Exercise, Aerobic,
                    Anaerobic, Benefits


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Exercise, Aerobic and Anaerobic.
Definitions and Benefits.

Movement of the body - exercise - creates a domino effect. Exercise fundamentally changes and effects every system in your body. Exercise is not about 'looking' good', it's about staying alive, being healthy, oxygenation of the cells, and detoxification of the body.

Unexpected motivation to exercise!


Basically, if you don't move your body, you die. Stretch, walk, skip, jog, run, hike, dance, hulahoop, swim, surf, bike, do tai chi or yoga ... just MOVE!


What is Exercise:
Definition - "Exercise is physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive for the purpose of conditioning any part of the body. Exercise is used to improve health, maintain fitness and is important as a means of physical rehabilitation". - medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com

Physical movement creates supplemental oxygen and stimulates the lymphatic system. The degree of physical activity determines the extent of benefits and the impact to the mind and body.

Explanation - Movement activates circulation which drives blood through the body, forcing oxygen and nutrition. The lymph system, the body's sewage system which has no pump, is also forced to work. Without movement the lymph becomes stagnant and you literally begin to poison yourself over time.

"Without daily physical movement the Lymphatic System cannot detox your body. Aerobic exercise gives oxygen to the tissues and moves the lymph around. Lymph is a colorless fluid that bathes every cell in the body.

The body has two circulatory systems, one for blood and the other for lymph. Blood is circulated by the heart, whereas the lymph is circulated by physical exercise. Many tissues depend on the lymph to provide nutrients (including oxygen) and carry off wastes.

If the lymph does not circulate then the tissues suffocate while stewing in their own acidic waste products (uric acid, lactic acid etc.)." - Extract from Acid and Alkaline Food.

The longer you are sedentary, the sicker you become, disease sets in. You feel miserable. You gain weight. You experience pain daily. You begin to take drugs. Then you take more drugs to counteract the initial drugs.

The cycle of disease predictably spins out of control. You end up so dependent on the drugs, you just don't care anymore, and you don't have the energy to stop the cycle ... or do you?

aerobic exercise

Physical activity maintains and improves health and fitness, builds endurance, delays aging, changes ones physiology thus improving mental and emotional states, assists sleep and is used for physical rehabilitation and wellness.


Specific Exercise Benefits:

- Reduction in the risk of coronary artery disease.
- Reduction in the risk of developing high blood pressure (hypertension).

- Blood fat improvement - decrease LDL 'bad' cholesterol and increase HDL 'good ' cholesterol.

- Reduction in risk of stroke - Improving blood fats reduces plaques deposit in arteries.

- Reduction in risk of developing type 2 diabetes
- Weight control via exercise reduces chances of obesity - which can lead to diabetes.

- Immune system activation - regular exercise wards off susceptibility to viruses.

- Improved blood circulation.
- Build strong bones - reduces risk of osteoporosis.

- Change in mental and emotional state - a change in physiology immediately changes one's mood and focus.

- Boost natural life force energy known as Chi.

- Relief from muscle pain and fibromyalgia - exercise stimulates the growth of tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the muscles. This enables the body to deliver oxygen to the muscles more efficiently and remove irritating metabolic waste products, such as lactic acid.

- Information gathered from the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.


Position Chi Machine

Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine
Home option for daily exercise.

What is Passive Exercise:

- Movement applied to the body or a body part, by another person or persons (physiotherapy), or via a motion machine.

When a passive range of motion is applied, the body or body part (arm, leg, head, ankle, wrist, knee), of the individual receiving the passive exercise is completely relaxed, while the outside force moves the body part throughout the available range of motion. A repetitive movement.

Benefits those who hate to exercise, those who are short on time, those who prefer to exercise at home or on a lunch-break, those who dislike the body being stressed and jarred by more vigorous activity, those who need to relax and de-stress, those who are frail, sick, bedridden or elderly, and regardless of weather conditions outside. No need to remove clothing. No risk of injury.

