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Prostate Cancer.
Thermal Therapy & Other Options.

Whilst researching, we discovered an interesting medical article stating that apparently only about 25% of men with prostate cancer opt for invasive procedures or radiation, whilst others prefer to try hormone therapy, and other options. Let's take a look ...

Turn up the heat!
In May 2000 a German researcher reported that an experimental technique was used on 440 patients using "a probe inserted into the rectum so cancer cells in the nearby prostate gland may be heated and killed with ultrasound".

The report goes on to say "A recent study showed nearly 80% of the 440 men treated had a cancer-free follow-up test, or biopsy. Nearly all had a clear biopsy after a second treatment of high intensity focused ultrasound, or HIFU." - Source:

What is so interesting is that whilst the protocol itself is rather crude, the heating protocol was successful, which is not surprising as it is scientifically proven that heating up cancer cells weakens them.

Evidence of this is supported by numerous global resources and medical research including and The National Cancer Institute (NCI) - the U.S. government’s principal agency for cancer research.

The NCI Fact Sheet states:

"Hyperthermia - also called thermal therapy or thermotherapy - is a form of heat therapy in which body tissue is exposed to high temperatures (up to 113°F). Research has shown that high temperatures can damage and kill cancer cells, usually with minimal injury to normal tissues

1) By killing cancer cells and damaging proteins and structures within cells.

2) Hyperthermia may shrink tumors."

The entire NCI fact sheet on hyperthermia may be read at

Consult with your health practitioner for guidance regarding thermal therapy if considering this option.

FYI: Thermal Therapy - also called Hyperthermia - is an ancient form of healing more commonly recognized as heat therapy, which is safely and comfortably, generated by Far Infrared heat (FIR).

FIR works best when positioned close to the body, the heat penetrating 2 1/2" or so, working from the inside out of the cells, to combat and terminate cancer. Thermal oncology is an established therapy outside the USA.


Men Only - Options:
1) What is PSA?
The prostate gland produces a substance called PSA (prostate specific antigen). A small amount of PSA can be found in blood, but it is mostly found in semen.

PSA is measured by nanograms per millimeter of blood. Most men have under 4 nanograms. Anything above 4 may indicate a problem. High PSA numbers indicate cancer and must be brought down. 

2) Phone radiation.
Do NOT carry your cell phone in your pocket! - EMF radiation has proven to cause prostate cancer and sterility.

3) Diet.
A disciplined anti-cancer diet is very important - sugar must be eliminated. The focus is on alkaline food foods and beverages.

4) Zinc deficiency.
The prostate gland becomes swollen when it is lacking zinc which it MUST have to function properly. Cucumber and cantaloupe are two food options for zinc - do the research, eat properly, and avoid having a doctor probe you!

Dairy products should be avoided.

There is now plenty of scientific evidence that excessive calcium intake increases the chance of metastatic prostate cancer.

In 1998, Harvard researchers published a study of dairy product intake among 526 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and 536 similar men not diagnosed with the disease.

The study found a 50% increase in prostate cancer risk and a near doubling of risk of metastatic prostate cancer among men consuming high amounts of dairy products, likely due, say the researchers, to the high total amount of calcium in such a diet.

A Harvard study on the topic, published in October 2001, looked at dairy product intake among 20,885 men and found men consuming the most dairy products had about 32% higher risk of developing prostate cancer than those consuming the least.

6) Habanero chili peppers.
Believed to program cancer cells to commit suicide (apoptosis), the challenge is they are VERY hot!

"Scorched Mouth, Healthy Prostate."
- March 16th 2007 - The Washington Times.

"Gentlemen, eat your chili peppers. Habanero, jalapeno Scotch bonnet - those hot but tasty varieties of the capsicum frutescens have multiple health benefits - including the ability to drive prostate cancer cells to kill themselves, researchers announced yesterday.

According to a team from the University of California at Los Angeles and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, the hot stuff in peppers - capsaicin - caused 80% of active prostate cancer cells growing in mice to "follow the molecular pathways leading to apoptosis," or cell death.

The cancer cells literally committed suicide. What's more, the cancer tumors of the mice treated with a hot pepper extract were one-fifth the size of untreated mice.

"Capsaicin had a profound anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells in culture," said Dr. Soren Lehmann. "It also dramatically slowed the development of prostate tumors formed by those human cell lines grown in mouse models."

What does this mean in the kitchen?
Tex-Mex or curry fans are in luck: the hotter the pepper, the more the benefit. According to Dr. Lehmann, the mice were fed a dose of pepper extract equivalent to what a normal man might consume - 400 milligrams of extract three times a week. That amount translates to three to eight fresh habanero peppers.

Habanero chili
Habanero chili peppers encourage cancer cell

Medically speaking, capsaicin inhibited the action of NF-kappa Beta, a substance found in cells that causes them to grow out of control. Capsaicin also regulates certain proteins that effect the growth of the cells.

