SOQI Original Chi Machine.
Get your body moving!
Sun Ancon
Chi Machine
The foundation of
health. For everyone who is physically inactive,
as well as those who are.

SOQI Far Infrared Dome.
Outstanding healing properties.
Far Infrared
Dome Sauna
No other company has duplicated this
superb Japanese technology. The purest, most intense
Far Infrared therapy on the market.

SOQI ERE Machine.
Reflexology through Electrotherapy.
Reflex Energizer (ERE)
A must have powerful reflexology
massager for anyone with feet and leg issues.
Includes x6 TENS units electro-pads, for body

SOQI E-Power Machine.
Power up every cell in your body.
Recharge, re-connect,
rejuvenate. Anti-aging potential, pH balancing,
negative Ion booster, and ATP activator for hours
of energy.

Infrared SOQI Bed
SOQI Bed luxury health & holistic
healing spa for home or business - x3 SOQI Far
Infrared Dome sauna and x1 Original Sun Ancon
Chi Machine.

SOQI Far Infrared
Heating Pad
Relieve aches, pain, cramps, tension -
comforting and cozy. For home or travel - two
sizes available.

Everything in life is energy. Your daily
life and personal choices reflect this. How
are you doing?
Luxury but affordable healthcare
that works, addressing the source, instead of
bandaiding the symptoms.
Fast becoming a household name worldwide.