Activities include massage, physiotherapy and the Chi Machine.

Aerobic Respiration:

1) Respiration is the process by which an organism takes oxygen into its body and then releases carbon dioxide from its body.

2) Aerobic Respiration: Respiration that requires the presence of oxygen.



Aerobic exercise,
the foundation of health.

What is Aerobic Exercise:

- Exercise during which oxygen is metabolized to produce energy.

Physical activity, sustained period of time, sometimes long in duration, low in intensity - rhythmic and repetitive for the purpose of conditioning or strengthening any part of the body.

Aerobic means "with oxygen". Aerobic activity continually supplies enough oxygen for the duration of the activity.

Benefits - Aerobic exercise conditions the heart, blood vessels and cardiovascular system (lungs), increasing the oxygen available to the body and by enabling the heart to use oxygen more efficiently. Regular aerobic exercise releases endorphins, the body's natural painkillers - also induces an emotional 'high'.

Increased oxygen and blood flow to the brain creates mental focus. Stimulation of lymphatic system is critical and promotes elimination of metabolic waste and toxins.

Activities include rebounding, bicycling, brisk walking, dancing, swimming, rowing, soccer, skating and cross country skiing.

Aerobic Activity is either Low Impact or High Impact:
Low Impact - One foot always stays on the floor and supports the weight of the body. e.g. Walking, stair climbing.
High-impact - Include actions that take both feet off the floor, thus causing more jarring of the joints when the body weight hits the floor again. e.g. Jumping, jogging, skipping

FYI: Sports cause sore muscles due to lactic acid build up which can be dissipated via passive aerobic exercise.



For those who want muscles.

Anaerobic Exercise:

- Anaerobic means "without oxygen". Physical activity short in duration, high in intensity.

General level of intensity is too great to allow enough oxygen into the body to burn fat for energy. The body then switches to burning stored fuels such as glycogen and small amounts of carbohydrate stored in muscles. Since we only store about 2 minutes worth of anaerobic energy, anaerobic activity usually lasts a short time or becomes stop and go as we tire faster.

Benefits - Anaerobic benefits determine how well a workout strengthens and develops muscles.

Anaerobic activities includes weight lifting, racquetball, downhill skiing, tennis, martial arts and sprinting.


There is no substitution for getting your body up and moving daily via such activity as walking, swimming, biking, jogging, hiking, tennis, basketball or even lifting weights or walking a treadmill in a gym.

However, due to physical challenges, illness, age limitations, time restrictions, lockdowns, and weather factors, many people simply cannot or do not get their body moving everyday. Many people spend their day commuting, working, raising a family, sitting in front of a computer, or TV, or sleeping. Are you one of them?

Can you spare 5-10 minutes to relax and help your body and mind? Give it a try with the original Chi Machine ...

goldfishchi machineSDM-888

Health benefits for ages 4 to 100 yrs.
Use in the comfort of home or at work.

Sun Ancon Chi Machine.
This machine was invented by Dr. Inoue in Japan, primarily for oxygenation. It creates specific motion energy,
just like a goldfish swimming. This passive aerobic respiration exercise, maintains and promotes health and wellness of the mind and body, very simply and very easily, with no risk of injury. Can be used anywhere, anytime.

Note: Not originally intended for serious weight loss, but promotes ordinary weight loss benefit. Does not build muscles. Suitable for all body types.

FYI: The Sun Ancon Chi Machine is classified and regulated as a medical device in Japan, Australia, Canada and USA.


Sedentary Life Speeds Up Ageing -
Jan 29th 2008 - BBC World News.
"This conclusion provides a powerful message that could be used by clinicians to promote the potential anti-aging effect of regular exercise." - King's College London researchers.


This website is for informational and educational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from your chosen health practitioner. Always ask questions and research everything.

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Chi Energy International.

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