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What Is Electrotherapy. 
The future of healthcare is here.

Electrotherapy, also known as Electro-Medicine, PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field) or Bio Resonance, consists of small electrical impulses used to stimulate, re-connect, recharge and repair the cellular and electrical circuitry of the body. No electric shocks are involved.


Everything in creation is energy. That energy has a resonant frequency, a vibration. Past masters that understood this advanced healing technology were Tesla and Rife, unfortunately they are now deceased but research continues based on their scientific discoveries.

Today, global scientists are beginning to understand and develop biophysical electrical stimulation therapy so as so correct disease and imbalance at cellular level, in both animals and humans.

"The cell is a machine driven by energy. It can thus be approached by studying matter or by studying energy. In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.

Molecules do not have to touch each other to interact. Energy can flow through the electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic field along with water, forms the matrix of life." - Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine.

Electrotherapy promotes re-connection and repair of broken or damaged electrical circuits and cells within the body, by stimulating correct wave form, current, and frequency.

When there is pain in the body there is electrical resistance, meaning the electrical signals between cells are disconnected, broken, suppressed or blocked.

Consistent use of this healing modality can help to restore the flow of electricity through painful areas so that meridian circuits may connect and healing can be supported. Thus cellular communication is promoted.

Everything in nature is electro-magnetic energy.


Natural negative ions from
electrical fields created by nature.

What is an ION?
"An ion is an atom or molecule which has lost or gained one or more electrons, making it positively or negatively charged." - Wikipedia.

Negative Ions and Electrical Fields:

Some electrotherapy machines promote negative Ions. Have you ever wondered why we love to be by the ocean or near a waterfall? It is because they are pulsating, energetic electrical fields, filled with negative ions, also found in high plateaus and highlands like those in Russia, Pakistan and Ecuador where tribes have significantly longer lifespans.

These negative ions heal us as they uplift us mentally, emotionally and physically and trigger serotonin (the feel good chemical), within the body.

Next time you feel depressed or unhappy, go sit by the ocean for a few hours or take a walk by a river or waterfall. The body knows how to heal itself, nothing is more powerful than the medicine of nature.


FYI: The Earth itself has a frequency called Schumann's Resonance. Earthing - walking barefoot - allows the body to absorb this healing frequency. There is a transfer of free electrons from the earth through the skin. These electrons are powerful antioxidants which help ease inflammation.

Electrotherapy and the Human Body Frequency:
Every single thing has an electrical frequency that can be measured accurately. Every part of your body and brain radiates an electrical frequency 24/7.

"The general human healthy frequency is within the range of 62-72 Hz and when it drops to lower levels it enables the appearance of variety of diseases. For example at the level of 58 Hz, diseases like cold and flu were more likely to appear. On much lower levels (42 Hz) Cancer appeared in quite may humans". - Galina Merline, www.healthone.com

"Each species emits its own unique frequency and it is in the radio frequency range. In general, the more primitive the organism, the lower its bandwidth. Advanced animals have higher frequencies and the range is wider.

The human body broadcasts electrically just like a radio station, but over a wide band of frequencies and very low voltages (1520 to 9460 KHz). Insects broadcast between 1000 and 1500 KHz. Pathogens (molds, viruses, bacteria, worms, mites) range from 77 KHz to 900 KHz."

- Adapted from Hulda Clark's book 'The Cure for All Diseases', 1995 - a reknowned expert on electrotherapy for parasites and disease.

When the body experiences pain or numbness, this indicates a blocked, suppressed or damaged electrical circuit which needs to be repaired. It indicates the electrical communication has a malfunction.

Electrotherapy reconnects the body circuitry, the electrical energy flow, and enables pain management by correcting nerve cell communication, thus promoting healing and wellness. It stimulates the nerves, promotes nerve regeneration, strengthens weak muscles, improves circulation and re-charges the cells.

 neuropathy-nerve cells

Nerve cells and circuitry.

Electrotherapy has been medically proven to benefit and heal the body, a fact long established in Asia and Europe. Noticeable change in the body occurs according to the electrical frequency applied.

Certain frequencies applied over a period of time alters the bio resonance of the cells resulting in the elimination of worms and parasites, as well as addressing pain and illness.

Bio resonance electrotherapy is practiced in 85 countries globally - most especially in Germany, Switzerland and Russia (Deta Elis), and even used by President Putin, Russia's Health Department, the Russian space station, and by Olympic athletes.

Many European countries use electrotherapy (also known as electro-medicine), as a standard treatment for muscle atrophy, sports medicine and orthopedic rehabilitation.

To date, there is extensive global research and literature on electrotherapy. Online sources include PubMed with multiple proven studies showing electrical stimulation works extremely well for multiple physical challenges.

There Is No Escape!
We are bombarded by invisible damaging electrical frequencies - known as electro-smog - from computers, cell phones, SMART meters, cell phone towers, WIFI, bluetooth, the electrical wiring in the walls, radio, TV, GPS in your car, military exercises on land and at sea using high frequency technology etc

From homes to offices, cars, planes, boats, or simply walking down the street, shopping in a mall, eating in a restaurant ... there is nowhere to hide. What
effect do you think these frequencies have on your body?

Silent Killers and what you can do in your daily life to combat them.

Why do you think dolphins and whales breach themselves, or why so many bees are dying, or why cancer rates are climbing?

What affect do you think genetically modified and radiated food has on your body?

5G has already been introduced which will rapidly accelerate species extinction, illness and disease.

Electrotherapy is a vital healing modality for all of us as it works to keep body frequencies in balance and harmony, to correct, re-connect, re-charge, repair and heal.


E-power machine

E-Power Machine

Re-connect and re-charge the whole body - power up!

Electrotherapy for ATP activation, increased negative ions, pH balance, hours of energy, anti-aging therapy, and more.

Electro Reflex Energizer (ERE)
Powerful reflexology, heated massage stimulation though the soles of the feet - the hands and wrists may also be placed on the machine.

Included with the machine, are x6 electrode-pads that behave as TENS units.

Of Interest:
Electrotherapy and Diabetes.

PubMed has numerous medical studies online that prove the efficacy of electrotherapy on peripheral neuropathy, a complication that afflicts greater than 36 percent of people with type 2 diabetes.

The effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation are consistent. The beneficial effects of prolonged use include a significant reduction in pain.

Consult with your health care practitioner for advice and guidance, but be aware that few American doctors have any awareness or education regarding electrotherapy.

This website is for informational and educational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from your healthcare specialist, and is not to be used to diagnose, cure, mitigate or prevent any health problem or disease. Always ask questions and research everything.

©2002-2024 Chimachine4u - Electrotherapy.

Chi Energy International.
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