Illness, and
How to be sick.
How to make yourself unwell, sick
and diseased. It's SO easy,
chances are you are already an expert!
It is really
easy to make your body sick. Chances are you have
already done this to yourself, yet you are
wondering WHY you are ill and even frantically
spending money trying to make yourself better.
How much money are you wasting on drugs, invasive
procedures, doctors, and even beauty care for the
face and body you see in the mirror that is
depressed, unwell, aging, overweight or run down?
How to be well - easier
said than done:
1) Focus on finding peace and
neutrality regarding incomplete, unresolved,
ongoing personal mental/emotional issues, and
change any negative beliefs that are poisoning
your cells, aging and acidifying your body. Some
issues may be recent and some may go way back in
your past.
2) RELEASE AND FORGIVE any negative
event or person.
4) LIVE IN THE MOMENT and take good
care of your mind, your emotions and your body -
then, and only then, will you be healthy and
You and the World.
Seven common
mental/emotional Issues that often
manifest into physical illness and
1) Someone
died - your parent, your sibling, your
pet, your best friend, your child. Your mind and
emotions move into extreme grief or anger but you
hold onto the pain and do not let it go.
2) Someone
you love left you (divorce, break-up).
Again, you move into pain and do not let them go
mentally and emotionally.
3) You
had something valuable taken away from
you- usually your home or your job. You do not let
go but choose to hold on to the pain and anguish.
4) Something traumatic happened to
you physically/mentally - either
caused by someone else, or by your own words and
actions. You refuse to deal with the resulting
mental/emotional trauma and bury it in a chosen
5) You
are stressed most of the time - factors
include work, love, kids, partner, parents,
friends, and of course money:
a) You hate your job, your kids are out of
control, your partner wants someone else or is
having an affair, you are in serious lifelong
conflict with a parent, you are under peer
pressure, you are in debt living paycheck to
paycheck, ect
b) You refuse to take responsibility, take
action, be truthful, speak up or stand up for
6) You are repeating your parents
negative patterns of relationship and love.
7) You
live from a place of FEAR and PAIN - Fear
often manifests in specific behaviors:
- Anger.
- Lying.
- Control over others - mentally, emotionally,
- Judgment of others - unkind gossip.
- Physical Violence.
- Sexual Abuse.
- Addiction: Food (resulting in obesity or
anorexia), drugs, alcohol, medication, shopping,
hoarding, work.
Fear behavior is used to control and suppress
reality, truth and emotion. Fear is used to lash
out at others, to place blame, to deny.
Do you relate to any of
the following:
- You allow others to walk all over you.
- You try to buy love by giving presents.
- You constantly take care of others but not
- You own a large number of pets and live alone.
- You hoard things and/or your home is a disaster.
- You have issues with your sexuality or lack of
- Obsessions such as
work, shopping, house cleaning, your physical
appearance, your health, food.
- You are afraid of becoming old, of being
overlooked by society, or swept aside.
- You have psychosomatic Illness to avoid
confrontation or to gain attention, love and
- You need for outside sources to validate you, or
to tell you what to do, or what to believe in.
All these fears and compulsions are a cry
for love, connection and understanding, a
refusal to take personal responsibility, a lack
of love for self.
Negative emotions create a highly
acidic body. An acidic body becomes a sick body.
Fearful behavior and addiction, does not avert
confrontation - it spotlights you have inner
Seriously ask yourself:
don't i want to feel?"
"What am i REALLY afraid of happening?"
Confronting your
fears - mental/emotional issues,
is the only way to make them dissolve.
Relationship Drama.
14 reasons your relationship may be
If your love partner
1) Swears at you frequently.
2) Withholds sex.
3) Constantly brings up the past.
4) Does serious drugs or alcohol.
5) Lies.
6) Constantly criticizes you.
7) Accuses you of things you have not done.
8) Does not contribute financially.
9) Refuses to share activities with you.
10) Threatens or emotionally blackmails you.
11) Physically hurts you.
12) Hates your friends.
13) Is distant, emotionally cold, short
14) Never
complements you, or takes you out, or gives you
... It's over. WAKE UP!
Look inside yourself and honestly
deal with the emotional issues that have drawn
this situation to you and look at WHY you are holding
A relationship is for
you to learn about YOU.
If you had mental/emotional issues going
into the relationship, chances are you will
still have them when the relationship fails.
teach other people how to treat you. YOU taught
your partner what he/she can or cannot get away
with, based on your own fears and insecurities.
a) "Do i want to remain in
this same relationship 1, 5, 10 years from now?"
b) "If i were he/she, would i want
to be with me right now?"
c) "What do I need to learn about ME from
If a
relationship has no TRUST, RESPECT and
Ask yourself on a scale of
1-10 for each, how much trust, respect and
communication is between you and the person
you love. You can also apply this to every
relationship you have - family, children,
friends, co-workers.
1) Do you enjoy being depressed, insecure,
controlled, fearful, miserable, guilty?
2) Do you find comfort in drama?
3) Do you seriously expect that person or
that situation, to change by itself?
4) Do you believe your issues will go away
by blaming everyone and everything but yourself?
5) Are you prepared for the physical health
problems that will manifest sooner or later?
Is it that impossible for you to make new and
better choices with different consequences? What
do you have to lose? What will you gain ... if you
take responsibility, and be truthful with
If you have
children or animals, your
mental/emotional issues will impact them deeply
and they too will suffer mentally, emotionally and
The mind -
Ignoring or burying mental/emotional issues inside
you, only leads to further grief, pain, anger,
sadness and serious illness. How many
years are you prepared to waste?
How to
let go mentally
and emotionally, and heal?

