is a drainage problem, where lymph, the debris of
the immune system, accumulates in the arms or legs.
The lymphatic system which carries this fluid, can
become blocked when it's been damaged by lack of
mobility, radiotherapy, surgery, diabetes, or when
lymph nodes have been removed during invasive

trial patient using
the Sun Ancon Chi machine.
Clinical Trials.
Neil Piller one of the top ten leading
world lymphedema specialists not only conducted
extensive medical research as to the effects of the
Sun Ancon Chi Machine on Secondary Lymphedema and
Venous Oedema of the legs, he also concluded that
the Sun Ancon Chi Machine is the most effective
method of lymph drainage in the world.
Flinders Medical
Machine Clinical Trials
The Sun Ancon Chi Machine lymphedema clinical
trials held at Flinders University, Australia, and
the results. The results showed a significant
impact and a significant improvement. Patients
also reported significant improvements in the
quality of their life and daily activities.

HTE Clinical Trial
Secondary Lymphedema &
Venous Oedema.
Sun Ancon Chi Machine should be used on a
consistent daily basis for the accumulated
lymph to remain drained. If machine use becomes
inconsistent, fluid will return, but not back to
the original levels. The longer and consistent the
use, the greater and more prolonged the effects
for the user.
15-20 minutes, once
or twice each day, is recommended use. Begin at 4-6
minutes and slowly add minutes, there is no hurry.
No need to exceed 20 minutes per session. Drink
water after each session to flush out the excess
lymph fluid and toxins.
New Zealand, UK.
All feedback
is anecdotal and personal to the individual.
A major contributing factor to
our health and well being.
"Lynn and I wanted
to drop you a line to let you know just how much
we appreciate our chi machine exerciser. Lynn is
now up to 6 minutes 2 times a day, She is enjoying
an increase in range of motion as well as improved
energy throughout the day.
Being chiropractic doctors, we
have spent many thousands of dollars researching
health-related equipment. The Chi Machine
qualifies as one of the most important modalities
that we have tested over the past 10 years.
In our opinions, the reason for
this is that it mobilizes the lymphatic drainage
of the body. This is critically important, as Dr.
Gaston Naessens from France has shown that in
cancer and other chronic degenerative illnesses,
the lymphatic system becomes all clogged up like
gelatin instead of freely flowing.
Given our training in applied
kinesiology and my current disability of 5 years
from chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical
sensitivities and Immune dysfunction secondary to
chemical injury, we have been acutely aware of my
need for improved lymphatic function. In fact,
Lynn and I were spending about I hour a day using
AK methods and a modification of the Vawter
massage technique from Europe just to keep my
lymphatic drainage working.
the arrival of the Sun Ancon Chi Machine, I have
been using it one to two times a day. Amazingly,
during this time, my lymphatic drainage has
continued to work with no other treatment by Lynn or
myself. Needless to say, I have been thinking and
feeling better. It has already been a major
contributing factor to our health and well being." -
John and Lynn Buckler -
Sun Ancon Chi
For home health and wellness.
A revelation.
"The Chi Machine has been a revelation
to me. I have been having two fifteen-minute
sessions each day for around two months. In that
time I have lost unexpected weight from both my hips
and waist and noticed the rest of my body more
The benefits of using a machine were explained to me
by my reflexologist who had noticed I was suffering
from edema in spite of eating healthy foods and
taking regular, if limited, exercise. So I borrowed
a Sun Ancon and then quickly bought my own because I
could immediately see the difference it made." - Alison
Davey, N. Yorkshire, UK.
Much of the fluid build-up is
"As a massage therapist, I have had
the opportunity to observe the benefits that the
Sun Ancon Chi Machine has provided for others.
One of my
clients is only able to get around in a
wheelchair. Consequently, she has problems with
lymphedema. However, after just a couple of
treatments, I have witnessed the significant
reduction in the size of her ankles, and of
course, the relief of the pressure caused by the
lymph build up.
