Type 2 Diabetes and
Diet, Exercise and Home Healing Machines.
Type 2 Diabetes can be reversed with diet
and exercise, which supports the halt of neuropathy
and the avoidance of
amputation. There are also three health machines
that are well known to make a difference.
1) In 2016 the World
Health Organization (WHO) announced that worldwide, 1
in 11 adults have diabetes, and 1 in 3 people are
overweight - 246 million diabetics. Today the numbers
are even higher.
2) More than 29.1 million
Americans have diabetes, many have resulting
3) Every 10 seconds, 2 people develop
4) Approximately 10% of all diabetes cases
are Type 1, the rest are Type 2.
triples the risk of a heart attack and
leaves people 20
times more likely to have a leg
amputated, as well as increasing the risk of
stroke, kidney failure, blindness and
complications in pregnancy. These facts are
just horrific
when we consider this is, in many cases
completely preventable, let alone
Diabetes creates neuropathy which is a
condition that affects the nerves causing
pain. Many diabetics develop neuropathy in
their legs and it can become so bad, that
feeling can be lost altogether, which can
shockingly lead to amputation which could be

Neuropathy causes intense tingling
and burning,
often resulting in complete loss of

Why is this happening?
Being overweight is strongly linked to Type 2 Diabetes which
commonly occurs due to an unhealthy diet packed with
sugar, coupled with minimal
inactivity, basically resulting in excessive
acidic toxin accumulation and depleted oxygen,
creating negative long term health consequences.
"People with a lot of visceral fat, also known
as central obesity, belly fat, or abdominal
obesity, are especially at risk. Being
overweight or obese causes the body to release
chemicals that can destabilize the body's
cardiovascular and metabolic systems." - medicalnewstoday.com/info/diabetes
Not all Type 2 Diabetes cases are overweight
(some are slim), and the medical world indicates
certain races are more prone such as Black
Women, Hispanic, Asian American and American
Indian. People with high blood pressure and men
with low testosterone are also at risk.
1) Drinking just one can of regular soda
per day can raise the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes by 22%, as
reported by researchers from Imperial College
London in the journal Diabetologia.
2) Nearly 40 drugs are known to cause
neuropathy. Excess alcohol can cause neuropathy.
It is estimated that upwards of 20 million
Americans have peripheral neuropathy, and the
most common cause is diabetes.
are what we eat.
Shift your mindset, give up your love affair
with food, get your body moving. Instead of
living to eat, eat to live. Ask yourself what
don't you want to feel. Is the comfort of food
more important than your health?
Type 2 Diabetes can
reversed naturally.
The solution is to primarily,
dramatically overhaul your diet, and get your
body moving every single
day. What do you have to lose by trying? By
doing nothing you risk losing mobility.
For some Type 2 diabetics that
have changed their diet, they have
succeeded in the elimination of diabetes,
not to mention excess weight and stress.
Eat raw,
organic wholefoods that are alkaline, and try
juicing which is fantastic because you get
concentrated nutrition, coupled with daily
aerobic exercise, thereby promoting
a healthy body without pain or disease.
Reverse diabetes in 30 days by eating
a raw food diet:
No meat, dairy, alcohol,
sodas, caffeine, refined foods, junk
food or fast food. Potatoes,
bread, pasta and rice are carbs
which the body breaks down into
Watch the trailer
of this incredible raw food documentary
and see how six people reversed their
Type 2 Diabetes in 30 days ...
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSUw9SaPLmA
nothing at all risks possible leg
amputation, a heart attack, kidney
failure, blindness or a stoke, and a
lifetime of drugs. Consult with your
qualified health practitioner and a
nutritionist for guidance.
home healing machines
to seriously consider ...
Get your body moving!
Steady and
permanent weight loss only happens with diet
changes combined with regular daily exercise.
There are many ways to exercise, to get the body
moving - walking, rebounding, swimming, biking,
jogging, yoga, dance - however not all of these
are possibly due to varying factors such as
weather, age, state of health, time limitation,
immobility challenges etc.
The Sun
Ancon Chi Machine is a great option, providing
movement of the body, perfect for those who
can't get outdoors or who are limited in
movement, or short on time. Known as passive aerobic
exercise, simply lie down, relax and
let the machine do it for you in the comfort of
your own home.

Regain feeling,
keep circulation moving.
A very
serious consideration is the Electro
Reflex Energizer (ERE) which generates powerful
stimulation and massage through the soles
of the feet to the legs.
Easy to use
- sit down, place your feet on top of the machine and relax.
Adjust the power dial to the level you feel
most comfortable.
For those who lack or
have lost feeling this machine is a must -
the dial will be on high initially, then
as feeling sensations return, adjust the
dial accordingly.
E-Power machine generates negative
electric potential which is known to lower
blood sugar, testified to by many diabetic
The machine also
supports pH balance, increased
negative ions (which make you feel
good and relieves depression), hours
of energy, as well as many other
health benefits and anti-aging
Both the E-Power
machine and the ERE are advanced healing
modalities known as Electrotherapy.