Imitation Chi Machine -
                    Buyer Beware


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Imitation Chi Machine.
Buyer Beware - You get what you pay for!

In every industry, the best ideas and products are worth imitating. Chi Machine imitations are abundant, manufactured by companies capitalizing on the original Chi Machine's award winning, solid, outstanding reputation, and global success.

Imitation companies offer similar machines, claiming that they will produce similar or same results. This page is to inform you of the facts, to help save your time and hours of research and confusion.

Imitation Chi Machine, commonly categorized as 'Chi Exercise Machines', are plentiful, using creative names, in varied combinations such as ... Chi Energizer, Chi Swing Machine, Chi Vitalizer, Passive Exerciser, Swing Master, Stress Buster, Surge of Chi etc.

Merchants sometimes refer to them directly as 'The Original' Chi Machine and they are not. They are cheaper versions (as low as $79.99) of the original Chi Machine, brand named the Sun Ancon.

The REAL Chi Machine.

Logo.Sun Ancon Chi Machine.

The Original Chi Machine, the Sun Ancon.
Sold worldwide by HTE since 1990.

The green symbol is HTE's company logo located on both the machine and the timer.

The Chi Machine ®, a registered trademarked name - Reg. No. 2 338 684 - and belongs exclusively to HTE, the only company authorized to sell it.

The original Chi Machine was created to improve and maintain health, has a reputation for being solid, durable, safe and sound, is built to last 15 to 25 yrs or more, is registered as a medical device in four countries, and has patents worldwide.

Some imitation machines have held up to provide some health benefits, whilst others have not. Most imitations are sold on whereas HTE does not, a strict company policy.

Many imitations often replicate in their own words, the original Sun Ancon Chi Machine data, history and information (some have chosen to copy/paste directly from this website), even attaching the goldfish symbol traditionally associated with the original Chi Machine.


The Company, the Inventor, the Engineers:


The Sun Ancon Chi Machine inventor Dr. Shizuo Inoue, and HTE Chairman Gordon Pan from Taiwan, at a medical meeting in Japan.

After 38 years of research focusing on oxygen respiration of the human body by Dr. Shizue Inoue - Chairman of the Japanese Oxygen Health Association and Director of the Japanese Health Association - collaborated with Japanese engineers at Skylite Corporation who took his concept and designed the Sun Ancon Chi Machine.

HTE (Hsin Ten Enterprise), was then granted exclusive rights to sell the machine by Dr. Inoue.


Skylite Industry Company President, Keiichi Ohashi, contributed to the development and manufacture of the machine with the objective of producing a machine (the original SDM-323), that would be a health exerciser best suited to the human body.

This scientific product promotes increased oxygen levels and internal massage based on medical and physiological sciences from Dr. Inoue's research.

Background of the Original Chi Machine.

Fast Facts:

1) Prior to the invention of the original Chi Machine, there was the Japanese Aikido Nishi Health System (Martial Arts) goldfish exercise, which re-created the physical motion likened to a swimming goldfish, for the associated health benefits.

2) The Chi Machine was created directly from Dr. Shizuo Inoue's research, first manufactured in 1990, and globally distributed exclusively by HTE, a Taiwanese company.

3) HTE has a research and development group of 30-40 Japanese scientists who are continuously inventing and developing more effective healthcare products through a joint venture between HTE (Hsin Ten Enterprise) and Skylite Industry Corporation, Japanese specialists in the manufacturing of medical apparatus and instruments.
4) The original patent specifications have NEVER been altered due to exact technical specifications needed to produce the correct balance, harmony and healing ability within the human body.
5) The Chi Machine oscillates at 140/minute +/- 5 and has NO VARIABLE SPEEDS.
                    chi machine

Clinical Trials:

1) 16 months of extensive medical research, at the prestigious Flinders University in Adelaide, Southern Australia. Clinical trials focused on Lymphedema. Other parameters measured included blood flow, lymphatic transport capacity and immune system function.
2) Acclaimed by Professor Neil Piller (one of the ten leading authorities on Lymphedema in the world), as the most efficient methods of lymph drainage available.

Three published booklets written by Professor Piller, are available for patients and professionals who would like to read the results of the original Chi Machine clinical trials he conducted at Flinders University.


