Death by Diet.
#1 Killer in USA 2019 (besides

Shocking state of obesity in
USA 2021.
Purple states are most obese.
Leading Causes of Death
in USA:
Which of the following deaths is NOT
related to diet ...
#1 Heart
Disease -
causes include diet, stress and negative
emotions, lack of exercise.
#2 Malignant
Cancers - abnormal cellular
transformation - triggers include oxygen
depletion, toxin overload, chemicals and
sugar in processed foods and beverages,
prolonged stress and negative emotions,
drugs, tobacco, environmental toxins etc
#3 Stroke
- disturbance in blood supply to brain
causing loss of body function on one side
- triggers include diet, stress and
negative emotions.
#4 Chronic Lower
Respiratory Diseases.
#5 Accidents.
#6 Diabetes -
blood glucose levels too high - causes are
primarily diet and lack of exercise.
FYI: "Worldwide1 in 3 people are
overweight, and 1 in 11 people worldwide
have diabetes. thereby risking heart
attack, kidney failure, leg amputation,
stroke, and blindness." - World Health
#7 Alzheimer's
Disease - brain disorder,
memory loss - linked to aluminum
found in chemtrails, diet, cookware,
medications, vaccinations, and body care products
#8 Flu and
Pneumonia - lung
inflammation from virus or bacteria, weak
immune system. It is not uncommon for tens
of thousands to die from this every single
#9 Kidney Disease
- triggered by diabetes, hypertension and
drug toxicity.
#10 Septicemia
- blood pathogens and inflammation of
whole body.
#11 Suicide
- emotional upset: depression,
loneliness, trauma, abuse - addiction,
eating disorder, prescription drugs.
#12 Chronic Liver
Disease and resulting Cirrhosis
- causes include alcohol abuse, infection,
drug toxicity.
#13 Hypertension
- high blood pressure - causes include
diabetes, obesity, too much salt in diet,
smoking, alcohol/drug abuse, negative
#14 Parkinson's
Disease - motor skills
disorder - linked to diet, vaccines,
pesticides, chemtrails.
#15 Murder
- homicide.
- National Vital
Statistics Reports - CDC
Nearly 75%
of all deaths in the USA every year, are
consistently attributed to just 10
1 Heart disease.
2 Cancer (malignant neoplasms).
3 Chronic lower respiratory disease.
4 Accidents (unintentional injuries).
5 Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases).
6 Alzheimer's disease
7 Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
8 Influenza and pneumonia.
9 Kidney disease (nephritis, nephrotic
syndrome, and nephrosis).
10 Suicide (intentional self-harm).
Immune System:
Keeping the
mind and emotions in check is vitally
important as they are a main source of
illness, bringing down the immune system.
Once the immune system is compromised,
coupled with factors such as eating an
unhealthy diet, the body begins to weaken
and malfunction. Self medication,
prescribed drugs, vaccines, and
environmental toxins further enhance
degradation of the body.
We become well by changing emotions
and negative mental attitudes, eating
healthy food and removing as many
environmental toxins
as possible, thus feeding our cells
properly with alkaline, positive,
non-destructive energy.
The Autonomic Nervous
our Autonomic
Nervous System (ANS), in
balance is crucial. A huge percentage of
people live in a state of emotional
distress, not calm, rest and relaxation,
thereby compromising the immune system,
promoting illness and weight gain.
The ANS regulates the health of many body
systems including the liver and kidneys,
the heart and the lungs. It is very
important to note, that impaired liver
function has been proven to predate cancer
diagnosis. Calm, relaxation and toxin
elimination is vital.
Researching the most obese
countries in the world produces varying
results but in general the same
countries appear at the top and the
bottom of every list. Middle Eastern
countries have a very serious problem,
as do some Pacific Islands. In Europe,
Turkey comes in at #1.
Most Obese Countries in the
World Today:
Tonga, Samoa, Kiribati, New
Zealand - Qatar, Kuwait, Libya, Egypt, Saudi
Arabia, Bahrain, UAE - USA, Mexico, Belize,
Chile, Paraguay.
with lowest fat percentage include:
Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Madagascar,
North Korea, Ethiopia.
countries with highest obesity rates:
Turkey, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovakia,
Poland, Israel - Malta, Andorra, UK,
Based on BMI, over 2 billion adults
worldwide are overweight and, of these, more
than half a billion are obese. Many
kids are raised on fast food, both at home
and at school. McDonald's,
pizza, hot dogs, french fries and soda are
a standard American diet.
does not happen overnight.
You have to make the
choice to eat badly day after day,
week after week, year after year.
Likewise you can make new choices to
eat to live, to be healthy, to live
your dreams that you have perhaps
forgotten or no longer believe in.
How To Lose Weight:
It is never too late to take action.
Get your emotional issues under control,
change your diet, and get your body
moving daily.
Exercise is critical for
increasing oxygen and elimination of
waste and toxins. Take a daily walk,
swim, bike, dance, play golf -
walking from the TV to the refrigerator
is not exercise.
Try a trampoline for rebounding, or some
other form of aerobic
exercise every day.
Exercise will
enable you to re-focus, clear you mind,
and change your mood for the better.
Focus on alkaline food - consult with a
nutritionist for guidance, and
your health care specialist to
monitor your journey if you are
- ONLY EAT when you
are hungry!
- Chew SLOWLY - this
gives the brain time to let you
know when you are full.
- Do not eat cooked
food late at night - set a cut
off time for yourself.
- Drink plenty of water
everyday - sip it throughout the
If you don't buy
it, you can't eat it!
1) Fast food and
junk food is filled with sugar, chemicals and
dyes. Additives deliberately encourage you to
eat more and promote weight gain. If you can't
understand the ingredients on the label, WHY
are you eating it?!
Real food does not
have a label of ingredients.
2) Animal protein (acid) is saturated in
hormones and antibiotics, linked to cancer.
3) Dairy products are full of
hormones, pus and mucous, linked to
breast and prostate cancer.
Read the globally acclaimed 'The
China Study' for further
evidence and proof that diet creates
disease and cancer.
Do you truly understand how devastating
is? The numbers are going up, they are
not coming down. Cancer takes your youth
and ages you, it cleans out your bank
account, and destroys your immune system
and your mind.
If you think dealing with
obesity is a challenge, it is nothing
compared to fighting cancer. Cancer
changes everything and your life will
never ever be the same again.
is the key:
Focus on a lifetime diet of
plant protein (alkaline food), grass
fed beef or bison, wild caught and
freshwater fish (no farm raised fish),
nuts and seeds, and fresh fruit.
We put the best grade petrol
in our cars so they can work properly
and not breakdown, so why not put the
best grade food and drink into the body
so it can also work properly?
Becoming a healthier weight will not
happen overnight but by focusing on
natural alkaline food and drink, it is
possible to get there, slowly and
Without your
health, your life will
and your dreams may not
come true.

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