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September 2020
How are you doing? Nearly the end of summer and what an emotional roller coaster it's been with all the conflicting news reports and the focus on case numbers to keep people in fear.

The number of deaths from this 'pandemic' is not actually known because practically everyone that dies has cause of death written as covid19 (coronavirus disease - annual common flu) regardless!

However, truth is, the overwhelming majority of people are alive, and there is no 'deadly, contagious' virus otherwise the majority of us would indeed be dead.

he homeless are thriving, without masks or injections or lockdowns.

Many countries have less than 1,000 to zero deaths.

Interestingly, Sweden had no lockdown, they experienced some deaths as expected, just like every coronavirus season, and the country is doing well with life continuing as normal.

Take responsibility for your own health. If you are elderly, obese or have pre-existing health conditions, this is your wake-up call to take better care of yourself, mentally and physically.

Maintain a strong immune system otherwise you create a compromised immune system which leaves you open to disease and illness, with or without seasonal coronaviruses. 

So ... as we say goodbye to summer, and hello to lower temperatures, really focus on being and staying well. Let go of that fast food, processed diet and sodas. Get out and breath in oxygen, and soak up vitamin D from the sun when it shines. Sleep well, drink water, eat healthy foods ... so simple.

Do things that make you happy, and be around positive people that do not live in fear of a man-made coronavirus that has 99.9% survival rate!

If you need help, here are some tools to support you on your health journey:

Update Your Grocery List
What is your body lacking and why?

Acid and Alkaline Foods
An acidic body is a sick body.
March 2020
Oh how much life has changed! Our hearts go out to those who have this engineered (gain of function) coronavirus that attacks the elderly and our precious grandparents. If you need any health guidance it's simple.

Focus on keeping your immune system strong. That means NO STRESS, and get outdoors in the sunshine for Vitamin D. Take as much Vitamin C as possible, such as hot water with squeezed lemons, everyday.

Vitamin A helps keep the respiratory system strong, orange and red fruits and veggies, and green veggies such as spinach.


Each of the four SOQI machines will help and support both the immune system and the lungs in different ways.If you need guidance, we are available 24/7.
Research out of China and Europe shows here is nothing to fear unless you are elderly. Anyone can catch coronavirus at anytime and it may just be a cold or flu.

However, this particular man-made virus creates a nasty bilateral pneumonia in the aged, sick and immune system compromised, also targeting those who have diabetes, and the obese.

This time of isolation will pass soon enough and reveal a new path and journey. It won't be easy, and there will be many tears as we adjust. Use this time to create a healthier lifestyle than before. Use this time to clean out what you don't need, want, or use anymore.

Get creative and to be appreciative of what you have. Give gratitude for all the blessings around you that may have been forgotten or taken for granted. This time is a great awakening, a new beginning for all of us. LET GO, and focus on the present moment.

Find comfort that all of us around the world are in this together and together we will face a new future. Be well, stay well. Namaste.

January 2020
What is happening in China? Why is the American media so quiet? Time to do some deep research ... TBC


November 2019
1) Nearly Thanksgiving again. What's new? The SOQI-Enzymes have now been discontinued. The importance of enzymes is just not understood.

2) Outstanding Aloe Vera / Yeast extract supplement BetaLoe - sadly discontinued.

3) Through the end of December, all four machines and the SOQI Bed will include FREE shipping - who doesn't like to save money!

4) Weather manipulation is getting more intense, and DNA changing 5G is being rolled out.

More than ever we MUST pay attention to out health and make wiser, better choices.

Everyday we are all breathing in aluminum particles and other metals which are breaking down our immune system. Far Infrared supports heavy metal detoxification, as well as iodine such as found in seaweed.

Diet must be changed to reflect the needs of the body but having said that, all crops and water sources, simply everything, is being contaminated by the metals being sprayed via chemtrails.

In the next few years, global health and mental stability is going to be the greatest challenge of our life. Start making changes and preparing NOW.

June, Summer 2019
Half way thru the new year already!

1) Google (Big Brother), now requires all websites to change from HTTP to HTTPS otherwise they post a notice on the Chrome browser and Apple IPhones saying website is 'Not Secure'.

This website is indeed secure and it took several days to make the URL changes. There may be a few links that have fallen through the cracks, but no worries, the website is 99% updated.

Our new URL has the extra S:

2) The world is in great peril from Geo-engineering and 5G. We MUST ban together to stop the geo-engineering otherwise known as deliberate manipulation of the climate, or weather warfare.

This has been going on since the 1940's and the past several months has been ramped up which is destroying forests, crops, homes ... our lives!

Wild fires are now uncontrollable firestorms, it snows even though the temperature is high, rainstorms are never-ending, tornadoes and hurricanes are more frequent and even more devastating.

Just look up at the sky and see the military jet chemtrails everywhere, nearly daily. They are spraying chemicals including nano-aluminum particles which we are breathing in!


5G is a faster frequency for all SMART technology - your computer, your cell phone - and is absolutely deadly! It literally microwaves your DNA and all living things, animals, insects, fish, plants and trees included.