1) Approved by a Japanese government health dept. as a medical remedial device, twice over.
2) Licensed as a medical device not only in Japan, but also Australia 1994 and Canada on 26/11/04.
3) Regulated as a Class 1 Therapeutic Massager in USA.
4) Carries $10,000,000 in product and public liability insurance.

5) Global Patents in 26 countries.
6) The Sun Ancon Chi Machine has four U.S. patents: D329499 - D340116 - D340529 - 5107822  -
7) Listed by Underwriters Laboratories - UL listing E13334.
1) 100% safe, non injurious or harmful. To the very best of our knowledge, there have been no customer lawsuits or injuries in over 30yrs in business.
2) Medical claims, facts and testimonials have never been fabricated or paid for.
3) The original Chi Machine was created in 1990 with millions sold globally to date.

Used by professionals worldwide:

Used in hospitals and clinics, and by chiropractors, masseuses, medical specialists, physiotherapists, detox centers and numerous other health care professionals, the Sun Ancon Chi Machine is highly rated as a superior clinical, medical and health recovery device.

International Media:
Showcased on four international TV shows, used by pro-athletes, recognized by prestigious health institutions and health journals -

TV show
                          - The Doctors

The original Sun Ancon Chi Machine was highlighted on "The Doctors" TV health show in the USA. Another popular TV show with a famous TV doctor, also featured the Sun Ancon Chi Machine, recommending it for relaxation.
Fit for Fun Chi Machine Test
'Fit For Fun', the leading German health and consumer magazine in Europe, tested the Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine against various imitations. The Sun Ancon won hands down.

Spanning the globe:
Over the past 3 decades, HTE has established global head offices worldwide including Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Indonesia, Australia, Mexico, USA and Canada.

Additional branch offices were incorporated in Singapore and Guatamala, Germany and Switzerland, plus agencies in 18 island countries of the South Pacific, and warehouse's in Germany and S.Africa.

Future plans include possible head offices in Europe and S.America. Israel has seen thriving groups of distributors who set up their own headquarters.


Original Chi Machine VS Imitation:
Construction and long term durability.

                          Machine Fakes

Click image to view video.

Chi Machine Technical Specifications:

1) The Sun Ancon Chi Machine ® oscillates at 140-145 cycles per minute, the same amount of cycles that activates the natural rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Imitation machines typically operate at 120 cycles to 160 cycles.

2)The Sun Ancon swing travel (37mm) from side to side will not injure the spine.

3) The Sun Ancon wing angle (12 degrees) will not injure internal organs. Medical testing has shown that 10-12 degrees is appropriate for men and 12-15 degrees for women.

Consequently, 12 degrees was selected as being appropriate for both men and women. An average angle too high can harm the internal organs while if the angle is not great enough, it will not be effective.

4) The Sun Ancon motor is 28 + 30% Watts. Dr. Inoue's research demonstrated that the body inherent figure of eight harmony can only be affected by the use of a 34-3 Watt motor.

5) The Sun Ancon has quality components made from steel. Imitation exerciser machine components are typically plastic.

6) The Chi Machine ® has a commercial grade motor capable of heavy sustained use. Many have used the machine at health fair shows continuously for 8 to 12 hours with no problems. Some of the imitation machines have warnings not to run more than 15 minutes because they have plastic moving parts that tend to overheat.


Imitation Chi Machine:
Violations, Copyright Infringement,
False Advertising,
False Claims.

1) All the imitation Chi  Exercise Machine (some pictured below), were created AFTER the Sun Ancon/Sun Harmony HTE original Chi Machine ®. None of the imitations are an exact duplication of the original due of course to patent rights.

2) Imitations commonly fail to truthfully address why the original Chi Machine has only one set speed, and no added gimmicks. Imitation chi machine merchants prefer to state there has to be multiple speeds to accommodate, height, weight and age, which is not true.

Two companies with variable speeds claim superiority over the original Chi Machine and all other imitation machines, and one company has gone so far as to say they created variable speeds to accommodate the difference between Asian and Western anatomy - Personally, we find that very offensive!

For the record, different ethnicities may have different facial features, but our human anatomy is absolutely identical.

