Chi Machine



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Sun Ancon Chi Machine Benefits
The OG of the SOQI Family.

Sun Ancon Chi Machine benefits primarily include the promotion of increased cellular oxygenation, lymphatic drainage, detoxification, and blood circulation, via gentle precision swaying of the body from side to side just as a goldfish swims.

Other noteworthy health benefits are temporary relief from muscle aches and pains, increased energy, mental focus, lactic acid release, back alignment support, the balance of the autonomic nervous system, physical and mental release from tension and stress, calming relaxation and the promotion of sound sleep.

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HTE Logo. Sun Ancon Chi
                      Machine SDM 888 Goldfish chi

SOQI Sun Ancon Chi Machine SDM-888
Natural Health, Fitness and Wellness.
Built to last 20-25 years.

The Chi Machine creates daily movement of the body which is the foundation of health due to oxygenation and lymphatic detoxification of the cells. If we don't move, our body stews in toxins, the cells lack oxygen to perform optimally, and the brain becomes foggy and slow.

The Foundation Of Daily Health.

                      machine body


Maintain the core foundation of health, of the body and mind, via passive aerobic physical and mental stimulation, with no side effects, no risk of injury, no drugs, by using the Sun Ancon Chi Machine.

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Sun Ancon Chi Machine Benefits Summary:

1) Relieves minor muscle aches, pains and tension caused by fatigue or overexertion - relaxes muscles locally - gentle internal massage.

2) Increases local blood circulation, cell oxygenation and metabolism - promotes mobility and energy.

3) Lying flat on the back opens up the lungs and promotes deeper, calmer breathing - enhances meditation.

3) Stimulation of the Lymphatic System promotes elimination of metabolic waste and toxins.

4) Lymphatic fluid drainage (proven in clinical trials), and dissipation of lactic acid.

5) Healthy back support, promoting alignment and muscle relaxation - no pressure placed on the spine.

6) Promotes both mental focus and physical energy.

7) Induces Alpha waves of relaxation in the brain, coupled with stimulation of the spine's autonomic nervous system which shifts the body from 'fight or flight' into 'rest and relaxation' - stress release.

8) Provides a unique experience, the rush of Chi energy (life-force) felt through the body when the machine stops.

9) Common side benefits may include sounder sleep, improved elimination, improved mobility, and general weight loss combined with a healthy diet.

Click on photo to view video:

video chi machine girl

Lights, camera, action!
1 in 4 Adults, 61 Million Americans, have a disability that impacts their major life activities. The two leading disabilities, are lack of mobility and impaired cognition. Lack of movement, increases immobility and mental dysfunction, increasingly declining as time goes by.

Both disabilities are vastly improved, slowed down, or reversed, by movement, which creates critical oxygenation and circulation, both physically and mentally.

                                machine benefits

The first machine created in the SOQI family
of health, fitness and healing.

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The Story of the Original Chi Machine:

The Original Chi Machine (the Sun Ancon), is the result of 38 years of medical and scientific research by renowned Japanese scientist Dr. Shizou Inoue, also chairman of the Oxygen Health Association.

Dr. Inoue researched the relationship between body movement and the body's natural oxygen levels and requirements. He designed the Chi Machine to enable the human body to gently sway from side to side in a figure of eight (the same way a goldfish swims), with absolutely no pressure or stress to the body as in traditional forms of exercise where the body is normally erect.

Dr. Inoue.-inoue book

"Aerobic Respiration Exercise And Health" by Japanese scientist Dr. Inoue, creator of the Original Chi Machine, known as the Sun Ancon.
Inspired by an exercise incorporated into the Martial Art of Aikido, named the goldfish exercise, he discovered that the undulation of the goldfish's spine, released the required oxygen the fish needed to survive. He noticed the flexibility of the spine due to the very specific side to side motion which is awkward for humans to duplicate on their own accord.

Japanese engineers worked with his concept and created the technical design for the original Chi Machine which uses minimum effort and achieves maximum results through the specific figure of eight motion, and one set speed, exactly as envisioned by Dr. Inoue so as to receive maximum health benefits.

The actual side to side goldfish motion massages and stimulates the Autonomic Nervous System housed within the spine, further promoting rest and relaxation. 
This motion may also be compared to a masseuse holding your ankles and swinging you from side to side after Japanese Shiatsu massage. Land mammals intuitively duplicate this very same motion ...
                      of eight motion.wolf-roll

One set speed vs multiple incorrect speeds:

The original Chi Machine has a precise oscillation (movement from side to side), at approximately 144 cycles/minute as designed by Dr. Inoue - a multiple of the average pulse rate (72) and the cerebro-spinal pump rhythm (12) synchronized with heat rate, blood pressure and spinal alignment - creates a balanced, rhythmic, relaxing wave-like motion throughout the entire body in a perfect figure of eight.

