The E-Power Machine for Beauty.
Slow Aging, Facial Rejuvenation.
Aging: All of us want to be
healthy, delay aging and remain energized. The
E-Power machine works to promote and support these
desires. Many users worldwide have reported
noticeable changes including softer, firmer skin,
a tighter neck (sagging skin) and a better defined
jawline (jowls).
Sheet Face Mask:
Both men and women have discovered superior
results by using a sheet mask with the E-Power
machine - 30 minute session on low or medium
setting. The machine works to allow greater
ingredient absorption from the mask, thus
benefiting facial appearance, skin texture,
elasticity and firmness.
Toxin Elimination:
The E-Power machine supports the body's ability
for recovery by promoting electro-magnetic
cellular reactivation, rejuvenation and wellness
on multiple levels - including the promotion of
bowel movements and energy which both promote
healthy skin and youthful vibrancy.
The machine acts on muscle cells of the digestive
system for faster digestion, softening the hard
waste and stimulating the intestine to increase
intestinal transit, thereby helping to eliminate
constipation, thus removing toxins, which supports
a clear, glowing complexion.
Increased Collagen
Production: Electrical stimulation
at high frequency of cells at a rate of 70,000
times per second (70 kHz), helps skin regain its
elasticity by increasing collagen and hyaluronic
acid, and accelerates the process of
detoxification of the skin thus improving
appearance and cellular health.
Consistent daily use
of x30 days plus promotes softer skin, diminishes
lines, and has been reported to promote a firming
of the jawline by users in the USA and Canada.

Beauty Demo
using the silver indicator
on image for video
facelift demonstration.
wrinkles and tighten skin in 30 mins. May be used at
home or professionally.
Video shows silver pen facelift,
use of sheet mask, and how to break down inflammation,
blemishes and spots.
Order Here
Light Tube Test -
Health Status Indicator:
Click image
to watch video:

Light tube test showing before
and after.
Notice the tube has no light,
then is lit up.
If you take a
fluorescent light tube, whilst sitting with the
E-Power belt activated, the tube will light up on
its own when you hold it. If you pass the light
tube over your body, the areas where the light is
dimmer, indicates the areas that need to be
strengthened. It indicates the areas of your body
lacking energy, weakness, possible energy
blockages and health challenges.
tube test Instructions:
1) Plug in the E-Power machine and belt,
sit comfortably, and have someone move the light
tube around your body - arms, legs, head, upper and
lower torso etc. Pause over each area, and gently
tap the tube between 1 to 3 times until it glows.
Take note of the weaker areas, indicated by a dim
light, or the tube barely lighting up.
2) Next, relax and enjoy a 30 to 60 minute session.
3) After the session, once again, have someone move
the light tube around your body. The difference
before and after, may surprise you.
Light Up Your
Life pdf
This file that shows complete step by
step guidance, including explaining what the poor
areas of energy may indicate health-wise, as
indicated by the light tube test.
The Energy Wand:

The Energy Wand (12" long), is a tool
used to work in tandem with the E-Power machine to
guide the energy and directly stimulate the meridians
(the energy pathways of the body), clear blockages,
and stimulate blood flow.
Use the energy wand
to stimulate hair
growth by stimulating scalp circulation.
Plug in the E-Power, put on the belt, sit on a
chair, then simply hold the wand and gently glide it
over the skin, or the scalp. The wand itself does
not have to be plugged in, and the end of the cord
simply lies on the floor, grounded by a heavy metal
bullet tip.
Click image
to watch video of
Energy Wand demonstration.