Without sufficient oxygen
- due to shallow breathing, substance abuse, lack of
exercise, stress, and environmental pollution - your
body will sooner or later become diseased, painful
and dysfunctional. Increased oxygen only happens by
moving your body (aerobic exercise).
2) Without sufficient
water, your cells
will clog and decay, wrinkles develop, weight gain
is apparent due to stagnant toxins trapped in your
body, thereby creating a multitude of minor to
major illnesses.
3) Without sufficient
alkaline foods your
cells become acidic resulting in illness and
and Happiness,
or Illness, Pain and Restriction.
1) Oxygen. Lack of Oxygen is the root of most, if
not ALL disease. Cancerous cells cannot live or grow
in the presence of oxygen. A cell becomes cancerous
when it receives less than 60% of its oxygen
requirement. Increase oxygen in the body via daily
physical movement - aerobic exercise - thereby
keeping the body and mind healthy, strong and
2) Water.
Lack of water
is the second root of disease. Your body is
about 75% water. Dehydration causes trapped toxins, cells
will not reproduce, circulation to the skin
decreases - aging, pain, and illness take hold.
Sipping water throughout the day, moisturizes,
hydrates and eliminates toxins from the body.
Incidentally, all your emotions affect the water
in your body and therefore your health. How
happy are you?-
3) Physical Movement.
Lack of
physical movement - aerobic exercise
- causes oxygen starvation, trapped, stagnant
toxicity and dysfunctional circulation,
thereby causing a domino effect in the body
which results in pain, disease and decay.
Daily exercise prevents dysfunctional body
systems, stress, energy depletion, toxin
accumulation, oxygen starvation, weight gain,
pain and aging.
Movement of
the body is critical for health.
4) Your Lymphatic
System MUST be stimulated daily in
order to remove all physical toxicity and waste,
which is flushed out of the body by water via
urine and sweat, activated by physical movement.
5) Your Immune
System performance level depends upon
sufficient oxygenation and daily lymph drainage
to remove toxicity.
6) Your Circulation
is entirely
dependent upon your lymph system operating
optimally, with optimal oxygenation.
7) 80% of Chronic Diseases are
linked to the Spine.
If your spine
is mis-aligned, often due to bad posture, lack
off flexability and physical activity, multiple
health problems may result.
8) Quality
Sleep -Your body
must have it in order to heal, re-balance,
rejuvenate, relax and re-align. Quality,
uninterrupted sleep occurs when physical pain,
stress and mental activity are at peace.
9) Alkaline
Foods and Liquids - Eating acidic foods
and liquids will break down, age and destroy your
body. #1 acidic enemy? SUGAR - sugar feeds
cancer, erodes the body and causes aging.
Sunshine - Far Infrared Ray
(FIR) and Vitamin D, are vital for