Faster or slower speeds (imitatation chi machines), will throw off the figure of eight and cause imbalance, lessening the benefits of 144 cycles. The original Sun Ancon is intentionally designed to accommodate all body-types, taking into consideration all ages, height, weight and health status.


10 Fast Facts:
- Strong, durable, quality motor and parts - known to last 20-25yrs.

- Classified as a medical device in Canada, Australia, Japan, USA.

- USA UL approval for electrical safety - File E133341.
- Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance - LRQA ISO-9002.
- Australian Venous and Secondary Lymphedema Clinical Trials

- Multiple global patents

- 'The Chi Machine' is a trademarked name belonging to HTE (Hsin Ten Enterprise).

- Dr. Inoue the creator, partnered exclusively with HTE.

- The original Chi Machine was launched in 1990, named the Sun Harmony then changed to the Sun Ancon.

- HTE green/gold logo indicates authenticity of the Original Chi Machine, a member of the SOQI family.


Perfect for days stuck indoors,
or for those who can't go out.


10.5" x 13.5" x 8.25" / 33.7cm x 30.2cm x 21.2cm
Weight: 15.5lb / 7kg - Strong, solid, durable, quiet.
Known to last 15 to 25yrs.
2yr warranty - Extended warranty available but not needed!
Available 110v, or 220v for overseas.

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Chi Machine benefits all ages, lifestyles and professions.
Stressed parents, hyperactive children and unfocused adults, students that need mental focus, office workers that sit all day, hard working construction workers and manual laborers, athletes, military personnel, the physically challenged, and sedentary senior citizens ...

Computer workers with fatigue, muscle pain and disrupted sleep patterns, those who endure long hours of commuting, sales people on their feet all day, chiropractors and professionals needing to relax their patients ...

Highly stressed teachers, medics, police and firemen, everyone that needs to calm their body down from daily physical and mental stress and who lacks energy ...

Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials or Gen Z ... the Chi Machine makes a difference both mentally and physically for all of us no matter what age or generation.

Raise your hand if you can't spare 5 to 10 minutes!


Famous Australian athlete Solomon Haumono. A great training choice for athletes and coaches - for warm up/cool down, mental focus and more.

Attention athletes:
Knock out your competition with this secret weapon! The Sun Ancon Chi Machine may be used for warming up, enhanced performance, mental focus, and to cool down after engaging in athletics, body building, martial arts, dance, ballet or yoga. Increased oxygen promotes dissipation of lactic acid from sore muscles if used after a workout session.

Seniors, physically challenged, bedridden, or wheelchair bound:
Due to its low impact operation, the Chi Machine is extremely valuable to those who through age or physical limitations have reduced activity. These people in particular benefit tremendously from the gentle motion of the machine and the additional oxygen which stimulates mental focus.

The machine temporarily relieves muscle aches and pains enabling seniors to be more comfortable and mobile, allowing you to spend quality time with your grandparents and loved ones, both mentally and physically.

The Sun Ancon Chi Machine is used whilst lying down with no pressure, stress or tension applied to any part of your body so there is no risk of injury. Unlike high impact, vigorous exercise, heartbeat and blood pressure do not increase and there is NO stress to your back, the spine, joints, muscles, ligaments, heart or lungs.

For those who are wheelchair bound, simply place the feet on top of the ankle rest if it is not possible to use lying down in bed.


Some of us hate exercise.
The Chi Machine does it for you.


Professional and Public Recognition:

1) Highly rated by hospitals and doctors worldwide as an important clinical, medical and health maintenance unit.

2) Health Care Professionals - Masseuses, physiotherapists, doctors, chiropractors, clinics and day spas across Canada, Mexico, Europe, Australia and Asia - are utilizing the Sun Ancon Chi Machine's health and wellness benefits in their business practice as well as their personal daily lives.

3) Tens of thousands of people across Asia, Australia, North America, Europe and Scandinavia use their Sun Ancon Chi Machine on a regular basis with remarkable results being reported consistently for over 30 years to date.

                          Doctors TV show
4) The Sun Ancon Chi Machine has built a solid reputation with medical professionals as well as the public, and has been showcased on TV four times worldwide, including "Dr. Oz" and The Doctors - a daily TV health show, broadcast across the USA, Canada and Europe.