Cancer, illness and disease will shoot thru the roof. Much life will die and become extinct. Many cities across the planet a
re moving to ban 5G - Brussels, Belgium, with Geneva, Switzerland and Portland, Oregon, are three already.

Thousands of satellites are to be launched into space which will radiate the entire planet and all living things.

3) Sadly one of our very favourite products has been discontinued, SOQI Circu-Go.


December 2018
The recent horrendous wild fires in California brought to attention the devastation caused by the geo-engineered chemtrail nano-aluminum particles, sprayed almost daily. These aluminum particles act as a fire incendiary and accelerant which is why the firestorms were uncontrollable.

Health wise, continous doses of aluminum causes Alzheimers, Parkinson's and Autism. Go read our Aluminum page for tips on how to protect yourself.

Geo-engineering is THE cause of global warming and has been in effect since the 1940's. Corporations, politicians and the media have spun a web of lies making the public believe climate change is due to carbon emissions with absolutely no mention of deliberate military weather manipulation and warfare.

Geo-engineering is destroying our health, killing off wildlife and insects, and changing our planet into an atmosphere we will not be able to survive in for much longer due to ozone depletion and rising methane gas emissions.

Want to know more? Go to

November 2018
Wow, how the year has flown by!

All sales for Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe now go thru the Los Angeles head office.

Unfortunately shipping can be too expensive. Solution? If you are Canadian, send the machine/products to a USA address and pick it up or have someone deliver it to you.

If you live in Europe, Australia or New Zealand, if a friend or family visits the USA, order and buy the machine/products in the States, and take them back on the plane.

A large and thicker Far Infrared Heating Pad was introduced this year. Personally we prefer the original size but both are great.

Heal your body with far infrared heat - aches, pains, soreness, stiffness, sports injuries, period cramps, poor circulation etc. They make wonderful gifts for yourself, loved ones, and your pets.

                            Heating Pad

End of 2018

Every FIR Dome comes with a FREE FIR Heating Pad, and every E-Power Machine comes with a FREE Wand.

The SOQI Bed currently has FREE shipping thru the end of December, saving you $350.00!

The current price of $4,700.00 will be raised to over $5,000.00 when the new SOQI Bed is introduced with bluetooth. We recommend you buy now and save money.

Wait, there's more ... if you are a RETURN customer, or if you buy x2 or more machines, you will receive an Instant Rebate, $100.00 off - October/November only.

Jan 2018
More than ever, the public is on it's own in the USA regarding health care, with an epidemic of opiate abuse and a continued rise in obesity. Thanks to the internet we can research anything and find the latest news on alternative, natural healing technology and the modalities and sources available.

Always research in depth and take nothing at face value. Word of mouth needs to come from multiple sources, not just a good friend or two.

What works for one person does not mean it will work for everyone. We each have our own diet, exercise routine (or not), mental/emotional challenges, lifestyle etc. Each one of us is unique and our health needs to be addressed accordingly.

FYI: BBC World News is a good source for the latest health technology advances.

Check out the special SOQI NEWS MAGAZINE section about cancer, and also FENG SHUI.

Happy, Healthy New Year!
Excited to announce a new product to be launched soon! Also happy to announce a new lease to own payment plan for the SOQI Bed.

I seriously urge you to take a good look at the four HTE machines. They REALLY work.

Unfortunately i can no longer post testimonials that discuss serious disease or specific illness (due to the corrupt forces of the USA that only promote toxic drugs), but you can call me anytime!

Living food, daily exercise, and natural healing is the path to walk. It's a New Year, give it a shot, you have absolutely nothing to lose.

2017 Winter

HTE Canada, HTE Australia and German warehouse closed:
Canadian head office closed their doors November 1st, and so too will Austra
lia and the warehouse in Munich, Germany, as of the end of January 2018. HTE is keeping the repair locations open.

Canadians may now order thru the USA head office in Los Angeles - Australians and Europeans will also have that option as of February 1st.

The good news is American prices are much lower, but the not so good news is shipping will obviously cost more.

The world is changing rapidly. Businesses are being consolidated and taken over by AI. One thing that will never change is the need and demand for natural health and wellness.

The HTE machines do exactly that with no need for toxic drugs or dangerous invasive procedures, AND, they can be used inside the privacy and comfort of home.

2017 August
Finally, the SOQI CircuGo web page has been created on this website - check it out! We LOVE CircuGo, and that is a big deal as we are REALLY hard to impress!

This little drink - just a few sips - packs a punch, and tingling is felt practically immediately.

The drink targets your microcirculation. What's that? It is the extremely small blood vessels of the body that feed the main arteries - the macrocirculatory system - with oxygen and nutrition.

The microcirculation system contains upwards of 60,000 miles of hollow tubes - capillaries, arterioles, venules, and vasa vasorum - and it needs to be protected and nourished in order for the macrocirculatory system to remain healthy

Medical researchers now acknowledge that poor microcirculation is one of the single biggest contributing factors to the health challenges commonly associated with the macrocirculatory system.

