Simple Diet Guidance.

everyday diet that works.
3) Eat for nutrition,
strength and energy, NOT for for comfort and
to dull emotional pain such as depression, anger,
sadness, stress and loneliness.
4) STOP eating at fast
food restaurants. Is eating out at fast food
restaurants - because you are too busy or too
tired to prepare a meal - worth sacrificing your
health, your relationships, your career and your
5) Sit down to eat,
take your time and really TASTE your food. Stop
eating in the car or "on the run."
6) Eat small amounts
throughout the day rather than 2-3 large
a) Carbohydrates with
protein. i.e. Meat and eggs can be eaten
with vegetables and salads, but NOT bread or
potatoes. Ever wonder why you get gas and
indigestion? Now you know.
b) No fruit with any other
food. The body cannot process the
combination and produces gas and indigestion.
Melons should always be eaten alone.
c) Do not drink liquid
with your meal. Drink BEFORE or AFTER. Sip
water with your meal if you absolutely need liquid
to help you eat and digest. A glass of red wine
with dinner is allowed and is actually nutritious
and good for you.
bad things:
1) SUGAR. Sugar ages
you and poisons your body. Choose honey or
- What is soda - Fizzy water, chemicals and sugar.
Also known as "cancer in a can".
3) Anything labeled "Diet
...". There are more cancer causing
chemicals and poisons in diet products than the
regular product.
4) Decaffinated?
Worse than the original due to additional
5) Fast Food Restaurants
such as McDonalds,
Burger King, Jack In The Box etc. Super sized
meals equal fried fat and chemicals, plus protein
combined with carbohydrates, equals SUPER SIZED
6) Anything in a box or
a can is DEAD. There is NO nutrition.
7) If you can't read or
understand label contents, or it takes you
three minutes to read them, why are you putting
the contents in your mouth! Whey,
saccharine and aspartame
- common ingredients - are toxic chemicals.
8) Boxed food, fast food,
canned and packaged food is stuffed with chemicals
that poison you and DESIGNED TO MAKE YOU FAT.
Choose raw, natural, organic whole foods
9) Fast food is inexpensive,
but becoming sick will cost you a fortune.
If its white its bad for you!
i.e. Bread, sugar, milk, ice
cream, mayonnaise.
Exceptions - Cauliflower,
fish, coconut and eggs.
1) Milk is for baby calves
NOT humans. Drink milk if you want to gain
weight. Milk coats your intestines in mucous,
blocks absorption of nutrients, and may create
constant allergy and sinus problems.
2) Cheese - Mucous causing,
intestinal blocking, constipation hell. Stick a
fork in a cold pizza and visualize that solid mass
stuck inside your body for up to three days.
3) Pasta - Great for
athletes who need instant energy. Dead nutrition
to the rest of us.
4) Salt and margarine -
Use sea salt, in moderation. Margarine is poison.
Use butter, in moderation, preferably unsalted.
The very worst thing you can put in your body.
Sugar feeds cancer, bacteria, viruses, causes
aging and dumbs down the brain. Foods such as
bread, pasta, rice and potatoes turn into sugar
in your body. If you like soda and alcohol,
forget the plastic surgery and botox, you're
wasting your money trying to turn back the clock
whilst continuing to drink glasses of sugar.
In moderation
with caution:
Alcohol is SUGAR and POISONOUS to your
system. If you become drunk, your body is in obvious
toxic shock.
2) Meat - Eat only
when your body craves protein. Red meat in the USA
is filled with cancer causing chemicals, and
poisons. Love the taste of a juicy steak? What you
are tasting is uric acid - urine, mixed with
hormones and antibiotics. Luncheon meat and hot
dogs are cancer causing, chemical hell.
3) Chicken -
Extremely toxic, with high risk of salmonella
poisoning. Chicken frequently causes diarrhea.
4) Fish and Seafood -
Excellent, especially WILD salmon, NEVER eat
5) Use Virgin Olive Oil
when cooking. Coconut Oil, Primrose Oil and Flax
Seed Oil are also acceptable.
Safe and
1) Eat mainly ALKALINE
FOODS - not acid (cancer causing),
poisonous foods. High acid food? Beef, chicken,
pork, white flour products, fried food - soda,
nicotine, caffeine and alcohol.
vegetables (organic if possible), fruit (not
canned), and nuts (unsalted). Dark green
vegetables are high in calcium, vitamins and
minerals. Nuts are fattening but high in protein,
almonds and walnuts are best (NO peanuts). Salad
dressings: try rice vinegar (Marukan), lemon
juice, extra virgin olive oil.
3) Choose cage free poultry
and eggs, natural feed. Fish (not farm-raised),
provides nutrition and variety.
4) Plain Greek yogurt
or Kefir: Full of calcium, excellent for the
immune system, diarrhea, nasal allergies and yeast
infections. Add fresh fruit, nuts or mint for
flavor. Flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds or bee
pollen are also great additions and loaded with
plant protein.
5) Boiled/baked potatoes, rice
and whole grain bread - NOT white bread or
french fries.
6) Steam, boil, bake,
grill or poach. No fried
food (promotes cancer). Raw and fresh
is ideal where possible.
FYI: Eating sugar and cooked
food creates glycation
which ages you.
a) Drink water. Water
flushes out waste and toxins. Add mint leaves or
lemon juice for flavor. How much water? Half your
body weight in ounces equals an ideal daily water
intake. Water
depletion promotes obesity.
b) Natural juices without
added sugar or "high fructose corn syrup". Try
juicing as often as possible for outstanding
nutrition - take a look at 'the Juice Man' for
c) Green tea is excellent.
Anti-cancerous and health promoting. The slim and
fit Chinese swear by it and commonly drink it all
day long.
d) Red wine is
nutritious, anti-cancer and enhances health. The
French drink gallons of wine and are slim, healthy
and fit.
If you eat natural
healthy food, you will
HUNGRY or have food cravings, as you do when you
drink sodas and eat canned, boxed, fried and fast
Include these super nutritious
foods often:
Spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots,
cauliflower, cucumbers, garlic - marmite or
vegemite (British and Australian) - mackerel,
sardines, halibut, wild Alaskan salmon, oysters
- yogurt with acidophilus, kefir - tofu,
beans and legumes - bananas, purple grapes,
coconut, prune juice, aloe vera juice,
wheatgrass, flax seed, chia seed, hemp seed, bee
pollen, spirulina and sunshine!
We do not agree that humans need
become 100% vegetarian but it is interesting to
note the strongest, healthiest, most
gentile, agile and non-aggressive animals in the
animal kingdom are vegetarian - elephants,
giraffes, horses, gorillas, llamas, cows, sheep,
rabbits and deer.
"Scientists and naturalists,
including the great Charles Darwin who gave the
theory of evolution, agree that early humans were
fruit and vegetable eaters and that throughout
history our anatomy has not changed. The great
Swedish scientist von Linné states: "Man's
structure, external and internal, compared with
that of the other animals, shows that fruit and
succulent vegetables constitute his natural food."
- Living
Famous Vegetarians
Beloved, beautiful, intelligent, humanitarian and
healthy - from Brad Pitt to Kate Winslett. The
strongest animals on the planet are vegetarian.
Reverse aging.
No more nutritional deficiency - here
is your improved Grocery List