juice contains Lycopene
which retards sunburn by 33%
Vitamin A (Beta Carotene):
Eggs - Spinach, carrots, kale, sweet
potato, collard, tomatoes, cayenne pepper -
Apricots, cantaloupe melon.
TIP: Red and orange fruits,
green leafy vegetables.
of Vitamin A:
- Critical for eye health.
- Builds resistance to viral infections.
- Supports the immune system.
- Essential for bones and teeth.
- Protect tissue and cellular damage.
- Protect against Alzheimer's disease.
of Vitamin A foods:
- Frequent viral infections.
- Blindness - night blindness.
- Goose bump skin appearance - dry skin.
Vitamin B - Sunflower
Vitamin B's:
- All B's work together to
process calories from carbohydrates, protein, fat.
- B's fuel the body by converting
blood sugar into energy.
- B's are essential for brain health and
mitochondria (cell energy).
- B's protect against MS.
Thiamin - B1:
Asparagus, romaine lettuce, mushrooms, spinach,
sunflower seeds, tuna, green peas, tomatoes,
eggplant, brussels sprouts - wheat germ - Coconut
of B1 Vitamin:
- Essential for the nervous system.
- Essential for cardiovascular and muscle function
- MS
Lack of Vitamin B1 foods:
- Loss of appetite.
- "Pins and needles" sensations.
- Feeling of numbness and muscle soreness,
especially in the legs.

Vitamin B - Mushrooms.
Riboflavin - B2:
Mushrooms and spinach - Coconut meat.
of B2 Vitamin:
- Needed for growth and red cell production.
- Promotes healthy vision.
of Vitamin B2 foods:
- Sensitivity to light.
- Tearing, burning and itching in and around the
- Soreness around the lips, mouth, and tongue.
- Anemia.
- Cracking of the skin at the corners of the mouth.
- Peeling of the skin, particularly around the nose.

B - Tuna Sushi Rolls.
Niacin - B3:
Mushrooms and tuna
- salmon, chicken breast, asparagus,
halibut, and venison - Coconut meat.
of B3 Vitamin:
- Help lower cholesterol levels.
- Stabilize your blood sugar.
- Support genetic processes in your cells.
- Promotes a normal appetite.
of Vitamin B3 foods:
- Generalized weakness or muscular weakness.
- Lack of appetite.
- Skin infections.
- Digestive problems.

Vitamin B - Cauliflower.
Pantothenic Acid -
cauliflower - broccoli,
turnip greens and sunflower seeds.
of B5 Vitamin:
- Assure adequate production of healthy fats within
- Improve ability to respond to stress by supporting
the adrenal glands.
of Vitamin B5 foods:
- Fatigue.
- Listlessness.
- Sensations of weakness.
- Numbness, tingling, and burning/shooting pain in
the feet.

Vitamin B - Bell Peppers.
Pyridoxine - B6:
Bell peppers, turnip
greens, spinach - Turmeric.
of B6 Vitamin:
- Supports brain function.
- Supports a wide range of activities in the nervous
- Help prevent homocysteine build-up in the blood,
reducing risk of heart attack.
- Helps the
body convert protein to energy.
- Production of red blood
- Metabolism.
- MS
of Vitamin B6 foods:
- Fatigue or malaise.
- Anemia.
- Skin disorders including eczema and seborrheic
- Convulsions or seizures.
Biotin - B7:
liver, egg yolk - canned pink salmon, sweet
potatoes, sunflower seeds.
Benefits of B7 Vitamin:
- Assists enzymes to break down fats,
carbohydrates and proteins in food.
Biotin Deficiency:
- Thinning of hair.
- Red scaly rash on face around eyes, nose,
- Brittle nails
- Malnutrition - rapid weight loss.
- Smoking may cause biotin deficiency.
Folic Acid - B9:
Spinach, broccoli, mushrooms.
of B9 Vitamin:
- Important for the production and maintenance of
new cells.
- Needed especially during pregnancy and infancy.
- Reduce by 20% risk of having a stroke.
Lack of Vitamin B9 foods:
- Anemia.
- Birth defects - low birth weight - premature
- MS