Here is a great article that explains this better:

Like most people, we had no idea about microcirculation, however, thanks to the introduction of CircuGo, now we do and it makes absolute sense.

Always go to the SOURCE to find answers. A damaged macro-circulation has never been the main source as believed - such as with cardiovascular problems - but a compromised microcirculatory system. Who knew!

2017 April
Well, well, well ... no surprise, the economy worldwide is dragging along wih a new American president. There is so much uncertainty, too many lies, and the USA is pushing for war.

However, no matter what, your health and mine will always be a priority. Afterall, we need our mental sanity and physical health to get thru all this madness, right?!

New Product:
HTE has a new supplement - SOQI CircuGo - which we have not yet posted on this website. It targets poor micro-circulation for improved blood flow. It contains 14 fruits and 3 vegetables. In the meantime, check it out for yourself at


New App:
HTE has joined the technological rat-race, and has launched, very excitedly, a new cell phone App which is a condensed duplicate of the company website and shopping cart.

It's useful for viewing videos over coffee, or for looking up product info, getting news, sharing with social media platforms, and a few other bells and whistles.

It makes life easier for those on the go and distributors who leave their computer at home ... oh, and yes of course it's free to download.

Name of App: iSOQI

2017 March
HTE got the Chi Machine back two weeks before Xmas, but will not have the incredible FIR Hothouse dome until sometime later this year, and ohhhh how much we miss it!

In the meantime ... we still have the amazing Chi Machine, the cutting edge E-Power machine and the intense Electro Reflex Energizer.

We would love to publish all the fascinating testimonials but as some of you know by now, the powers that be in the USA, have banned them.

No worries, simply contact us directly for guidance regarding any health challenge you are dealing with. We have two decades of testimonials and experiences on file.

2016 September/October

1) As of the 27th September, the USA no longer stocks the original Chi Machine, the Sun Ancon. Will it come back? Anytime soon? Stay tuned.

In the meantime, if you want one, you need to take a vacation across the border in Canada, or fly down to Australia, and yes the machines are more expensive, and no we cannot ship them to you in the U.S.

2) As of 1st October, the USA no longer stocks the Far Infrared Hothouse Dome. Will it be available in the future? Stay tuned.

If you have any friends or relatives in Canada, machines can be ordered and shipped out from head office Toronto - they cannot be shipped across the border to the USA by head office, but they can be driven/shipped across by private parties.

Keeping our word to be transparent, the FIR Hothouse Dome is in fact being re-classified to a higher level, which takes time and money.

The original Chi Machine is not being re-classifed (there is no need - it is a Class 1), but negotiations take time.

2016 August
Australia has a new manager this year - Harp Wen. Our dear Vivienne left to have a baby. Congrats V - you are so missed!

F D A:
We are in the process of removing customer testimonials that discuss specific medical disease. Those remaining will be generalizations. Anyone that needs guidance as to why this is so, and what may or not be written, may refer to the famous Young Living Oils company website (aromatherapy), who had to do the same.

The F D A are cracking down on any natural health company that include personal stories that presents information outside their guidelines and the product classification.

No matter that the natural benefits attested to by countless users are true and can be verified. Personal experiences documenting specific medical disease have to be backed up by scientific research/clinical trials according to their regulations.

Many say this is in violation of the 2nd amendment of free speech. Whilst there is truth in this, they decide the rules, and consumer protection is a factor.

The conventional medical establishment in the USA prefers everyone to follow orthodox protocol and to take prescribed drugs. There is a drug for practically everything under the sun, many of which may be viewed daily on American TV.

Many natural healing modalities successfully support heath and wellness, and cost far, far less than drugs, so they are  under constant attack to be silenced and removed from public options.

It is up to the consumer to research, seek out, and ask questions. The choices you make today decide your tomorrow's. CHOOSE WISELY. Choose what is best for your health.

Keep in mind, that poison does not kill poison, and too often leads to further complications.

Paid For Testimonials:
Many public products have "paid for" testimonials such as those given by celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, or countless reviews found on

Yes, we agree, this makes no sense ... a paid for testimonial? And it's allowed?!

FYI: All personal experiences submitted for publication on this website or to HTE the company, have been 100% voluntary. All have been true and we never include anyone who we felt exaggerated, or anyone that experienced something the majority of users would not.

National Outrage:
Life saving EpiPens now cost over $600.00 and other medical drugs are on the rise.

Health Recap:
What keeps a body strong and healthy? Oxygen, daily aerobic exercise for oxygen and
elimination of toxins, a healthy pH balanced natural diet, water and relaxation of the mind, emotions and body (avoid stress at all costs).

2016 March
Head offices in Mexico closed.

Very sadly, all three Mexican HTE head offices were closed down a few months back. No public explanation (politics). Mexican distributors may order thru USA head office in Los Angeles.

News Blog 2021-23
Our new world - focus on health.


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