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- Money cannot buy love. Money
cannot buy health.
- Love does not pay the rent. Love alone, will not keep you healthy. - Without your health you can end up with nothing, lonely and broke. Our world is upside down. The stock markets are unstable, currencies are unpredictable, people are loosing their homes and their jobs, water and food shortages are reality, gasoline prices are still rising, countries are falling apart economically. 5G is being introduced which will slowly radiate and fry every living thing, and of course the endless geo-engineering / weather warfare destroying life across the planet. What is MOST important at this time
and will get you through it all? Your health.
Specifically, your mental and emotional state,
known as the mind-body connection, which you
have formed through all the experiences of
your life to date. Now more than ever before,
we must focus, keep our priorities and our
mind clear.
You get what you focus on. What you focus on expands. - When you are healthy, you can
create and manifest your dreams as well as
generate money to live.
- When you are healthy, you will have self love, love for others, and love from others. - When you are healthy, nothing (and no-one) can bring you down unless you allow it to!
personal choices either create and attract -
or repel - money, love and health. For
1) Do you spend money you don't have - buy things you don't need - buy things that won't enhance your life or your health and happiness? 2) Are you in a relationship or friendship that is toxic, abusive and destructive to your heart and soul? 3) Does the person you love make you cry yourself to sleep? 4) Are you taking medication, overweight, or hooked on drugs or alcohol, to numb your present reality? 5) Are you holding on to past grief, disputes, losses and regrets? It's not what happens to you, but what you DO about it, how you respond mentally and emotionally. The world is going through massive changes because there is too much fear, disease, anger and greed. It's time for each one of us on an individual level to take back control, take responsibility, let go of yesterday and change the way we think, feel and act. In truth, we really don't have much choice. How do
we get through this?
1) Focus on the source of health - the mental, emotional and spiritual - known as the Body-Mind Connection 2) Nutrition is critical - focus on an Alkaline diet, pH balanced with all the natural vitamins your body needs. Water and 15 minutes of daily sunshine for vitamin D and Far Infrared. 3) Daily Physical Movement for oxygenation and detoxification. 4) Sleep - sleep heals and regenerates the body and the mind. 5) Stay away from negative people, words and actions - You become who you hang out with. The Body-Mind Connection, the Source. Everything in creation is energy,
including money, love and health. This energy is
known as CHI. This
energy permeates every cell in your body with
every thought, feeling, word and action that you
This emotional energy is sent out invisibly to everyone and affects everything in your life. You can use this energy to attract or to repel, knowingly or unknowingly. Ever heard these expressions: "Be careful what you wish for" "As you sow, so shall ye reap" "What you put out, you get back." How about "You get what you focus on!" Emotional Issues:
People justify external physical events - - I was bullied - I was in a car crash - I was raped - I broke my leg skiing - My partner left me - My parent died - My child hates me - My partner abuses me - My business collapsed - I was fired - Cancer runs in my family ... - Discrimination is a big one - sexual preference, skin color, religious choice, gender, age, physical challenges/limitations etc Any of the above that may have happened to you, was an outside event that was triggered by an existing internal emotional issue to manifest on a physical level, OR the event itself triggered emotional issues. Read that again ... Internal negative emotions caused by external events often result in physical illness, accidents and loss, which in turn create more internal negative emotions. A vicious cycle. If you are
holding on to the past, to yesterday, last
month, last year, 5,10, 20 years ago ... you are
unwell. You have emotional pain and unhappiness
that can develop into serous illness.
If you live in the present moment ... it is difficult be unhealthy or unhappy. Change your thoughts, change your energy, be in the present moment, and thereby change your life. The longer you hold on to the past - emotional trauma, pain, grief, anger, regret, guilt, hatred, shame, fear - the longer you will be unhappy and unwell, the worse your health and your life may become. LET GO. Common cycles of self destruction: Addiction:
Addictions such as drugs, alcohol, food, hoarding, they numb the pain you don't want to feel. Addictions keep personal issues trapped inside your body, destroying your cells, your health. Until you let go of the emotional issues, the pain won't go away and life won't get better. Do you really want to be numb until the day you die? So i ask you right now, "what don't you want to feel?" Go deep. Refusing to let go of those who have left: Let go of loved ones that have left you or died, otherwise your grief or anger will destroy you. You cannot bring the departed back, or undo whatever happened, so embrace the happy memories, and move on with your life. Make those who have crossed over proud of you, not sad for you. Illness: Holding on to illness is a crutch ... a way you think you can force others to love you and stay with you. In the end, they will resent you and leave you. Diet:
The food, drink, medications you put in your mouth are a critical source of positive or negative energy / acid or alkaline. Do you choose to feed your cells with positive, alkaline energy, or to poison them? If you have an overly acidic body, there is no way you can remain healthy. The part of your body that
is sick, directly relates to the
mental-emotional issues that you hold onto.
- Breaking a leg means slow down, or stop and reflect. - Breast cancer indicates problems with a spouse, or child, or parent, love or sex. - A stroke indicates a shut down of emotion. - Asthma may mean you feel trapped, or stifled, that you need to escape a situation. - Loss of hearing or ear pain indicates there is something you don't want to hear! ![]() Until you address mental and emotional issues - the source of the physical manifestation of illness, often triggered by outside events - your body, flooded with the negative energy of personal mental and emotional issues, cannot possibly heal. ![]() When
pain of holding on,
becomes greater then the pain of letting go, that's when we let go. LET GO OF YESTERDAY.
Detox your mind. Forgive, let go, and heal. LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT. This moment is your life. Feel it. LIVE IT. If you are healthy both mentally and emotionally, your body's immune system is STRONG, your Chi is strong, it's very difficult to become ill. You will NOT attract accidents, violence or abuse. You will NOT become sick easily. Gratitude: If you are grateful, you WILL attract what you desire. Say thank you everyday for simple things - the sun shining, the wind blowing the clouds, birds singing in the trees, a roof over your head, food on the table, shoes on your feet, the fact you can breath, see, smell, hear and feel.
Let go of any emotion or person that is
not for your highest good.
Let go of any fear that is holding you back from
doing this. Fear creates illness, lies, emotional
corruption and physical death. Fear destroys
dreams before they have a chance to manifest.
No-one can choose what you feel, or how you choose to act or respond. YOU choose. Blaming another is a mind game, and you lose. The Gift: Learn to love yourself, to forgive those that push your buttons - ask yourself instead "What do i need to learn from this". We are all mirrors of each other - the things we love about ourselves, the things we dislike, and the things we need to let go of or enhance. Those who push our buttons are a gift.