E-Power Machine



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SOQI E-Power Machine.
Energize, Recharge, Slow Aging.

The SOQI E-Power machine is a fantastic tool that not only increases the bodies negative electrical potential, but triggers serotonin release (mood booster / depression release), and promotes activation of ATP, resulting in energy, cellular rejuvenation, communication and connection. All you need to do is lie down, put on the belt, and relax.

E-Power benefits:
Recharge your cells, hours of energy, slow aging, skin care support, increased negative ions, improved cellular repair and function, pain relief, promotion of pH balance, cellular detoxification, improved metabolism and elimination, sounder sleep.

October Sale: $680.00
Free Carry Bag, E.Books & Videos.

E-Power Machinebeauty-rose

Advanced technology from Japan,
for health, well-being, and beauty.
The electrotherapy of the E-Power machine improves skin elasticity and collagen production, promotes relief of physical pain (circuitry blockages), induces a noticeable and profound sense of well-being and calm relieving stress and depression, and much more depending on specific individual health challenges (explained below).

E-power trials

Very successful sleep disorder trial.

Re-charge, power-up your body!

Basically, your body is a giant battery which has to be re-charged in order to function properly (the same principal as your cell phone), and this is where the sophistication of the extraordinary E-Power machine comes in.


Take a nap, de-stress and enjoy.


Click on image for video of
E-Power Machine demonstration.

The E-Power is exciting modern healing using advanced Japanese technology - first introduced outside Asia over 20 years ago - known as electrotherapy or electro medicine, also known as PEMF (pulsed electro magnetic field).

How do i use the E-Power Machine?
Sit down and put your feet up, velcro-wrap the blue belt around your waist after plugging it into the E-Power machine, choose your settings, and then relax for 30, 60 or 90 minutes. No sensation is felt by the body other than perhaps a slight tingling.

The light tube test:

Discover the strongest and weakest areas of the body by applying the light tube test. After an E-Power session, apply the light tube test again to see the changes and improvements.

The Energy Wand:

Use the Energy Wand to promote the movement of energy through the meridians of the body. May also be used on the head to relieve pain and tension, or to stimulate the scalp and follicle hair growth.


Mini Facelift.

Facial beauty:
Use the included Silver Pen Indicator to promote a temporary mini facelift - the energy generated by the E-Power machine supports youthfulness and beauty care.

It is known to increase collagen, to improve skin metabolism and regeneration, to help eliminate and soften small lines, to tighten the skin, and for some women it has helped improve jowls, double chin and turkey neck associated with becoming older and a poor diet. The E-Power is often referred to as the anti-aging machine.

Russia, Germany and Japan are the current experts in electrotherapy - a futuristic method of energy healing that is available today and may be used by everyone worldwide, in the comfort of home.

Specific Benefits
A healthy body has a negative electrical field.
Body functions are regulated and healthy.


Eastern Medicine combined
with Western Technology.

E-Power machine relaxation

Relax, read a book, watch TV
and let the E-Power do it's thing.

Background on the E-Power Machine:
The E-Power Machine was created using Japanese scientist Yiteng Xianzhi's research regarding negative potential, low voltage, high frequency. It has long since been approved by several renowned Japanese medical universities and has had notable results in improving the functions of organs, and limiting illness.

A scientifically advanced machine for healing, recharging, re-connecting and rejuvenating your body via what is known as electrotherapy through the study and application of biophysics. This technology combines the theories of modern medical science, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the biology of micro-molecules.

The E-Power is a Negative Potential Body Energizer with high frequency that focuses on every cell in your body from head to toes.


What is Electrotherapy,
also known
as Electro Medicine?
Everything in creation is energy.
Energy has a resonant frequency, a vibration. Past masters that understood this, were Tesla and Rife. Tesla was a genius and applied his knowledge to technology, where as Rife applied his knowledge to understanding, preventing and healing disease in the human body.

Today, all over the world, people are beginning to understand and develop biophysical electro-medicine so as so correct disease and imbalance at cellular level, in both animals and humans.

"The cell is a machine driven by energy. It can thus be approached by studying matter or by studying energy. In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy. Molecules do not have to touch each other to interact. Energy can flow through the electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic field along with water, forms the matrix of life." - Dr.Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine.