5) Japan ranks as having one of the highest health levels of technology in the world. The Sun Ancon Chi Machine was created in Japan.

Why is it called the CHI machine?

CHI is the life force energy present within every living thing, stimulated and enhanced by the movement of the original Chi Machine. A wave of this energy can be felt sweeping gently thru the body, after the Chi Machine stop moving.

The chi energy sends messages throughout the body, promoting balance of the the meridians and chakras.

Chi is a metaphysical, universal energy well known by ancient cultures as well as throughout the world today, used in ancient healing modalities such as Reiki and Pranic Healing and by the Martial Arts such as Chi Lel, Chi Gong, Tai Chi and Aikido.

Auras from Chi Machine.

Chi Machine and the Aura
Fascinating information on how the Sun Ancon Chi Machine reflects changes in the aura.

Did you know ...

75 trillion cells provide your body with the energy to carry out every brain function, body movement, and the needs of all your body systems and organ functions.

Each cell has two requirements to produce this energy:

a) Nutrition from pH balanced food intake.

b) Oxygen generated from physical movement, which fuels the body and brain with oxygen which in turn carries nutrients to the cells.

Oxygen depletion can lead to just about every possible illness you can imagine. Oxygen and water are the top two most critical keys to health and wellness. So simple, but 99.9% overlooked, forgotten or disregarded.

chi machine oxygenation 

Is your body stagnant?
Bacteria, viruses, parasites and disease all thrive in a low oxygen environment, commonly seen in stagnant pools of water. The body is approximately 75% water. How clean is your body?

The critical importance of oxygenating the body and mind, CANNOT be underestimated. You MUST get your body stimulated and moving everyday.

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Does your body get the oxygen
and movement it needs:


Sedentary lifestyles are not
conducive to health and fitness.

Emotional stress and largely sedentary activities contribute to chronically low levels of oxygen which will leave you feeling tired and depleted.

The fastest and most effective way to change this, is aerobic exercise - to get your body moving - but many people find exercising tiring, exhaustive and time consuming. However, long-term consequences can prove to be miserable, even fatal.

City life induces physical and mental toxic overload:

The factors below all cause the quality of health to slowly decline ...

- Self medications: prescription drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, vaping.

- Constant cell phone use.

- Fast food / processed food.

- Air conditioning and heating causes weakening of skin and lung function.

- Smog, contaminated water supplies, constant noise.

- Increased height and density of surrounding concrete building structures and power lines - massive increase in EMF's from Gwen towers and mobile phones.

- Minimal activity - Lack of movement creates retention of waste matter and toxins. Physical activity must be included on a daily basis in order for the body to remain fit and well.

Preventative care of the body is easier and a lot less expensive than the cost of dealing with illness, disease and opioid addiction.

The Chi Machine Experience.
Simply lie down and relax!

postition arms up

Stretched Back Position.

- Placing the arms above the head creates traction throughout your whole body helping to temporarily relieve muscular tension, stress and discomfort.

position arms behind
The Mid Position.

- Clasp hands behind head. This position exaggerate the curves of your spine and imparts a stronger motion to your spinal column.

position goldfish
Goldfish Position.

- Arms relaxed by your sides, palms down. Good for releasing tension and relaxation.

Simple, portable, convenient, effortless and sweatless, easy to use no matter what level of fitness or health, anywhere, anytime.

Relax in the comfort of your own home - an excellent option when the weather is not conducive to outside activity. At work? Take 5-10 minutes time-out to refresh, regroup, calm the body and boost mental focus.

Lie on the floor (or on a bed if the machine is stabilized), place your ankles on the foot rest, relax and set the timer. Once the swaying motion of the Chi Machine stops, you will experience the tingling rush of Chi that sweeps from your toes to your head, leaving relaxation, calm and inner peace.

Best time of day to use the Chi Machine is first thing in the morning before breakfast, for mental focus and to kick start the body for the day ahead. Consistent use creates cumulative healing benefits and maintains health.

Detailed Instructions
Indepth details with questions and answers.
All body types, all sizes, 4-100 yrs.

1) The Chi Machine does NOT exercise or build muscles which is considered anaerobic and requires weight resistance.

2) The original Chi Machine has NEVER been promoted or intended for serious weight loss. However, it may be noted that Australian clinical trials (see below) noted weight loss, also reported for over 30yrs by countless users.


The Chi Machine promotes relaxation.
Would NOW be a great time to begin?