Best source of B vitamins.
Cobalamin - B12:
VEGEMITE (Australia) - Beef/Lamb/Duck LIVER or Pate -
Shellfish: Clams/Mussels/Oysters, Caviar, Octopus,
Crab/Lobster - Mackerel, Herring, Salmon, Tuna,
Sardines - Spirulina and Nori seaweed - Beef, Lamb -
of B12 Vitamin:
- Support production of red blood cells - synthesis
of DNA.
- Allow nerve cells and their impulses to develop
- MS and Parkinson's Disease.
Lack of Vitamin B12 foods:
- Red or sore tongue.
- Tingling or numbness in feet.
- Nervousness.
- Heart palpitations.
- Depression - Moodiness.
- Memory problems and loss.
- Eye problems.
- Digestive disorders - Constipation, Gas, Loss of
- Anemia.
- Tiredness, Weakness, Lethargy - Insomnia.
- Premature grey hair.
- Vegetarians lack B12
- Medications (especially PPIs and other
acid-suppressing drugs) cause B12 malabsorption.

Vitamin B17 - Apricots.
Amygdalin - B17
Seeds - *Apricot, Apple, Peach, Pear,
Cherry, Plum and Prune.
Flax , Millet, Maize, Rye, Sesame and Sorghum.
Wild berries including Raspberry and Blackberry.
Bitter Almonds, Macadamia Nuts and Salmon Berry.
Fava and Mung Beans. Bamboo Sprouts. Alfalfa
Sprouts. Eucalyptus Leaves (Koala Bears only).
Cassava tuber - low amount found in Yams and Sweet
Potato. Grasses (wild animals only).
apricot kernel per 10 lbs of body weight (crush and
sprinkle on Greek yogurt).
of B17 Vitamin:
- Longevity.
- Health.
of Vitamin B17 foods:
- The Truth
One of the biggest cover-ups regarding the
prevention of cancer and cancer therapy.
Vitamin C
Protection against flu and cancer.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid):
CAMU - Hot peppers, bell peppers,
broccoli - strawberries, peaches, papaya, cranberry
juice, orange juice, pineapple juice. grapefruit juice
- Coconut meat and coconut milk.
Benefits of Vitamin C:
- Helps heal wounds.
- Powerful protection against colds and flu -
respiratory conditions.
- Help protect cells from free radical damage - slows
- Lower cancer risk - Liquid Vitamin C can
dramatically increase production of white blood cells.
- Regenerate vitamin E supplies.
- Promotes iron absorption.
- Supports the immune system.
- Reduce risk of cataracts.
- Promotes healthy lung function.
- Protect against Alzheimer's
of Vitamin C foods:
- Poor wound healing - nose bleeds - bleeding gums.
- Frequent colds, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, and
- Lung related problems.
- Cancer.
Note: Coconut
oil has outstanding benefits for Alzheimer's Disease
and Autism which should be recommended to all
people suffering from these. Research and begin
with this pdf from Dr. Mary Newport
Protection against multiple diseases,
including cancer, coronavirus, depression.
Vitamin D:
Salmon, sardines, shrimp, herring, cod -
eggs - cod liver oil. SUNSHINE (15-20 minutes daily, no toxic
of Vitamin D:
- Powerful prevention against
respiratory conditions.
- Helps keep bones and teeth strong and
healthy - Helps the body absorb and use calcium.
- Help prevent type 2 diabetes, heart disease,
hypertension, osteoporosis, breast, colon and
ovarian cancer.
- Regulate the growth and activity of cells.
- Reduce inflammation.
- Menopause - Reduce/eliminate hot flushes.
of Vitamin D (actually a hormone):
- Flu,
colds, bronchitis, pneumonia.
- Depression.
- Cancer,
- Bone pain and/or soft bones - Osteoporosis.
- Frequent bone fractures.
- Bone deformities or growth retardation in
- Lack of skin exposure to sunshine weakens the
immune system.
- Severe inflammation of respiratory tract.
Vitamin D from sunshine has never been so important.
You MUST get outdoors and bath in sunshine
whenever possible - and no toxic sunscreen!
Vitamin E -
Almonds (also protein).
Vitamin E:
Mustard greens, sunflower seeds, turnip
greens - Spinach, avocado, almonds, hazelnuts, papaya,
of Vitamin E:
- Protect the skin from ultraviolet light.
- Prevent cell damage from free radicals - slows
- Allows cells to communicate effectively.
- Help protect against prostate cancer and
Alzheimer's disease.
- Reduce chances of coronary heart disease - nuts
must be included in diet
- Protect against Parkinson's Disease.
Lack of Vitamin E foods:
- Digestive system problems, especially fat
- Tingling or loss of sensation in the arms,
hands, legs, or feet - nervous system chaos.
- Liver or gallbladder problems.
- Enlarged prostate - Impotency.
- Hair loss.
Vitamin K -
Brussel Sprouts.
Vitamin K:
Spinach, kale, greens, BRUSSEL SPROUTS.
of Vitamin K:
- Essential for blood clotting.
- Supports protection against osteoporosis -
promotes bone growth and repair.
- Prevent oxidative cell damage.
- Important role in kidney function.
of Vitamin K foods:
- Excessive bruising and bleeding.
- Digestive system problems, especially absorption.
- Liver or gallbladder problems.

