Breast Cancer 101
Life Saving
Tips and Red Flags.

Part 2 - Part
Topics presented include:
Diet, Mammograms VS Thermography,
Tips and Red Flags, Reconstruction,
The Mind/Body Connection.
Breast Cancer
Every year, approximately 180,000 women will
be diagnosed with breast cancer according to
the American Cancer Society. Breast cancer
kills 458,000 people each year, according to
the World Health Organization. The U.S. has
one of the highest breast cancer rates in
the world. The possibility of breast cancer
over a woman's lifetime has skyrocketed to
one in eight.
Notice Asia and Africa, countries that
do not consume western diets with heavy dairy,
sugar an meat consumption, have the lowest
percentage of breast cancer.
women have some of the lowest breast cancer rates
in the world ... until they adopt a Western
One study found that
post-menopausal Chinese women who followed a
“meat and sweet” Western-style diet were 60
percent more likely to get breast cancer than
same-age Chinese women who followed a “soy and
vegetable” traditional Chinese diet.
The effect was more significant for
estrogen-receptor positive tumors, whose growth
is nurtured by estrogen. The risk of getting
this type of breast cancer was increased 90
percent by the Western-style diet. -
Alkaline Diet - Natural whole
Gloria Steinem,
famous journalist and activist, has said that
by eating the right foods, teenage pregnancy
could be reduced by delaying the onset of
menstruation. Steinem had breast cancer
diagnosis in 1986, and chose a lumpectomy plus
6 weeks of radiation - she is now 78 yrs old.
To quote Gloria
Steinem "The first problem for all of us, men
and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn."
Apply this to traditional Western diet
guidance (acid food and drinks), causes of
cancer (poisoned diet, drugs and environment,
emotional stress and trauma etc), and
conventional cancer therapy protocol safety
(there is none).
Why diet is so Important
- read: "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell,
PhD. Study of diets worldwide and how food
determines the health of the body.
If you
eat a plant based protein diet, instead of
an animal protein diet ... if you release
negative emotional issues, instead of
keeping them inside ... you can AVOID cancer
and also REVERSE cancer. You can avoid
having your breasts unnecessarily cut off,
and you can choose not to flood your body
with poisonous chemicals which statistics
prove will cause irreversible damage and
kill you.
Focus on the source of disease (your
emotions), change your diet, detox your mind
and body. Avoid toxic band-aids chemotherapy,
radiation and drugs, which will age you,
destroy your mind and body, and claim far too
many within a few short years, sometimes
months. Those that survive orthodox cancer
protocols, are never the same again, mentally,
physically, emotionally, sexually or
You are what you eat.
Diet - A Matter of Life. Taking action
to make your body alkaline, is a critical factor
in the battle against cancer.
"The majority of food and
drinks most people consume are acidic, such as
meat, grains and sugar, with sodas being highly
acidic. So unless you have been eating a healthy
diet, full of fresh fruit and vegetables, your
body is way too acidic which creates an
excellent environment for cancer to grow and
thrive in. There is a long history of reversing
cancer simply by alkalinizing the body. It is
one of the basic strategies in the battle
against cancer."
- cancer-prevention.net
Mammograms VS Thermography.
Radiation from mammograms
have been proven to CAUSE cancer. The
severe tissue compression involved may induce
metastases if a tumor already exits.
Mammography is an extremely ineffective
diagnostic tool (it misses about 20% of cancers)
but it also subjects the breast tissue to
radiation! Every time you get a mammogram, your
chances for getting cancer increase. -
Switzerland is moving to drop mammograms since
independent research has revealed that the
risks far outweigh any benefits. The belief is
that to continue giving women mammograms in
light of clinical studies and overwhelming
negative statistics worldwide, would be

Alternative to Mammograms
- Breast Thermography.
Digital Thermograph -
Radiation Free - Safer and more Accurate than
a Mammogram. Thermography checks for
inflammation throughout the body (first sign
of disease), and can detect future disease
sites, by reading higher temperatures in body
parts that are at risk.