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Know the Importance of your Lymphatic System!

Your Lymphatic System MUST be activated daily in order to remove toxicity. Lymph can only be moved around the body as the result of physical activity.

The Lymphatic System is spread like a tree, throughout your body delivering nutrients to the cells and removing the waste that is left behind. it is vital to take daily actions to stimulate the flow of lymph to assist in the removal of waste products from your body. In fact it is so crucial to your health, that you would die within 24 hours if this system quit working.

The Lymphatic System - which also includes the spleen, thymus, tonsils, and bone marrow - is constantly defending the body against millions of microscopic attackers. The lymphatic system is given considerable attention in the treatment of toxicity as well as reducing edema.

Tiny vessels carry a colorless fluid called lymph. Suspended in the fluid are lymphocytes (white blood cells) whose purpose is to fight disease and infection. The network is connected by small bean sized organs called lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes - which are mostly in the arm pits, neck, groin, chest and abdomen - filter the fluid and initiate your body's immune system response.

You have 3 times as much lymph fluid in your body as you do blood but, unlike blood there is no pump to circulate the fluid.

Lack of exercise, shallow breathing and even anger causes the lymphatic system to become sluggish, which can cause circulation to the cells to be impaired. This, in turn, can effect the removal of toxic waste. Exercise, massage and deep breathing will stimulate the Lymphatic System, enable detox, cleansing and pain release.

If toxins are not eliminated from your cells effectively, numerous disorders effecting the Immune System will develop. Exercise effectively and speedily moves body fluids, aiding the lymphatic system in detox, extremely important for those who get very little exercise, the elderly, the sick and people in physical rehabilitation. Every healing art on earth involves getting oxygen to cells.

Dr. C. Samuel West.

                          Samuel West.
Chemist and Lymphologist.

Dr. West dedicated a lifetime to studying the Lymphatic System - "When the lymphatic vessels are properly activated they have the ability to pull out the dead cells, poisons, and excess water from around the cells to get the cells into what is called the "Dry-State".

When we do what is necessary to get the cells into the "Dry State" there is no excess water around the cells, only enough water to fill the crevices around the cells, and that is all. This is the condition that all the cells in your body must be in to get oxygen from the blood stream. Furthermore, you don't get pain, loss of energy or disease (of any kind) when the cells are in this condition." - Dr. Samuel West.
Important Article by Dr. C. Samuel West:
The Lymphatic System and the Sun Ancon Chi Machine

Scientific Clinical Trials.
Prof. Neil Piller.
- One of the world's top ten leading authorities on Lymphoedema, completed 16 months of scientific clinical trials and research on the Sun Ancon Chi Machine, at the prestigious Medical Center of Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia.

- Prof. Piller found the machine to be an extremely efficient, easy and safe method for the use of lymph drainage. The HTE trials were a success.

- Flinders University who had no vested interest in HTE, issued x3 public booklets - Secondary Lymphoedema, Venus Oedema and Patient Testimonials - presenting results of the medical trials.

Flinders University

Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.

Clinical Trials and Results

Lymphedema of the legs.


When not to use the Sun Ancon Chi Machine:

- Within 3 months of post surgery or bone fracture.
- If suffering from open wounds or infection.

- During pregnancy (best used a few weeks after normal delivery to support recovery).

- If you have an old, unstable pacemaker.
- If you suffer from epilepsy.
- If you have serious heart disease (unable to walk).

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Back Problems?


More Chi Machine Benefits

- Extensive question and answer section.
- Spinal health, stress, and your autonomic nervous system.
- Meet the Japanese scientist and creator Dr. Inoue.


Original Chi Machine

Sun Ancon:

20-25 years life expectancy.

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Buyer Beware Imitation Chi Machines.

Following the dramatic results obtained by using the Original Chi Machine, multiple imitation chi machines were created.

Many imitations use multiple speeds which have allegedly caused increased blood pressure, headaches, knee problems and lower back pain caused by incorrect oscillation speed. Many also reportedly breakdown within 12 months due to plastic parts and weak motors that burn out.

The Original Chi Machine, known as Sun Ancon, is the only Chi Machine ...

- To undergo clinical trials and medical research.

- Classified and regulated as a medical device in 4 countries, Japan, Australia, Canada, USA.

- To achieve global patents in 26 countries - multiple International awards.

- Not sold on Amazon.

- To literally outlive, outlast and outperform all imitations.


Chi Machine Myths
Disinformation set straight - Answers to questions you may have.





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Chi Energy International.