(also contain Vitamin D).
Goji berries, SARDINES, tuna, shrimp, cod
- SALMON, TURKEY, BISON, lamb, spinach, mushrooms,
broccoli - NUTS, GREENS.
of protein:
- Supports the immune system.
- Maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.
- Helps the body produce enzymes.
Lack of protein:
- Muscle wasting.
- Weight loss.
- Fatigue and weakness.
- Frequent infections.
- Severe fluid retention.
- Slow growth and development in children.
- Protein source can be from animal, fish, plant
or nuts.
- Beef must be grass fed, hormone and antibiotic
- Chickens should be avoided as washed in
chlorine, and with high risk of salmonella.

Hemp Hearts - Rich
in Protein,
Omega 3, Vitamins C, D and E.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
HEARTS (a super food), WALNUTS and pumpkin seeds. Acai Berries
- a Superfood.
TIP: Cold water fish, dark green leafy vegetables.
of Omega-3:
- Relieve inflammation throughout the body.
- Keeps the blood from clotting excessively.
- Maintain cell membrane fluidity.
- Lower the amount of lipids (fats such as
cholesterol and triglycerides) circulating in the
- Supports in the prevention of excessive blood
- Inhibit thickening of the arteries.
- Promotes the activity of certain chemicals, which
causes arteries to relax and dilate.
- Reduce the risk of becoming obese and improve the
body's ability to respond to insulin by stimulating
the secretion of leptin, a hormone that helps
regulate food intake, body weight and metabolism.
- Help prevent cancer cell growth.
of Omega-3 foods:
- Fatty food cravings.
- Depression.
- Cardiovascular Disease.
- Type 2 Diabetes.
- Fatigue.
- Dry, itchy skin - Dandruff.
- Brittle hair and nails.
- Inability to concentrate - Irritability.
- Joint pain - Shoulder tightness.
- Sun induced headaches.
- MS
Calcium - Spinach Salad.
SPINACH, turnip greens, mustard greens,
and collard greens - SARDINES - almonds, yogurt,
ricotta cheese.
of calcium:
- Maintain healthy, strong bones.
- Support proper functioning of nerves and muscles.
- Proper blood clotting.
of calcium rich food:
- Frequent bone fractures.
- Muscle pain, cramps or spasms.
- Tingling or numbness in hands and feet.
- Bone deformities and growth retardation in
- Abnormal heart beats.
- Colon polyps.
- Hypertension.
Note: Milk and
Pasteurization removes all natural enzymes from
milk, which are needed to assimilate calcium in the
body - the lack of these enzymes thus ironically
causes osteoporosis. Pasteurized American cows milk
does NOT do a body good!