The Sun Ancon
gets the lymph moving, kick-starts the kidneys so
that the urinary system is much more fluid than
usual. Consequently much of the fluid build-up is
eliminated and she feels much lighter after the
treatment. Her bowels also work better after the
Sun Ancon treatments." - Carol Stadelmann, Massage
Therapist and Yoga Teacher, VIC, Australia.
Total relaxation.
and a half years ago I got to the point where I
needed an electric scooter around the house to get
cooking and laundry done. Prior to that my husband
was doing the grocery shopping for about six
I bought the Chi
Machine in June of this year - after trying it in
Dr. Lipton’s
office. The pain in my hands, that I had been
taking 2 Aleve for each day, disappeared after
about three days on the machine for 5 minutes
twice a day. The swelling in my ankles started
going down too.
Now, about after 4
1/2 months of using the Chi Machine twice a day
for 15 minutes, I can stand up long enough to
brush my teeth. I also use a walker now for short
I love the Chi
Machine for what it has done for me and the
feeling of total relaxation it gives me. I am
hoping that with continued use it will make my
legs even stronger
A nice side benefit is that I
have lost 6 pounds and my husband about 10." - Karen
Auger, Australia.
New lease on life.
"Six years ago I became unwell and
over time I gained twenty-five kilos of fluid
which has caused toxin build-up and other
problems. Three months ago I was depressed and
desperate, as everything I had tried for the pain
and swelling had failed.
I was in
complete agony with my back and legs to the point
where I could not stand for more than twenty
minutes or walk for more than ten. Each morning it
would take me about two hours to get mobile, and I
would constantly fall asleep if I sat down for
Having always been
an active person who loved tennis and dancing, and
having been in the entertainment profession all my
life, I found it absolutely heartbreaking not to be
able to pursue these activities any longer, not
carry out normal duties, and my work was taking a
dramatic dive as well, as I could no longer handle
the commitments.
Thanks to a kind and
caring neighbor, I obtained a Sun Ancon Chi Machine.
I can't believe the improvement in two months. I no
longer wake up with blinding headaches and feel so
full of energy. I can now stand for a lot longer,
and in fact I am on my feet for hours at a time, and
two weeks ago I was able to visit a local market and
managed to walk for an hour without stopping to
Now I am able to do
my own shopping again in one hit and do all my own
house cleaning in one day as I used to. I no longer
fall asleep when I sit down, and am back working in
my profession two or three nights per week. The best
news is though, I have lost two kilos in fluid,
The best way
to describe my Sun Ancon machine is that it is
like a battery charger for the body, and using it
for fifteen minutes two or three times a day suits
me fine. I couldn't be happier, it's given me a
new lease of life." - C.L. Goodall,
Oedema Clinical Trials
- Flinders University,
The Sun
Ancon Chi Machine dramatically
reduces manual lymphatic drainage thereby
making life so much easier and of course it can
be done in the comfort of home. The trials were
a success and stated that symptoms
were extremely well controlled while
using the Chi Machine.
Life is Easier since Flinders
Clinical Trial.
"I have had lymphedema in both legs
for about 40 years brought about after several
abdominal operations. This condition has gradually
made walking difficult and restricted my
I applied and
was accepted to participate in the Flinders
Medical Center Sun Ancon Chi Machine research.
For the first time in years i had relief from
swelling in my ankles and was able to move around
more freely. I bought more own Sun Ancon Chi
Machine and i have had continued results which has
made my life easier. I am so grateful." - Joan,
78 years old, Australia.
Happy Wobbling!
"Last December my husband had
surgery. He was left to cope with the
ongoing effects of secondary lymphoedema. He was
no longer able to work at his part time job, or
enjoy his previous leisure activities, and his
days were spent resting with his leg elevated
every couple of hours.
In February my
sister told us about a new machine that she had
bought, which might help John manage his condition.
The studies specific to lymphedema looked promising
and we purchased one soon after. At first John was
using the Chi Machine morning and night without
noticing any real benefits. Then he began using it
as soon as he felt any tightness or discomfort.