In a nutshell, a variable speed will distort the perfect figure of eight optimal healing motion energy that 140/145 oscillations per minute creates. If indeed a decrease or surge in speed was beneficial, the Chi Machine would have been created with variable speeds.

3) Rivalry between companies is healthy as long as honesty and transparency is practiced but this is not always the case. Some imitations have faced legal action from HTE, due to patent right violations and copyright infringement.

4) Plagiarized information and images has been a common ongoing challenge over the years. Many imitation Chi Machine merchants have deceptively claimed the EXACT same benefits of Dr. Inoue's original Sun Ancon Chi Machine and 'warn' buyers against buying any 'Chi Machine' other then their own imitation.

They utilize the same facts, statistics, medical information, physical benefits, background history - some WORD FOR WORD - and the exact same graphics, OR alternatively they create a replication of such, with rewritten padded data.

5) False advertising is rife: One example being that a few imitation companies offer the Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine, but at an even higher price to make their imitation more appealing - these companies do not even have the Sun Ancon Chi Machine in stock.

These same companies discuss Japanese scientist Dr. Inoue, misleading the reader into believing that he created their imitation-copycat machine. He of course did not.

6) Poor Quality: A fast dollar is the primary motive behind many of the cheapest imitations, usually manufactured in Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. To quote one vendor who sells imitation Chi Exercise Machines, this behavior is "good American business."

Plastic parts, inexpensive construction materials and poor motors do not indicate a quality product, as reflected by a low price. It is a fact that some customers like to pay as little as possible for a product, yet expect the exact same health benefits as the original.

YOUR HEALTH is the primary and ONLY motive, for scientist Dr. Inoue's 38 years
of painstaking medical research.

Buyers Beware!

Imitation of any product may be considered a form of flattery. Sometimes the imitation is a better choice, such as buying imitation fur, unless you are an eskimo living in the frigid temperatures of the Arctic where you need the real thing!

No imitation machine has conducted medical research, clinical trials or has a medical license:
1) Typically there is: No published medical research. No published medical clinical trials. No medical license (very difficult to obtain). 

2) None of the imitation chi exerciser machines have ever proven to be classified as a medical device.

Marketing Deception:

3) Some imitations use the name 'Chi Machine', or allude to be the original, even daring to utilize the Sun Ancon Chi Machine video clip from 'The Doctors' TV show.

4) Imitations utilize the original Sun Ancon Chi Machine history, data and information, and also image replication of original material. Many include the Sun Ancon goldfish symbol.

5) Multiple speeds are falsely claimed to be beneficial (explained in depth below). The original Chi Machine adheres to the natural rhythms and chi flow of the bodies anatomy.

Some Chi Exercise Machines have added gimmicks such as FIR therapy, magnets, and neck massage.

7) Many copycats are the exact same imitation model, but given a different name, label and price by the merchant - U.S. Jaclean / Daiwa Felicity are the latest examples flooding the market.

8) Prices vary as much as $50 for the EXACT same imitation machine if bought from a different merchant.

9) Only imitations are sold on or eBay, many claiming to be the original.

10) Very poor construction, cheap plastic materials and parts that break down, or motors that overheat.

The initial surge of chi machines has leveled off, but there are still many imitations on the market ranging in price from $79.99 to $359.95 with single or multiple speeds.

Pictured below is just a handful of the many imitation machines commonly sold on and eBay.
Imitation Chi Machine

The unauthentic, weird and ugly.

eBay and

a) HTE has consistently worked with eBay over the years to eliminate the use of its Registered Trademark name "Chi Machine" in the sale of fraudulent imitation Chi Machines within America, Canada, Australia, UK and Europe. HTE distributors do not sell the Sun Ancon Chi Machine on eBay.

b) Amazon sells multiple imitation machines. The original Sun Ancon Chi Machine is NOT sold on Many buyers are unaware that the machines are imitation.

Case in point was discovered directly after the original Chi Machine was showcased on 'The Doctors' TV show, when customers bought what they thought was the original Chi Machine from We received countless emails and calls from customers telling us so, once they found out their mistake.


How to instantly recognize the REAL Chi Machine:

The ORIGINAL Chi Machine is known as Sun Ancon.
The ORIGINAL Chi Machine is distributed globally only by HTE.