Iron - Goji Berries.
Goji berries - SPINACH - prune juice -
oysters - turmeric, thyme.
of Iron:
- Supports oxygen distribution throughout the body
- Supports the immune system.
- Promotes energy.
of Iron rich food:
- Fatigue and weakness.
- Decreased ability to concentrate.
- Increased susceptibility to infections.
- Hair loss.
- Dizziness.
- Headaches.
- Brittle nails.
- Apathy.
- Depression.
Potassium - Fresh Carrot Juice.
Button mushrooms, spinach, soy beans,
potatoes, beans - Avocado, dried apricots, papaya,
carrot juice, prune juice.
of potassium:
- Support for the muscles and nerves to function
- Maintain the proper electrolyte and pH acid
balance in the body.
- Supports the transfer of nutrients to the cells.
- Supports lower risk of high blood pressure.
- Detoxification for Parkinson's
and Alzheimer's.
TIP: Avocado is
an anti-aging food, great for the skin, and promotes
rapid hair growth.
of potassium rich food:
- Muscle weakness.
- Confusion.
- Irritability.
- Fatigue.
- Heart problems.
- Chronic diarrhea.
- Can be caused by frequent, intense exercise.
- Use of diuretics, laxatives causes potassium
Magnesium - Boiled Spinach.
- Activates 76% of the enzymes in the body!
Boiled spinach, raw pumpkin
and sunflower seeds, mustard greens - halibut,
shrimp - broccoli, cucumber.
Benefits of
magnesium - supports prevention and therapeutic
- Alcoholism, heart problems, asthma attacks,
autism, diabetes, hypertension, migraine, MS,
osteoporosis, PMS, peptic ulcers, aging, cancer,
Parkinson's Disease.
- Controls
metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
of magnesium rich foods:
- Softening and weakening of bones -
calcification of kidney, bladder and joints -
- Imbalanced blood sugar levels.
- Headaches.
- Elevated/high blood pressure.
- Irregular heartbeat/palpitations, heart
disease, heart attack.
- Elevated fats in bloodstream.
- Choclate cravings.
- Depression, irritability, anxiety, confusion -
suicidal emotion.
- Seizures.
- Nausea - vomiting.
- Aging of cells.
- Mental deficiency in children.
1) Heavy dairy product intake
requires an even higher magnesium intake (see
calcium above).
2) Ingesting
white sugar (or white anything), causes magnesium
mineral deficiencies because the magnesium has
been removed in the processing, making sugar a
primary factor as a cause of cancer, because
deficiencies in magnesium are not only
pro-inflammatory but also pro-cancer.
Magnesium protects cells from aluminum,
mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel - heavy metals
poison the body on a daily basis from
chemtrails, from house and body products,
vaccinations etc

Zinc - Oysters.
EGG YOLKS, cheddar cheese -
OYSTERS, crab, sardines, canned tuna in oil,
kelp - beef (roast, grilled stewed) - crimini
mushrooms - brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts,
seeds, SESAME SEEDS - cayenne - bran -
Benefits of
Support in the production of hundreds of
enzymes that are responsible for maintaining
bodily functions.
- Essential for making super-oxide dismutase
(SOD), the most potent antioxidant that your
body has.
- Carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
- Needed for libido, sex
drive, healthy sexuality.
- Anti-aging - youthful skin, fights off
wrinkles, saggy skin, loss of elasticity -
zinc is required for protein synthesis and
collagen formation.
- Sharp vision, night vision - slows down
macular degeneration.
- Wound healing.
- Needed to maintain proper levels of Vitamin
E in the blood.
Lack of
Zinc rich foods:
- Poor sense of taste and smell - Poor
- Emotional and behavioural disturbances.
- Slow wound healing.
- Skin rashes - Dermatitis.
- Sterility - impotence - Infertility -
Inflammation of the prostate, breast cancer.
- Chronic and severe diarrhea.
- White marks/lines across nails - thin, peeling,
- Vegetarians and
alcoholics lack Zinc.
- If pregnant, zinc deficiency can cause birth
Note: Smoking
(cadmium in tobacco fertilizer), coffee, calcium,
or phosphorus (soda) will reduce zinc absorption.

Sushi in Seaweed Wrap.
Kelp. - strawberries, Greek yogurt, boiled eggs.
Benefits of Iodine:
- Menopause.
- Thyroid regulation.
- Heavy Metal detox.
- Anti-Cancer food.
- MS.
- Weight control.
Lack of iodine
rich foods:
- Goitre.
- Mental retardation in children.
- Stunted growth.
- Hair loss - Dry, coarse skin.
- Slow reflexes.
- Radiation poisoning.
- Breast and Prostate Cancer.

Fish and Chips with salad.
SEAFOOD: Wild Alaskan
Cod, shrimp, Wild Alaskan salmon, tuna (limit to
x3/month), halibut, sardines, scallops. BRAZIL NUTS
(no more than x2 per day). Turkey - Crimini
mushrooms, mustard seeds.
- Anti-oxidation enzymes which protect cells.
- Lower risk of joint inflammation.
- Critical support of the thyroid.
- Prevention of Heart Disease in adults and
- Cancer - induces DNA repair and synthesis in
damaged cells, to inhibit the proliferation of
cancer cells.
- Acne prevention.
- Hair growth.
- Take x2 Brazil nuts daily to protect against
Lack of selenium rich foods:
- Joint and bone disease - weakness or pain in
- Mental Retardation.
- Heart
arrhythmia - loss of heart tissue.
- Discoloration of the hair or skin
- Whitening of the fingernail beds.