Electrotherapy promotes re-connection of broken or damaged electrical circuits within the body by stimulating correct wave form, current, and frequency. When there is pain in the body there is electrical resistance, meaning the electrical signals between cells are disconnected, broken, suppressed or blocked.

Consistent use of this healing modality can help to restore the flow of electricity through painful areas so that meridian circuits may connect and healing can be supported. Thus cell communication is promoted.

Natures electrical field creates negative ions,
natural electro-magnetic therapy.


 The E-Power machine generates the same
therapeutic effects via electrotherapy.

What is an ION?
"An ion is an atom or molecule which has lost or gained one or more electrons, making it positively or negatively charged." - Wikipedia.

Negative Ions are basically oxygen ions with an extra electron attached, produced through water molecules, which purify the air and kill germs.

Negative Ions, energetic electrical fields and seratonin:
Have you ever wondered why we love to relax by the ocean or sit near a waterfall, go boating on a lake or jog alongside a river? It is because they are an energetic electrical field, filled with negative ions, also found in high plateaus and highlands like those in Russia, China, Pakistan and Ecuador where tribes have significantly longer lifespans.

These negative ions heal us as they uplift us mentally, emotionally and physically (scientifically proven to relieve depression), also triggering serotonin (the feel good chemical) within the body.

Negative Ion deprivation:
Air conditioned buildings, fluorescent lighting spaces, rooms with cigarette smoke, over heated homes and stuffy environments, contain minimal to zero negative ions, which promotes poor health including headaches, lack of energy and lethargy, mental fog, depression, apathy, dry skin and dehydration.

Recharge your body through nature:
Next time you feel depressed go sit by the ocean or a river or waterfall and allow nature to sooth, uplift and heal you. Next time you are near earth, grass or sand, kick off your shoes and walk barefoot which will boost your negative ions, lift your spirits, energize your body, and promote healing, relaxation and inner balance.

FYI: Increase the level of negative ions in your home and office by introducing a flowing water fountain and live plants.
What is Electrotherapy
More information about electro-medicine.


Why the E-Power Machine
is Important:

The E-Power Machine is a Negative Potential Body Energizer.

What is 'Negative Potential'?

There are about sixty trillion cells in your body, and each cell is 30-40 micro voltages, therefore the total 'electric potential' is huge, 24,000,000,000+.

Every cell has either a positive or negative charge potential.

A Positive charged cell may be harmful ...

- Nutrients, oxygen and H2O cannot penetrate the cell.
- Waste and carbon dioxide remain trapped within the cell.
- The cell receives excessive sodium+/hydrogen+

A Negative charged cell allows ...
Nutrients, oxygen and H2O to penetrate the cell - waste and carbon dioxide are released.



We all have a negative potential 'bank account':

a) Children have approx. 70-90 millivolts of negative potential - they have tons of energy.

b) The sick and fatigued have lower than 60 millivolts - they lack energy and have pain.

c) Senior citizens have even less. When cells die there are zero millivolts.

d) Cancer and disease equals 15 millivolts.

The E-Power machine increases the negative electrical potential in the body, enhances oxygen reserves, boosts metabolism, supports the immune system, lowers blood sugar, all thereby resulting in increased health and revitalization.

The body reacts to the negative potential energy and begins removing sediment acids, impurities, triglycerides and cholesterol, which adhere to the walls of arteries. As the E-power machine increases the electric potential and cell permeability, it thereby cleans the blood and balances the pH.

Negative ions potentially eliminate free radicals within a human body and maintain body fluids in a weak alkaline condition.

"Using the body as a capacitor, the E-Power machine generates 70KHz of high frequency electrical waves, for acute pain to stimulate sensory fibers. As the E-Power increases the temperature of the subcutaneous skin, negative potential energy spreads throughout the entire body, creating a harmonious electrical field.

Negative potential energy with high frequency balances the functions of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negatively charged ions) on both sides of the cell membrane. This promotes a faster metabolism and aids in building immunity." - Extract adapted from HTE.

The ocean has an abundance
of negative charged ions.

neg ions

Avoid heavy contact with EMF's - cell phones,
computers - which create harmful positive ions.

Negative potential, mitochondria and ATP:

1) Within every cell there are 'energy factories' called mitochondria (found in nearly all cells except red blood cells), which produce 90% or more ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a main energy source for the majority of cellular and muscular functions, including the synthesis of DNA.