The ORIGINAL Chi Machine has the green square company logo on both the machine and the timer.

- The Chi Machine goldfish symbol is associated with Dr. Inoue, the creator of the original, the Sun Ancon / Sun Harmony.


One set speed of Sun Ancon
vs multiple speeds.

A bone of contention!

Many imitation chi machines have variable speeds. Multiple speeds may cause unpleasant effects for some users. General customer feedback over the past two decades from clients switching to an original Chi Machine, have reported variable speeds to cause them discomfort when they have used an imitation which is sped up or slowed down.

A healthy person has a stable blood pressure of around 140. Take that up to 160 (the top speed on some of the imitation chi exercise machines) and you may have one very unwell person, possibly experiencing severe hypertension.
Original Chi Machine vs. imitation machine.
Oscillation should create a figure of eight.

The inherent figure of eight healing and harmony occurs when the speed is set at approx 140 oscillations/minute. Slower or faster and the perfect eight can become a distorted lopsided eight which not only may surge blood pressure in prone individuals, but may also cause back pain, or possibly exacerbate injuries of the back or spine.

Imitation chi machine users have reported that a faster or slower speed caused them minor to extreme discomfort, including heavy-heartedness, back and spinal pain (most common complaint), knees and hip pains, nausea and headaches.
No serious or lasting harm is done, the body will revert back to it's normal state within a week or two, as soon as use of the imitation machine is discontinued.

The original Sun Ancon Chi Machine sets the machine at around 140-145 cycles per minute, matching the highest normal blood pressure - twice the heart rate.

Healthy people can tolerate even higher frequencies, but not so for those who are weak. Conversely, a lower frequency will not product any beneficial effect.

The distributors of imitation Chi Machines have a theory that the ill and elderly can go slowly on the machine and sports people can go fast. NOT TRUE.

Imitation Chi Machines also claim that weight and height play a role in the oscillation speed of the machine. THEY DO NOT.

The original Sun Ancon Chi Machine is for ALL body types, height, weight and age groups.


1) Elderly people are more prone to high blood pressure, putting them through the irregular motion eight may potentially send it surging.

2) Sports people need to keep their blood pressure low, and putting them on at high speed may increase their blood pressure.

Consider this feedback from two different sources:

a) "A doctor in the UK had an imitation machine until he took the BP of all the patients he put on it. He soon discovered that in every instance it caused their blood pressure to be raised. Needless to say, he discarded the imitation machine and purchased a Sun Ancon." - Tricia Dickens, UK,  2002.

b) "Imitation chi machines on the market do not have patents and do not have the correct frequencies and will probably cause problems. I worked on two people who used imitation machines and they got very sick ... one went into seizures and another was so sick she couldn't stand up for four days. They were not using the Sun Ancon Chi Machine." - Dr. L. Bristol, Naturopath, March 1999.

Internal Mechanism Creates Uniform Motion:
One of the patents focuses on the internal mechanism. The main drive mechanism of the machine is located at the center of the device. The swinging motion is thus exactly uniform and equal.

With imitation machines, the drive unit is at the side of the device and the left and right swing distance is not equal. The user can sense the imbalance in the strength of the swinging and this leads one side of the body to be irritated.

This is similar to what textile or computer operators experience when they repeat the same motion for many hours and then come up with pain in the associated parts of the body.

Height and Weight Designed for Optimal Effect:
Another patent pertains to the shape of the exerciser. The height and width of the machine are precisely designed for optimal effect. The frequency of the swinging motion was arrived at after 38 years of research by Dr. Inoue. In other words, a slower oscillation or a surge in speed, will not produce the exact same results.

Ask yourself this question ...
If multiple speeds benefited the body, then why was the original Chi Machine not created as such by Dr. Inoue? Why, after 30yrs on the market, has the original Chi Machine not added multiple speeds?

If you have had an unpleasant experience with an imitation 'chi machine' please remember, you usually get exactly what you pay for.

Before buying anything, be sure to do research and background checks, but ESPECIALLY when it comes to something as important as your health!

This website is for informational and educational purposes and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice which may be obtained from your chosen health practitioner. Always ask questions, research everything.

©2002-2024 Chimachine4u - SOQI HTE Independent Distributor.
Chi Energy International.

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