Thermography, around
since the 1960's and only recently available
in the USA, offers a highly accurate means of
detecting developing breast cancers by
offering graphical evidence of angiogenesis
(increased blood vessel growth that occurs to
feed a tumor). Thermography can identify
pre-cancerous changes 5-10 years before a
mammogram detects a lump. Cost? About $150 -
$250. By detecting a pre-cancerous
environment, life style and diet changes can
be implemented immediately.
8 Breast Cancer Tips
That May Save Your Life.
It has now been proven that breast cancer, more often
than not, is caused by dental infections which travel
via the lymph system, between the mouth and the
breasts. Root canals create a safe-haven for
cancer-causing bacteria which when performed on the
same meridian as the breasts, causes breast cancer.
These infections can be identified by thermographs
from the nose to the waist. They are the thin red
lines which may be between the breast and mouth,
for example. The only way to kill the microbes in
the lymph system is with electromedicine or
alkalinity. Again, alkalinity of the body is
critical, and sugar is deadly.
Research Dr. Thomas
Rau of the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland.
In a study of 150 breast cancer patients by Dr.
Rau, 147 of them had had root canals on the same
acupuncture meridian as the breast cancer. The
other 3 also had dental problems on the same
meridian, but they were not root canals, they were
infections in the jawbone.
Mike Vrentas (Cellect-Budwig) and Bill Henderson
are also experts in this area.
The Relationship Between Root
Canals and Cancer:
Check your teeth right now - Root Canal Meridian
Chart: meridiantoothchart.com/tooth_charts.html
Normal production of melatonin in the pineal gland
inhibits the production and overproduction of
estrogen, however, many environmental factors
inhibit the production of melatonin: electromagnetic
fields (remove cell phone, computer and electric
clock from bedroom), strong night lighting (unplug
TV before sleeping), alcohol (red wine is ok),
aging, prescribed medications (do you really need
"Laboratory experiments have found that low levels
of melatonin stimulate the growth of certain types
of breast cancer cells - A high number of women with
estrogen receptor positive tumors have low levels of
melatonin in their blood."
Source: breastcancerchoices.org/melatonin.html
Another reason to eat ORGANIC:
"Pesticides mimic the action of estrogen in your
body in that they can lock onto receptors in the
your breasts and stimulate cell division. Even small
amounts of pesticides can be dangerous to women,
because they tend to concentrate to high levels in
fat cells, and breasts are comprised mostly of fat
cells." - International Wellness Directory.
a) A new study
out of the University of Reading (UR) in the UK has
found that, based on tests conducted, nearly every
single woman with breast cancer has one or more
paraben chemicals in her breast tissue, suggesting a
possible link between the chemical and the disease.
Check that all personal hygene products and
cosmetics do not contain parabens.
b) No
Nearly all breast cancer tumors occur in the
upper outside quadrant of the breast area. This is
precisely where the lymph nodes are located. Women
who apply anti-perspirant right after shaving
increase the risk further because shaving causes
almost imperceptible nicks in the skin which give
the chemicals entrance into the body from the armpit
Source: www.americanaci.org
Deodorant is ok
providing there is NO aluminum content. Look
for the brand TOMS which contains no aluminum or Dr.
We recommend you take time to read an excellent
blog about breast cancer containing a wealth of
information which includes the journey of a Danish
doctor, Kristine
Nolfi, who after discovering breast
cancer, turned to raw food and sunshine for
Vitamin D and far infrared heat, and cured
herself. She was initially ridiculed by the
conventional medical community but went on to
become highly respected.
Another observation noted (confirmed and proven
scientifically), is that "the Chinese eat mainly
cleansing foods: vegetables, grains and legumes,
some fish and no dairy. What is of inestimable
importance is the fact that they obtain 7% of
their protein from animal products, whereas
Americans obtain 70% of their protein from animal
products." Chinese women have very low rates of
breast cancer because they don't consume dairy.
Source: www.angelfire.com/ia/trikay/nolfi.html
Breast Cancer Patients have high estrogen levels:
Body-fat is the primary source of estrogen
Insulin promotes the storage of body-fat, and
cancer cells thrive on sugar delivered courtesy of
insulin. Chronically high insulin levels, like
excessive body-fat, are associated with increased
breast cancer risk.
