Healthy Back Support:
What is the
role of the spine and why is adjustment
Doctors stress the importance of spinal traction
and the adjustment of bones and muscles. This is
because bones and muscles support and regulate the
main and collateral spinal channels.
An improperly aligned spine leads to sore bones
and problems in the main and collateral channels,
as well as in the vital organs of the body. Thus,
if the spine is out of proper alignment, it can
cause such things as inflammation of the shoulder,
spurs, nerve pain, stomach aches and joint pain.
Why does pain occur in the vital body organs? -
Because nerves radiate from the spine to the
vital body organs. The nervous system is the
brain's communication system.
A crooked spine constricts the peripheral
nervous system radiating from it. If that nerve
happens to extend to the stomach, the stomach
will be pathologically changed. Vital organs
will ache. The most severe symptoms that can
result from this is compression of the
peripheral nerves.
Did you know that 80% of
Diseases are Linked to the Spine:
illustration of spine related organs
and related health problems.
by Traction:
When you are reclining, the spine does not
have to support the weight of the body, so it
assumes a natural state. By repeatedly swaying
the spine, much like the motion of a fish, the
spine relaxes and adjusts itself accordingly.
Many masseuses hold the ankles and sway the
body at the end of a massage.
The Sun Ancon Chi Machine is very popular with
chiropractors who use it in a supportive role,
for pre-adjustment relaxation, thereby making
their office adjustments much easier to
Back Pain:
The Chi Machine performs well
with back pain, as well as shoulder and neck
pain. Lower back pain inparticular is common
for too many people, but feedback over the
past 30 years has confirmed the Chi Machine
promotes and delivers back relaxation and pain
relief: Personal
Autonomic Nervous System.
Autonomic Nervous System(ANS), is housed within
the spine and an essential part of the body,
controlling most of your involuntary and
intuitive everyday body functions.
It is composed of two branches, the
Parasympathetic and the Sympathetic. These two
branches are enclosed within the spinal cord and
extend to the lungs, heart, blood vessels, the
eyes, stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys,
bladder, sex organs and sweat, salivary and
digestive glands. When any of these nerves
malfunction, when one system becomes more active,
the body begins to act up and respond accordingly.
When these systems are working properly, the
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nerves trade off
as needed. In times of stress or when extra
activation is needed, the Sympathetic system steps
in. Once the crisis is averted, the body settles
down under the gentle care of the Parasympathetic
The Parasympathetic System is fueled by the
neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is created
from tryptophan. Serotonin also makes melatonin
which enables us to sleep better.
1) The Sympathetic
Nervous System sends signals to
multiple different body organs, stimulating the
body for 'fight or flight'.
2) The
Parasympathetic Nervous System inhibits
and keeps activity calm, in a state of 'rest, relaxation and regeneration'.
is yellow (middle spine).
Parasympathetic is blue (upper and lower
The Autonomic Nervous System
is stimulated and fine tuned by gentle
motion of the body such as swaying or
Upset to
the Autonomic Nervous System may cause:
- Anxiety - Dizziness when standing.
- Heart palpitations - Raised blood pressure.
- Abdominal cramps - Constipation or Diarrhea -
Urgent need to empty the bladder.
- Digestive problems - Nausea, Vomiting -
- Sexual activity - Erectile dysfunction,
Impotence - Vaginal dryness, Orgasm difficulty.
- Heat intolerance - Excessive sweating - Cold
skin - Insomnia.
- Accelerated aging process in breast cancer
patients (their Sympathetic System is consistently
more strongly activated).

organs and glands
linked to the ANS.
Prolonged stress or conflict, shock,
trauma, cancer diagnosis etc will throw the ANS
out of balance and into the fearful energy of
the Sympathetic (sympathicotonia), over-riding
the healing, resting Parasympathetic
Fear and stress create cortisol which increases
weigh gain and a host of very unpleasant
physical chain reactions and disease.
Common reasons for excessive ANS activity are
ongoing fears and stress, prescription
medications, cocaine, alcohol, cigarettes and
coffee, or medical conditions such as spinal
cord injury, diabetes, multiple sclerosis,
Parkinson's disease.

humans, animals instinctively
understand how to stay healthy.
FYI Animals:
Have you ever observed mammals - dogs, cats,
cows, horses, lions etc - rolling on their
spine using a snake like motion? Animals
intuitively attune themselves to nature and know
how to look after themselves, seeking out
stretching, exercise, sunshine, water, food and
sleep as needed, never in excess.

The foundation of health
is movement and water.
1) Movement
of the body promotes health and wellness
on multiple levels, including elimination
so the body does not stagnate and poison
itself. A sedentary lifestyle promotes
shallow breathing and stress, coupled with
an acidic diet, environmental pollution
... all contribute to an unhealthy future
of pain and illness.
2) Water
is 75% of the body and without
it the body cannot operate optimally.
Dehydration creates decay and stagnation,
wrinkled skin and facial lines develop,
weight gain occurs, body systems cannot
function correctly thereby creating a host
of minor to major diseases.
Most people live in a state of
dehydration, which commonly results in
headaches, constipation, pain and
toxicity. Accumulation of toxicity must be
avoided at all costs to remain healthy.
If your
body lacks sufficient physical
movement and water, it is inevitable
your body will begin to malfunction
and 'break down' due to acidic
toxicity and resulting waste
accumulation. Get your body moving
and stay hydrated!

Benefits for all ages, fast facts.
- Australian clinical trials.
- The Lymphatic System.
- The importance of oxygenation and
Quick Questions
1) How much do you
already continuously spend on medication,
doctor visits, invasive procedures,
chiropractors, etc?
2) How
much do you already continuously spend on
gym membership fees and diet products? Do
you need weight management?
3) Is
the weather outside not conducive for exercise?
Are you confined indoors? Do you hate
4) Are
you short on time? Are you stressed
frequently? Do you sleep badly?
5) When would NOW be a
great day to reduce or stop all the
needless expense?
Long-term sustainable health comes from
regular exercise, water, sunshine for Vitamin D
and Far
Infrared, positive energy,
quality sleep, and a pH balanced healthy
The Chi Machine will take care of you in
so many ways, on so many levels, no matter
your age or level of health.
Invest in your health wisely.
Illness is expensive!