"Increased concentrations of capsaicin caused more prostate cancer cells to freeze in a non-proliferative state," according to the study.

American men develop prostate cancer more than any other type of malignancy -- 232,000 new cases are diagnosed in the United States annually; 30,000 men die of prostate cancer in the United States each year.

Hot peppers have received accolades from researchers in recent years for their antioxidant, or cancer-fighting, effects. Anti-inflammatory properties in peppers have been tapped for treatment of migraines, arthritis and muscle pain.

Hot peppers also have been found to suppress appetites and clear a stuffy head; they can aggravate existing heartburn but not cause it.

They are a good source of vitamins A, C and E, folic acid and potassium. Peppers are low in calories and sodium and contain no carbohydrates. Their taste has spawned numerous appreciation societies around the world, not to mention global competitions to determine the hottest variety on the planet.

Still, the chili pepper came under fire in a 2002 Yale University report that established a link between the hot pods and stomach cancer in Mexican workers who ate from 9 to 25 jalapenos a day. The claim has been disputed by other researchers who found that rates of stomach cancer declined in the United States -- though consumption of salsa, chili and other hot foods actually had increased".

- Jennifer Harper, Washington News.

7) Blueberry punch - Australia.

The blueberry drink that can shrink tumors
- Dec. 7th 2007, Daily Mail. 

"Research shows a mixed fruit punch could provide a devastating blow against prostate cancer. The blueberry, red and white grape, raspberry and elderberry cordial rapidly slashes the size of prostate tumors.

It also includes a host of other natural ingredients thought to boost health, including green tea, olive leaves, the herb tarragon and the spices turmeric and ginger. It is thought the ingredients act together to cut inflammation and block a cancer gene.

In tests, Blueberry Punch cut the size of tumors by a quarter in two weeks. Trials are now planned to see whether a daily glass or two of the drink could treat the disease and even prevent it developing in the first place.

Bluberries. Blueberries.

Prostate cancer is most common cancer in British men, with nearly 35,000 new cases a year and more than 10,000 deaths.

Dr. Jas Singh, who conducted the research on mice at Sydney University, said: "We have undertaken efficacy studies on individual components of Blueberry Punch in the same laboratory setting and found these effective in suppressing cell growth in culture. We reasoned that synergistic or additive effects are likely to be achieved when they are combined."

The researchers looked at the effect of Blueberry Punch on both cancer cell cultures in the laboratory and genetically engineered mice with human prostate tumors. After only two weeks of having the syrupy solution added to their drinking water, their tumors had shrunk by 25 per cent, an American Association for Cancer Research conference heard.

Blueberry Punch is an Australian product available for sale on the internet -

Greg Jardine, the drink's inventor, said the results were comparable to drugs used to treat prostate cancer. Successful human trials would give the punch 'more credibility within the medical and scientific communities', he said, adding: "We would like it to be considered in the same league as a drug."

In Britain, the Prostate Cancer Charity, said the drink had shown 'promising results' but cautioned that the research was still at an early stage. Debbie Clayton, the charity's information manager, said: "The researchers are planning a small study of 150 men with prostate cancer who will drink three glasses of the juice every day.

The research was part-funded by Blueberry Punch's Australian manufacturer, Dr Red Nutraceuticals. However, the scientists said they designed and conducted the experiments independently."

- By Fiona Macrae, Daily Mail.

NOTE: The ingredients of Blueberry Punch have long been recognized as healing medicinal plants - great product.

8) Flower pollen - Curcumin (tumeric).

"Studies to support these claims have been conducted throughout the world for nearly 40 years, and the overall success rate seen in patients with BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), is about 70 percent". - Source:

Pollen Extract:
Source - Search for Pollen-Extract-and-Prostate-Health.pdf

Graminex has the best flower pollen extract products.
Watch the video:


9) Vitamin D
Some medical studies have found that men with high levels of Vitamin D appear to have a lower chance of developing advanced prostate cancer. Since Vitamin D is radiated from the sun, get out your speedo and go have some fun!

10) Pomegranate juice and the prostate.
Prostate cancer can be slowed by drinking pomegranate juice which decreases PSA levels.



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decide your tomorrow's.


  For home or professional use.
Thermal therapy testimonials by request.

Habanero peppers, sunshine and Far Infrared - what do they all have in common? Heat. Far infrared thermal therapy is a gentle heat that has a non-toxic, non-invasive effect on the body, maintaining, supporting and promoting natural health, healing and wellness. It may be used alongside orthodox oncology, with no contraindications.


When maintaining health, It is important to keep in mind that every persons body, diet, environmental toxins, and emotional state is uniquely different, and we all have very individualized lifestyle and karma. Every individual has different issues to examine and release in order to heal, besides applying natural healing tools.

Diagnosis Cancer
What is cancer and what is the cause.

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