The Cabbage Family.
Cabbage, Broccoli,
Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Turnips, Radishes,
Collards, Kale - Onions, Garlic, Chives -
Mushrooms, Asparagus.
Benefits of Sulfur:
- Skin, hair, nails.
- Radiant, glowing skin.
- Tissue development.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Arthritis.
- Neurotransmitters.
Lack of sulfur rich foods:
- MS
- Skin discoloration and disorders.

Strawberry Kefir.
A superfood you can
drink that tastes like yogurt.
Friendly Probiotic
Bacteria, Essential Amino Acids, Proteins,
Enzymes, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous,
Tryptophan, Vitamins B12, B1, K.
(kee-fer) is a fermented, probiotic milk drink
from the Caucasus Mountains in the former Soviet
Union, dating back centuries. The name kefir
loosely translated means "pleasure" or "good
is made by combining milk with a pinch of "kefir
grains" and has a consistency similar to thin
yogurt. You can buy it at Whole Foods Markets,
and Trader Joe's either plain or flavored. An
excellent breakfast drink or anytime during the
Benefits of Kefir:
Weight Loss (belly
fat - no muscle loss), stimulates the immune
system, supports lactose digestion, and inhibits
tumors, fungi, and pathogens - including the
bacteria that cause most ulcers.
has been used to help patients suffering from
AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, herpes, and
cancer. Its tranquilizing effect on the nervous
system and has benefited people who suffer from
sleep disorders, depression, and ADHD. Promotes
bowel movements, helps eliminate unhealthy food
cravings, relieves skin disorders, boosts energy
and promotes longevity.
Skin care and
is responsible for skin strength and elasticity,
and its degradation leads to wrinkles that
accompany aging. To enhance and support collagen
production, consume the following: Blueberries,
Cranberries, Eggs, Garlic, Green Tea, Nuts and
Seeds (protein), Raspberries, Strawberries and
liquid Vitamin C.
If you are truly serious about
staying youthful, get lots of sleep, drink lots of
water, and stay away from sugar and cooked foods which
cause glycation.
Both men and
women experience menopause. Women stop
ovulating and men experience a gradual decline
in testosterone. Beginning around the mid 40's
symptoms include weight gain around the upper
abs, fatigue, lack of sex drive, moodiness,
involuntary urination, insomnia - hot
flushes/night sweats in women - erection
problems in men.
Make this mid-life
physical transition with minimal challenges by
doing the following:
1 Reduce carbs -
to control weight gain which easily increases with
2 Focus on eating plenty of fresh,
fruit and vegetables - to control weight and
promote cellular health.
3 Women should include iodine (kelp
seaweed) and Omega-3 (wild salmon, hemp
hearts and walnuts) and Flaxseed in their
diet, to relieve hot flushes.
4 Fruit
(eat alone or as a smoothie), or Greek yogurt with
added raw fruit, nuts, seeds, hemp hearts, chia
seeds or flaxseed, for breakfast.
A salad for lunch,
and for dinner. Choose fresh raw organic veggies
and vary greens daily. Add fish (wild salmon,
sardines, shrimp, tuna), hemp hearts, seeds or
nuts (almonds and walnuts are best), as desired.
Grass fed meat is ok, but eat sparingly. Eggs are
ok if cage free, natural feed. Goat cheese is
healthy. Use garlic, onions, cayenne pepper,
ginger, black pepper and tumeric or curcumin,
natural powerful spices.
5 Drink water frequently -
to control weight and flush out toxins.
6 Sorry,
but daily exercise is now a MUST, to
control weight and eliminate toxins. Walk, dance,
jog, bike, swim, skip, rebound! Get your body
moving daily.
7 Flower
pollen has excellent properties for controlling
menopausal symptoms and prostate problems. We
recommend Graminex - watch the video
NO salt, NO sugar, NO milk (casein) - avoid
grains (gluten).
If you follow this
guidance, menopause may be a breeze. Check with
your nutritionist or health care practitioner
before introducing new health modalities or new
diet items.
If you take
prescription drugs, keep in mind, these
synthetic toxic substances:
a) Accumulate in your cells and are
known to lead to further health challenges and
more drugs.
b) May cause you to retain weight and
cause constipation.

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