What does this mean? Stop eating
foods that spike your blood sugar, necessitating
the release of insulin to normalize blood glucose
levels. Specifically, NO SUGAR, AVOID DAIRY.
Do not get an estrogen patch.
Too many women have triggered breast cancer soon after
wearing one, due to already perfect cancer conditions
set up internally, ready to explode. Ideal conditions
for breast cancer are a daily diet of animal protein,
soda, minimal to zero plant proteins, frequent dairy
products, deep stress, ongoing prescribed medications,
and lack of sunshine.
c) Breast
Cancer patients also have low DHEA levels and low to
zero Vitamin D. Boost with daily aerobic exercise,
15-20 minutes of sunshine daily (NO sunscreen) and a
plant protein diet,
not an animal protein diet. If If you don't have
sunshine try Cod Liver Oil instead.
7) Zinc, Selenium, Iodine - and
Breast Cancer patients have low ZINC, IODINE and
SELENIUM levels. Lack
of zinc has been implicated not only in the initiation
of breast cancer, but also in the transition,
progression, and metastasis of the disease. When zinc
is deficient, cellular functioning in the breast is
When Zinc is deficient, CADMIUM levels increase -
cadmium is found in cigarettes from the tobacco's
agricutural fertiliser.
Learn more: Your new shopping
list, and cancer-diet
Wear your bra for the least amount of hours
possible. The longer you wear a bra, the higher the
chance for breast cancer. Reason? Lymphatic
congestion, the breasts overheat.
- breastcancerchoice.org - Bras are also
mainly made of nylon, which causes cancer. Throw
away all clothing that contains nylon.
Jacklyn Smith
from the original "Charlies Angels". 2002
Lumpectomy and Radiation, Stage 1 Breast Cancer -
10 yrs clear 2012. She focuses on veggies and
fruit, minimal meat, does Pilates and daily
Red flags that place a woman at risk for breast
1) Early menstruation.
2) High blood cholesterol (diet).
3) Late menopause.
High exposure to female hormones (red meat, dairy
products - estrogen patches).
5) HRT (hormone replacement therapy to
alleviate menopause effects), has been proven to
lead to breast cancer.
6) Lack of Iodine (seafood, seaweed,
Greek yogurt, boiled eggs), Zinc (seafood, nuts
and seeds), Selenium (fish, Brazil nuts),
Vitamin D (sunshine) and Vitamin C (liquid is
7) Diet with frequent consumption of
animal protein (red meat, chicken, milk and
cheese, processed foods, fried food) and sugar
(especially soda's and high fructose corn
8) Holding on to the negative, acidic,
emotional energy of anger, pain and grief from
traumatic relationships, life experiences, and
9) Having a baby after age
30yrs, or never having a baby.
10) Root canals. Trapped bacteria travels
down meridians from root canal to breast.
11) Lack of sleep. Keep bedroom dark and
quiet - turn TV off!
12) Multiple mammograms.
13) Frequent hot showers in chlorinated
water - use a filter.
14) Frequent use of prescribed
15) Obesity. Body fat stores estrogen
which can trigger cancer during menopause.
16) Lack of aerobic exercise
- get your body moving for oxygenation,
detoxification, and to remove excess body fat
(which stores and secretes estrogen).
17) Microwaved food - toss it! Microwaved
food changes the cellular structure of food
which interferes with your DNA.
18) Frequent cell phone use. Always use
speakerphone. Never sleep with cell phone in
19) 12% of women carry a defective gene
called BRCA1 which cause's breast cancer, and
ovarian cancer.
beauty Angelina Jolie inherited the BRCA1
gene. Three women in her family have died from
breast and ovarian cancer. In February 2013, she
elected to remove both her breasts. "I do not
feel any less of a woman. I feel empowered that
I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes
my femininity."
