
Vaxxed: From Cover Up To
Catastrophe - Andrew Wakefield.
Currently, everything is
being done to discredit this movie and the man who
made it. Does that not tell us something?!
Robert DeNiro requested the film be screened at
the Tribeca Film Festival but then suddenly
withdrew his support. Corporate interest is very
persuasive in silencing anyone who goes against
From the day of birth,
our children are deliberately set up for a
life of disease. Vaccines are NOT effective,
NOT safe, and NEVER have been. WE are
the lab rats.
Rent online, or find on iTunes - 2019: Documentary is hard to
find since the powers that be are doing their
best to remove it from the
website has been removed.
March 2019: Nearly 7,000 stories of
vaccine injury stories have been removed from
the public!
Release October 2022 ...
The Real Anthony
About time the masses knew the truth!

The Connection - Shirley
When you get sick, that
body part translates to a specific
mental/emotional issue. Your body speaks your
mind - this remarkable link is documented
through stories from individuals around the
world. The power to heal yourself and to stay
well, is within you.

Cut, Poison,
Burn - Jim Navarro.
radiation, surgery. Nothing has changed in decades.
People are still dying, numbers continue to rise. Does
this not tell you something is very, very wrong?
FYI: If you have a child diagnosed with cancer,
the government can force you to subject your child
to chemotherapy and radiation treatments - if you
don’t comply, Child Protective Services can take
your child away.

Cancer Is A Serious Business
- Dr. Burzinski.
battle between Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski and the Food
and Drug Administration. Dr. Burzinski and his cancer
killing antineoplastons are responsible for curing
some of the most incurable forms of terminal cancer.
Survivors recount in detail their diagnosis, treatment
and recovery.

Second Opinion -
Eric Merola.
blower Ralph Moss Phd working at Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center discovered a massive cover-up
regarding Laetrile (B17), used in the prevention
of cancer, now hidden from our diets. - x12

A World Without Cancer - G.
Edward Griffin.
story of B17.
The native diets of those cultures where cancer
is rare is examined and found to be 200 times
more rich in this substance than the diet of
industrialized society. The missing food factor
is called amygdalin or vitamin B17, but in its
concentrated and purified form developed
specifically for cancer therapy, it is known as

The Cancer Report - Health Wyze
This documentary explores the carnage of the cancer
industry, dedicated to a mother who died in the
unmerciful hands of conventional practice.
The transition from natural medicines to
chemical ones in the early part of the 20th
Century, was based on financial and political
reasons, at the expense of the patients.
Lots of interesting data and statistics.
Soundtrack may be turned down or off.

The Beautiful Truth - Steve
A young man in
Alaska quests for the truth about Nature's cure for
cancer... and discovers the truth to be beautiful.
Is there hope? Yes.

Run From The Cure - Christian
The extraordinary
healing powers of Cannabis Oil
as brought to the public's attention by Canadian
Rick Simpson who recounts his personal cancer
journey, and shows how to make the oil.

The Forbidden Cures - Massimo
Historical documentary of orthodox
medical reactions to alternative cancer therapies,
compiled from archived photos, audio, rare footage
and films, spanning decades past, up until present
day therapies.

Directed by Shaun Monson - Nation Earth - Narrated by
Joaquin Phoenix.
Humankind's absolute economic dependence on
animals raised as pets, food, clothing,
entertainment and for scientific research. Using
hidden cameras and never-before-seen footage,
the chronicles of day-to-day practices at some
of the largest industries in the world, all of
which rely entirely on animals for profit.
Shocking, violent, graphic, gut wrenching, life
Trailer: unitythemovement.com

Equal but not the same.
Directed by Shaun Monson - Nation Earth,
Narrated by 100 celebrity voices.
A study in the duality of
man. Even after thousands and thousands of
years, mankind still can't get along with each
other, the animals, or the environment. The
journey of highs and lows mankind has chosen to
walk, many viewers have said it is a must watch
for every human. Powerful. Thought provoking.

The Grounded - Steve
Filmed in the
small community of Haines, Alaska, this
delightful film documents the effects of natural
earthing and the incredible healing that
time to rediscover the power of nature to
heal, especially important for those who
live in the city, and those on pain killers.

Food Inc. - Robert Kenner.
Nominated for
several awards, the horrors of America's
corporate controlled food industry and the
inhumane conditions of the animals slaughtered,
is exposed. Reasons the public is sick, obese
and diseased is obvious.

Forks Over Knives
- Lee Fulkerson.
and reverse degenerative diseases by eating a
whole food, plant based diet. Documentary
features T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study
that proves the connection between and disease.

Simply Raw - Aiyana
Diabetes 2 reversed in x30 days. A group of
individuals are documented to show their journey
back to health. A plant based diet reverses
disease, is proven yet again.

Food Matters - James Colquhoun.
are what you eat! It's a choice - you don't have
to be sick.
"This film lays out
the inconvenient truth the food industry doesn't
want you to hear -- that nearly all degenerative
disease is actually caused by the processed,
nutrient depleted food being consumed in
first-world nations around the world. 'Food
Matters' dares to reveal how we can stop this
cycle of destruction and restore true health to
ourselves and our planet." - Mike Adams founder of
Natural News.com
Rent or buy online.

Genetic Roulette / The Gamble of
Our Lives - Jeffrey M. Smith.
Never-Before-Seen-Evidence points to genetically
engineered foods as a major contributor to rising
disease rates in the US population, especially
among children.
Gastrointestinal disorders, allergies,
inflammatory diseases, and infertility are just
some of the problems implicated in humans, pets,
livestock, and lab animals that eat genetically
modified soybeans and corn. What is it doing to

Ingredients - Jeffrey M. Smith.
supports the shocking effects of GMO's on the
human body. Switch to organic and return your body
to health - this includes livestock and pets.

Chasing The
Real people, real stories.
1 in 4 people in the USA is an addict.
Oxycodone is the worst.

The deliberate,
artificial modification of the climate, also known as
weather warfare. This was begun in the 1940's and is
now out of control. Simply look up!
The chemtrails
over your head contain deadly nano-aluminum particles
which we are breathing in - they also block the
sunshine preventing Far Infrared and Vitamin D. The
massive snow storms are created by ice nucleation.
Droughts, firestorms, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes
... now manmade manipulation and control.
The current situation could not be more serious and is
leading to the end of life on earth as we know it, in
the very near future, unless we speak up in unison.
Everything you need to know:
Dimming - Climate Engineering
Special books for those who