A mantra
that works.
Confront Yourself, Forgive,
Release, Give Back:
1) Allow Yourself To Feel.
Face the pain and refuse to numb, suppress, deny
or hide it any longer.
2) Take Responsibility For Your Life.
3) Start keeping a daily journal and
release negative energy by writing down everything
you feel and think.
4) Scream into a pillow - beat up a pillow!
5) Allow yourself to cry.
6) Forgive Yourself.
Try Ho'oponopono (see image above), an ancient
Hawaiian practice meaning "to set right". Why this
works cannot truly be explained, but it does.
It heals within you whatever is creating the outer
circumstance. Take
responsibility. Direct the words to your
higher self to the place where hurt resides
within you.
7) Confront the
person who triggered the pain, either in person,
or by the following:
a) Write them a letter but don't send it
(unless it is really appropriate) - pour out
your heart and write down everything you feel.
b) Imagine them sitting in a chair
opposite you, and have a conversation with them
out loud.
8) If living with an abusive person or
job, WALK AWAY! Let them go. Is THEIR life more
important than YOURS?
9) Change the way you think. Change
how you react. REFUSE to repeat the past.
10) Create a wall poster with visual
images of what you want in life, set goals and
give them a date.
11) Look in the mirror everyday and say
"I Love You" even if you don't. Face the
emotions that come up until you find love that
is hiding.
12) Throw or give away
every single item in your home that does not
make you smile or bring joy, everything that you
do not use, or you do not need. Clean out every
single drawer and cupboard. Then paint the
walls, introduce new colors and images that make
you happy and inspired.
Release the past.
Take only the lessons and
the sweet memories.

13) Give Back.
Give your time and support to a cause dear to your
heart where help and love is needed - children,
animals, seniors, veterans, addicts, natural
disasters, the poor, the sick, the physically
challenged etc. Help yourself, strengthen your
soul, by helping others.
14) When you are ready, share what
you have learnt with others still living in the
darkness you have walked through. Show them the
15) Be Grateful. At the end of
each day, write down or speak aloud, what you are
grateful for, and one single lovely thing that
happened that day.
is the physical manifestation
your emotions and thoughts:
If you refuse to deal with or deny
mental/emotional issues, chances are high the
consequences will range from ongoing minor
physical health challenges, to life threatening
Daily physical abuse that poisons your body
thereby expanding mental-emotional issues:
1) You refuse to get your body moving - no
aerobic exercise, little to no physical activity
... you lie in bed, sit on the couch, drive in
your car, sit behind a desk ... no walks, no
sports, little to no sex ... all of which creates
guaranteed oxygen depletion and
toxin accumulation resulting in disease (cancer
thrives without oxygen).
Lack of physical movement ages the body, depletes
the cells of oxygen, and shuts down natural
detoxification processed by the lymph system.
2) You eat mostly acid foods -
guaranteed to poison your body, age yourself and
increase probability of cancer. Acid foods and
beverages (especially sugar), poisons your cells
thereby creating and feeding illness - cancer
becomes a real possibility. The U.S. food pyramid
is a LIE.
3) You take prescribed medication, usually
every day. Toxicity is promoted quickly and
effectively. Prescribed medications POISON you.
The majority of western doctors are paid to keep
your body sick with toxic drugs and expensive,
sometimes unnecessary surgery.
4) You get very little sleep so your body
cannot rejuvenate, heal, relax or de-stress. This
guarantees anger, a short temper and frustration.
5) You have heavy contact with modern
technology everyday - your cell phone, and
of course your computer - resulting in eyesight
problems, brain malfunction, insomnia and skin
Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF's) change your
DNA and your natural body frequency - EMF's
holding cell phones close to the head are proven
to cause brain cancer tumors. Men that carry their
cell phone in their pocket risk prostate cancer or
6) You avoid water and
prefer alcohol, soda or coffee (diet and decaf is
worse than the original) - Dehydration causes pain
and body system break down - Aspartame (soda
content) has proven to be deadly. Sugar (soda and
alcohol) feeds cancer.
7) You get
very little sun exposure -
Far infrared heat and Vitamin D deficiency
results in depression and illness.
8) You use a microwave oven frequently,
thus poisoning and changing your cellular
structure and DNA.
9) You
use aluminum cookware,
toothpaste content, deodorant content etc -
Increase your chances for Alzheimer's and
Parkinson's disease.
10) You have had vaccinations
- you allow your kids to become vaccinated -
Illness and disease, a broken immune system.
11) You work daily under fluorescent
lights, thereby creating headaches, migraines,
eye problems.
12) Existing mental/emotional issues
creates an acid body, which promotes cancer,
which is further promoted by conventional cancer
Radiation and
Chemotherapy may perhaps postpone
death for a few, but in the end they will kill
you. Both are poison. They DEVASTATE your immune
system and your brain. Chemo is proven to cause
cancer cells to proliferate. These protocols
will push your body over the edge on every
physical 'accident' is usually your higher-self
FORCING you to stop, take a look at your life,
make changes, and let go.
is a choice found
only by living in the moment.

Health is a reward.
Your body-mind
connection determines your life journey. Your entire life is a creation of
your thoughts and emotions.
Physical manifestations of illness and disease
are simply the consequences of YOU refusing to
deal with and LET GO of mental/emotional
When the pain of holding
on, becomes greater
than the pain of letting go, you WILL let
Let go of yesterday!
in the moment.

recommended - "The
Bodymind Workbook" by Debbie Shapiro.
Available from Amazon. Your
specific physical illness indicates your
mental-emotional issues. This book is a
must have, to help you identify and
understand the source of your physical
illness, then you can allow the real
healing begin.
Need to
smile, need some joy?
A few minutes time out.
Body-Mind Connection
Let. Go!