- "My Medical Choice" by Angelina
"1 a Minute" -
documentary. Recommended for all
breast cancer patients. One woman's journey, from
breast cancer diagnosis thru chemo - including
several famous women who comment on their own cancer
- www.hulu.com/watch/279522/1-a-minute
Life after Mastectomy.
Part of being a women
means embracing your sexuality and female
physiology. Being faced with the decision to
have your breasts cut off or not, is
obviously extremely traumatic, an extreme, radical
choice, and life changing on every level.
Breast reconstruction will give you back your
breasts and your self esteem. There are choices for
your new physical identity:
1) Tissue expanders - 'balloons' injected with
saline to stretch skin - which takes several months
followed by implants.
2) AirXpanders - patient fills 'balloons' daily with
small CO2 dosage using hand held device, no pain, no
needles - which take 6 to 20 days followed by
3) Tram or Diep Flap.
4) CAL.
Videos to watch:
1) Tissue Expanders.
Three weeks after double mastectomy with tissue
b) Six months
after double mastectomy with tissue expanders - 31
year old mom who was diagnosed with Stage 1,
triple negative breast cancer - double mastectomy,
reconstruction, and 4 rounds of chemo: youtube.com/watch?v=2b4_ppGmCuM
2) Tram
Flap: Natural body tissue from abdomen:
CAL: Fat and Stem Cell Breast
Reconstruction - No Cutting, No Implants,
Feeling Is Retained - Completely Natural: In
2003, Kotaro Yoshimura, MD, a professor and
surgeon at the University of Tokyo in Japan,
began testing an innovative procedure he called
cell-assisted lipotransfer, or CAL, in which
autologous adipose-derived stem cells (those
extracted from a person’s own fat), are injected
along with other fat cells to plump up or
replace tissue, as in the breast.
Both implants and TRAM flaps leave some
scarring, which isn’t an issue with CAL, since
there’s no cutting involved.
Somers, 2001 Lupectomy, 35 days of radiation,
then CAL in 2011.
Suzanne Somers
waited over 10 years for her breast reconstruction.
In Aug 2011, she finally got her new, all natural
"The whole procedure took just a couple of hours from
start to finish, and most of that time was spent
isolating the stem cells and mixing them with Somers’
fat, which had been taken from her hip and abdomen via
The actual “reconstruction” part of the procedure was
relatively quick - but dramatic. - In less than 10
minutes, I watched this sad little breast puff up like
a balloon, - I couldn’t believe my eyes. No cutting,
no blood, no implant. Just two or three small entrance
holes, and suddenly there were two symmetrical
breasts." - www.everydayhealth
Mind/Body Connection,
Chi Lel and EFT.
1) Ginny Walden, a
National Champion swimmer, overcame Stage 3 Breast
Cancer. This is a true story of a brave woman who
refused to give in to cancer - a woman who faced her
inner issues, released them and healed her body of
cancer. Ginny Walden turned to Chi-Lel, the
power of CHI - the natural life force energy present
within every living thing - to heal herself
2) EFT (Emotional Freedom
Technique) is energy healing of the body
created by stimulation of specific physical
meridians by simply tapping them with your fingers.
"Faster EFT Tapping"
processes explained and demonstrated for everyone by
Robert G. Smith - this gentleman is the best at EMF:
Make peace with
whatever upsets you, take ownership ... tap away
your emotional issues and heal yourself. Watch
Robert use EFT on a lady with breast cancer:
3) Psycho-Oncology
from New Zealand. Outstanding information and
MUST READ: www.alternative-cancer-care.com/site-map.html
Part 1:
Two outdated and dangerous
to be avoided - Cut, poison or burn!

Everything in creation is energy. Understand the
spiritual, metaphysical part of you. From the
colors you choose to the music you prefer, it's
all about your energy, frequency and vibration.
- How to be sick. It's easy and you are probably
already an expert.
Change the energy within you and around you,
then health and happiness will follow. Cancer
PREVENTION is the cure. The choice is yours
everyday of your life.
Lifestyle - Celebrate life, not
death. A free health care plan.
Cancer 911
- Everything you need to know for your
journey. You can do it!
Chimachine4u - SOQI Magazine.
Chi Energy International.