Mitochondria failure causes cell injury that leads to cell death, which means reduced ATP production resulting in illnesses and disease both physical and neurological. Aging is partially due to lack of ATP, researched and attested to by scientists worldwide.

Negative potential activates the ATP enzyme and aids the composition of the ATP which is continually being broken down and re-synthesized every single moment, produced by one set of reactions and almost immediately consumed by another.

ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism and is thus an energy essential to the body in order for it to survive. ATP is used to build complex molecules, contract muscles and generate electricity in nerves. Without ATP, life as we understand it could not exist.

2) Every cell in the body has a sodium-potassium pump which is activated by ATP, and critical to the Lymphatic System working properly. Each cell must remain negatively charged in order for the sodium/potassium pump to work properly which allow nutrients to enter, and waste to exit. If the negative charge diminishes, it affects the ATP, thereby the sodium/potassium pump, and thus compromises the cell.

FYI: An interesting note is that Fibromyalgia patients are reported to have low ATP, promoted by nutritional deficiencies.


The E-Power Machine for Beauty.


Slow Aging, Facial Rejuvenation.

Slow Aging: All of us want to be healthy, delay aging and remain energized. The E-Power machine works to promote and support these desires. Many users worldwide have reported noticeable changes including softer, firmer skin, a tighter neck (sagging skin) and a better defined jawline (jowls).

Sheet Face Mask: Both men and women have discovered superior results by using a sheet mask with the E-Power machine - 30 minute session on low or medium setting. The machine works to allow greater ingredient absorption from the mask, thus benefiting facial appearance, skin texture, elasticity and firmness.

Toxin Elimination: The E-Power machine supports the body's ability for recovery by promoting electro-magnetic cellular reactivation, rejuvenation and wellness on multiple levels - including the promotion of bowel movements and energy which both promote healthy skin and youthful vibrancy.

The machine acts on muscle cells of the digestive system for faster digestion, softening the hard waste and stimulating the intestine to increase intestinal transit, thereby helping to eliminate constipation, thus removing toxins, which supports a clear, glowing complexion.

Increased Collagen Production: Electrical stimulation at high frequency of cells at a rate of 70,000 times per second (70 kHz), helps skin regain its elasticity by increasing collagen and hyaluronic acid, and accelerates the process of detoxification of the skin thus improving appearance and cellular health.

Consistent daily use of x30 days plus promotes softer skin, diminishes lines, and has been reported to promote a firming of the jawline by users in the USA and Canada.

                          and After

Beauty Demo Video
using the silver indicator pen:

silver pen facial

Click on image for video
facelift demonstration.

Soften wrinkles and tighten skin in 30 mins. May be used at home or professionally.

Video shows silver pen facelift, use of sheet mask, and how to break down inflammation, blemishes and spots.

Order Here


Light Tube Test -
Health Status Indicator:

Click image to watch video:

Light tube test

Light tube test showing before and after.

Notice the tube has no light, then is lit up.

If you take a fluorescent light tube, whilst sitting with the E-Power belt activated, the tube will light up on its own when you hold it. If you pass the light tube over your body, the areas where the light is dimmer, indicates the areas that need to be strengthened. It indicates the areas of your body lacking energy, weakness, possible energy blockages and health challenges.

Light tube test Instructions:

1) Plug in the E-Power machine and belt, sit comfortably, and have someone move the light tube around your body - arms, legs, head, upper and lower torso etc. Pause over each area, and gently tap the tube between 1 to 3 times until it glows.

Take note of the weaker areas, indicated by a dim light, or the tube barely lighting up.

2) Next, relax and enjoy a 30 to 60 minute session.

3) After the session, once again, have someone move the light tube around your body. The difference before and after, may surprise you.

Light Up Your Life pdf

This file that shows complete step by step guidance, including explaining what the poor areas of energy may indicate health-wise, as indicated by the light tube test.


The Energy Wand:

Energy Wand

The Energy Wand (12" long), is a tool used to work in tandem with the E-Power machine to guide the energy and directly stimulate the meridians (the energy pathways of the body), clear blockages, and stimulate blood flow.

epower hair

Use the energy wand to stimulate hair
growth by stimulating scalp circulation.
Plug in the E-Power, put on the belt, sit on a chair, then simply hold the wand and gently glide it over the skin, or the scalp. The wand itself does not have to be plugged in, and the end of the cord simply lies on the floor, grounded by a heavy metal bullet tip.

