Cancer and AIDS:
Dr. Otto Heinrich
Warburg received the Nobel Prize in 1931 for
proving that cancer cells cannot live in the
presence of oxygen. The cancer cell is the "arch
criminal" of cancer. It is a common cell, nothing
very special until
it begins to change from lack of oxygen.
Dr. Warburg showed that the "cause of cancer is the
replacement of the respiration of oxygen in the
normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar". Malignant
cells cannot thrive in the presence of oxygen or
an alkaline environment.
It has been scientifically proven,
that both tumors and AIDS cannot tolerate high
oxygen levels in the blood stream. Malignant
tumors and growths contract and disappear when the
oxygen saturation is sufficiently increased in the
fluids surrounding them, since they are anaerobic.
Every other diseased organism tested
so far has the same weakness for oxygen. AIDS,
herpes, hepatitis, Epstein Barr, cytomegalovirus and
other lipid envelope virus are readily destroyed by
hyper-oxygenating patients blood with ozone.
This was demonstrated by among
others Dr. Horst Kief, who has already cured a
number of AIDS victims by drawing blood, infusing it
with ozone and returning it to the patient at
regular intervals until all the virus is gone. Dr.
S. Rilling of Stuttgart and Dr. Renate Viebahn of
Iffezheim are among the growing number of physicians
who have obtained similar results with their
"Dr. Parris Kidd stated
that 'Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper
functioning of the immune system; i.e. resistance to
disease, bacteria and viruses.'
Dr. Stephen Levine stated that 'We can look at
oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of
Thus the development of a shortage of oxygen in the
blood could very well be the starting point for the
loss of the immune system and the beginning of
feared health problems such as cancer, leukemia,
AIDS, candida, seizures, and nerve deterioration." -
B. Goulet, The Magic of Aerobic Oxygen, Focus
on Nutrition.
"Oxygen gets rid of toxicity.
Bacteria, viruses and parasites are destroyed
in the presence of oxygen, especially cancer." - Dr.
Alec Borsenko.
"Lack of
oxygen clearly plays a major role in causing
cells to become cancerous." -
Dr. Harry Goldblatt.
quality of your health, is your own
responsibility based on the choices you make
... or not.
Dr. Phillip Stanish, in an article in
Journal of Longevity entitled "Oxygen Decrease
Leading to Worldwide Increase in Disease," states
that the human being was originally designed to
operate with a 50% stronger concentration in the
air. Two hundred years ago, the air was 38%
oxygen. Today it is only 19% oxygen, and has been
tested as low as 12% and 10% in some cities.
Oxygen Depletion:
- Tap water is very low in oxygen
because its journey through lead pipes and the
addition of chlorine and other chemical contaminants
prevent it from being aerated.
- Cooking or
heating food reduces the oxygen content in
vegetables and fruits, and also kills the enzyme content.
Processed foods have little to zero oxygen
- Carbon
monoxide fumes from cars strip oxygen molecules
from the blood.
- Air conditioning in cars,
homes and offices during the summer, and then
heating in winter, depletes oxygen and
circulates germs.
- Emotional stress and largely
sedentary lifestyles contribute to chronically
low levels of oxygen in your cells. Low oxygen
levels leave us feeling tired, stressed and
depleted. The most effective way
to acquire sufficient amount of oxygen is to
exercise and many find exercising tiring,
exhaustive or time consuming.
- COVID-19
depletes oxygen from the body as does 5G, thus
creating high risk of thrombosis, pneumonia,
heart-attack, stroke and other medical conditions.
Prevention thru diet and exercise is a better
choice than infection, and safer than the unknown
medical procedures being injected which do not
prevent infection of transmission.
Diet is a critical factor in
preventing disease. Why? Commonly eaten
processed food and drinks - such as hamburgers,
hotdogs, pizza and soda are acid. Common deadly
ingredient? SUGAR. Acid diets destroy
Acid bodies lack oxygen.
Diseased bodies are acidic.
The acidic body prevents the
blood from carrying oxygen to the cells. Daily
detoxification is critical which only happens
through movement of the body.
1) Eat an alkaline
diet, avoid SUGAR.
2) Daily movement of the body.
3) Release negative emotions flooding
the cells with acidic energy.
All three
criteria must be met in order to maintain health.
Acid and
Alkaline Food Chart
In today's world of air
conditioners, environmental pollution and smog,
strip lighting, street and drug abuse, lack of
outdoor physical activity, high stress living and
working conditions, prolonged desk work, crowded
concrete complexes, chemically drenched food and
drink, frequent alcohol consumption, overeating,
government chemtrails, deforestation, fear and
stress filled emotions ... health and wellness are
hard to maintain since all of the above result in
oxygen depletion and deficiency.