He started to get
his life back together. Then we found a
physiotherapist who specializes in lymphatic
problems, and between specific massage therapy and
the Chi Machine (affectionately know as 'The
Wobbler') he is back to his old activities. He can
go fishing in the morning and play nine holes of
golf in the afternoon. He hasn't stopped smiling.
We enjoy traveling
and now feel confident that we can plan some more
trips away, with the Wobbler of course, tucked
securely on the back seat.
I use it for
only four minutes a couple of times a day. I
am also enjoying some deliciously long sleeps." -
Heather and John Dunlop,
NSW, Australia.
Meet a happy Kiwi, Pam
in New Zealand
and read about her wonderful experience.
Noticeable improvements.
"Did anyone come through the
summer without wishing they could throw away
their offending limb? It is the first time I
have wished I were more of a water baby and by
the time the annual Lymphedema Information Day
came round, was convinced the build up of fluid
would never go away.
it was really reassuring to listen to Prof.
Piller describe in detail how the lymph system
works and later answer the many questions posed
by fellow lymphos.
Sun Ancon Chi Machine came into our home about
three years ago as an adjunct to my husband's
ongoing health program. Three years ago I was a
fit 62 year old and only used the machine
spasmodically. Thereafter, lymphedema crept up,
slowly at first, gathering speed as the limb
became waterlogged and the lymph system very sore.
little trepidation I started to use the Sun Ancon
Chi Machine, gradually building up the time to
five minutes, three times a day, always following
the rules of use e.g. a glass of water, and
resting for 5 minutes after the motion stopped.
I have not been taking measurements, the
improvements have been noticeable. The leg has
become softer and the fluid drains much quicker
when in bed or with the leg up. Other parts of my
body have become softer also." - Jean
McKern 65yr, Australia.
Help with mobility.
Carl Munson, a massage therapist
in the UK was impressed with a talk Hazel
Lockwood gave to around 100 healthcare
professionals on a Lymphedema awareness day.
Hazel kindly shared an extract of her talk with
tried a Chi Machine that the hospital (Royal
Hallamshire, Sheffield) were trialing. I was
very impressed with the machine and bought one
for my own use which I now use twice a day and
wouldn't be without it.
don't think it makes a vast improvement to the
shape of my leg in the short term, although I
have a feeling that this will probably improve
over a much longer period of time. What I do
find, is that the limbs feel different. If I
don't use the machine for some reason, then my
leg reverts to feeling full and tight, so the
machine definitely helps with my mobility." - Hazel
Lockwood 51yr, UK.
Personal experience from a
you read about the health benefits of using
the machine, what else can arise, but
skepticism? The long-term claims such as pain
relief, better sleep-patterns, increased
energy and alertness can all sound feasible in
the long-term but after one short session that
also sounded a bit too far-fetched.
what? The
skepticism went away and was replaced by
enthusiasm in less than 24 hours. After four
minutes on the Sun Ancon Chi Machine, I could
not believe the reaction felt right throughout
my body. This machine certainly generates
results. However, there was more to come.
Now I
sleep better and it is simply the best sleep I
have had in years. These days I wake up
earlier, and I get up within ten minutes
feeling energetic. A much different pattern to
the previous years of being a 'night owl',
where I was often slow to go to sleep and
sluggish in the mornings. What a joy to change
that pattern.
the Sun Ancon raised my energy levels, I got
back to driving long distances again. I can
confidently recommend the Sun Ancon to others,
and hopefully, help them enjoy quality of life
too. Meanwhile I know there will be more
bonuses to me also as I continue to use my
machine and regain qualities in my own life
that have been missing." - Bernice Lynch, Housewife,
VIC Australia.

Overseas Orders:
HTE Americas no longer ship overseas but
visitors to
the USA or Canada may order
in advance of
arrival and take back on the plane.
Alternatively, friends or
family may buy for
you in the USA and arrange shipping