that it's surrounded by a thin protein coating that carries a negative electrostatic charge. The white cells also have a negative charge. And since similar polarities repel each other, the trophoblast is well protected.

Part of the solution to this problem is found in the pancreas, which secretes an enzyme called trypsin. When this enzyme reaches the trophoblast in sufficient quantity, it digests the protective protein coat. The cancer then is exposed to the attack of the white cells and it dies.

Applying this to the embryo we find that the trophoblast cells there continue to grow and spread right up to the eighth week. And then suddenly with no apparent reason they stop growing and are destroyed. Recent research has provided the explanation. It's in the eighth week that the baby's pancreas begins to function.

Now it's significant that the upper intestines - near the point, where the pancreas empties into it - is the one place in the human body, where cancer is almost never found.

We note also that diabetics - those, who suffer from a pancreas malfunction - are three times more likely to contract cancer, than non-diabetics. These facts, which have puzzled medical investigators for years, at last can be explained in light of the trophoblastic thesis of cancer.

But what happens, if the pancreas is weak or if the rate of cancer growth is so high that the enzyme trypsin can't keep up with it? Then what?

The answer is that nature has provided a backup mechanism, a second line of defense, that can do the job, even if the first line should fail. It involves a unique chemical compound that poisons the malignant cell, while nourishing all the rest. And this is, where the vitamin concept of cancer finally comes back into the picture.

The chemical compound in question, of course, is vitamin B17, which is found in those natural foods containing nitrilosides. It's known also as amygdalin and as such has been used and studied extensively for well over a hundred years. But in its concentrated and purified form developed by Dr. Krebs specifically for cancer therapy it is known as Laetrile. For the sake of clarity in this presentation, however, we shall favor the more simple name: vitamin B17.

The B17 molecule contains two units of sugar, one of benzaldehyde and one of cyanide, all tightly locked together within it. Now, as everyone knows, cyanide can be highly toxic and even fatal, if taken in sufficient quantity. However, locked as it is in this natural state, it's completely inert chemically and has absolutely no effect on living tissue.

There is only one substance that can unlock this molecule and release the cyanide. That substance is an enzyme called beta-glucosidase, which we shall call the "unlocking enzyme". When B17 comes in contact with this enzyme, not only is the cyanide released, but also the benzaldehyde, which is highly toxic by itself. In fact, these two working together are at least one hundred times more poisonous, than either of them separately. The unlocking enzyme is not found to any dangerous degree anywhere in the body, except at the cancer cell, where it always is present in great quantity. The result is that vitamin B17 is unlocked at the cancer cell. It becomes poisonous to the cancer cell and only to the cancer cell.

There's another important enzyme called rhodanese, which we shall identify as the "protecting" enzyme. The reason is that it has the ability to neutralize cyanide by converting it instantly into by-products that actually are beneficial and essential for health. This enzyme is found in great quantities in every part of the body, except the cancer cell, which consequently is not protected.

Here then is a biochemical process that destroys cancer cells, while at the same time nourishes and sustains non-cancer cells. It's an intricate and perfect mechanism of nature that simply couldn't have been accidental.

There's much speculation today about carcinogens, the things that supposedly cause cancer. We're told that researchers now have proven that smoking or excessive exposure to the sun or chemical additives to our food or even certain viruses all can cause cancer. But as we have seen, the real cause is an enzyme and vitamin deficiency. These other things merely are the specific triggers that start the process.

Anything that produces prolonged stress or damage to the body can trigger off the production of estrogen as a part of the healing process. If this goes unchecked, because the body lacks the necessary chemical ingredients to fight back, then the result is cancer.

Specific carcinogens therefore do not cause cancer. They merely determine, where it's going to occur.

Combination Of Defense Against Cancer:
Of course, nature's defenses against cancer include more, than just the pancreatic enzymes and vitamin B17. Research has shown that an important role also may be played by other enzymes, other vitamins, oxygenation of the blood, pH levels and even body temperature. Vitamin B17 seems to be the most vital and direct-acting of all these factors, but none of them can be ignored, for they're an interlocking part of the total natural mechanism.

Fortunately, it's not necessary for man to understand fully every theoretical aspect of this mechanism, in order to make it work for him in practice. All that he really needs to know is the necessity of eating foods rich in all the vitamins and minerals and of minimizing damage or stress to the body.

The reality of the vitamin B17 concept of cancer has been proven in the laboratory beyond any doubt. For example, Dr. Dean Burk, head of the Cytochemistry Section of the National Cancer Institute, has reported that in a series of tests on animal tissue the B17 had no effect on normal cells, but released so much cyanide and benzaldehyde, when it came in contact with cancer cells that not one of them could survive.

Dr. Burk said: "When we add Laetrile to a cancer culture under the microscope, we can see the cancer cells dying off like flies."

World Without Cancer, B17 - Part Two
When is it too late to begin? - Laetrile.

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