                          Wand Demo
Click image to watch video of
Energy Wand demonstration.

Energy Wand pdf
Step by step instructions and meridian charts.

Order Here


How to use the E-Power Machine:

EP demo.

Lightweight and portable,
for personal or professional use.

The E-Power machine generates no physical sensation other than a light tingling for some users - just sit back and relax.

1) Take off any heavy metal jewelry, bracelets, watches, belts etc.

2) Do NOT use a cell phone, computer or any other electronic gadget whilst using the E-Power machine as it will cause electrical conflict.

3) Plug the cord into the machine and the wall outlet.
4) Keep both the machine and yourself, 4 inches away from the wall.

5) Do not let the cable connected to the belt contact the floor.

6) Put the E-Power belt around your waist with velcro facing out. If waist is too large, you may wrap the belt around your thigh.

7) Feet need to be OFF the floor - recline on a couch or bed, or sit on a wood chair (not metal), with feet on stool.

8) Press ON button.
9) Press time button 30, 60 or 90 min or continuous button. A 30 mins or 60 mins session limit is recommend if using more than twice daily.

10) Press EPA button, choose setting - low, medium or high frequency.
11) Press play button.

Very Important:
Drink plenty of water for hydration, to promote detoxification and to increase metabolism rate. Before, during or after session is ideal - At least x1 glass of water 1 hour before the session, and x1 glass of water 1 hour afterwards. Alkaline or ionized water is best choice to enhance benefits.

TIP: Morning use stimulates alertness. Evening use promotes relaxation.

Cautions: Do not use if you ...

- have a pacemaker or serious heart problems - electrical conflict.
- have a diabetic monitor, or any other internal electrical device - electrical conflict.

- are menstruating - may increase blood flow.
- are pregnant.
- have a high fever - wait until fever is reduced.
- have transplant organs.
- have kidney problems or are on dialysis.

- are undergoing chemotherapy - may increase chemo toxicity.
- are bleeding or have had recent surgery - wait 2-3 months.


E-Power Machine
Common Questions:

Will i feel anything whilst i'm using the machine?
If you have healthy capillary function you may feel slight stimulation in the fingertips, otherwise usually no sensation is felt physically.

The E-Power does not directly expel the electricity to your body. It creates a cell vibration of 70,000 times per second which is best suited to your body, relaxing you, whilst stimulating your cells into action. There may be a very tiny static shock if someone touches you, like the sensation from static clothing.

Clients in Taiwan visiting SOQI health spas, have their hair washed whilst using the machine.

What is the maximum amount of time the machine may be used daily?

Begin with 30 minutes in the low mode. One hour on medium is a good daily session. You may slowly increase the time and intensity in increments.

How frequently may the E-Power machine be used?

The more frequent and consistent the sessions, the more noticeable the results. In general, one hour on a daily basis is good, but If you prefer twice daily or longer sessions, that is ok too.


1) Low energy consumption.
2) 100% safe.
3) No known side effects - non invasive - non toxic.
4) Noticeable long-term benefits within first few weeks to first month of use.

5) Can be used if taking medication.
6) Can be used with internal metal parts - rods or plates.

8) E-Power machine lifespan with regular frequent use is 5 years.
9) 1yr warranty on E-Power unit - 6 month warranty on E-power belt.


E-Power Book pdf
The revolutionary E-Power.

ep lady

Voltage: 120v or 220v
Weight: 7.6 lbs / 3.4 kg
12.7 x 12.5 x 6.5 inches
32.2 x 31.75 x 16.51 cm

Waist belt, blue, velcro fit: 
45" / 114 cm waist.

E-Power Machine

x2 Ports for x2 Belts.

Technical Specifications

Input Power: 18W + 20%

High Frequency
70 KHz + 10%
High: 2500 + 100v
Middle: 2300 + 100v
Low: 1900 + 100v

Negative Potential:
High: -1000 + 100v
Middle - 800 + 100v
Low: - 600 + 100v


E-Power Machine:
5yr + life expectancy with daily use.

E-P both

x1 Velcro Waist Belt,
x1 Silver Indicator Pen,
Free eBooks and Videos.

October Sale: $680.00
Free Carry Bag.
List Price: $850.00


- Carry Bag: $25.00
- Extra Belt: $110.00
- Energy Wand: $100.00 Sale: $80.00

Any questions? We've got you ...




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