Prevention from influenza.
Flu Virus, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Asian Flu -
man-made (gain of function), or mutant:
When cold weather sets in and the
sunshine disappears ... when party season
arrives Thanksgiving thru New Year ... thousands
of people overeat and drink in excess, become
stressed out, and thereby lower their immune
system ... thereby becoming vulnerable to
nasty airborn coronaviruses which are actually
in the air year round. Solution? Stay warm by
layering clothing and do NOT overeat and drink!
People who are exposed to the public frequently,
in places such as schools, shopping malls,
supermarkets, offices, stores, aircraft and
cruise ships, need to protect themselves even
more so from airborne contamination. If you keep your body active,
and eat a consistently healthy, natural diet
(veggies and fruit - make sure your body
receives Vitamin D and C daily), your immune
system will not break down and render you
vulnerable to nasty, increasingly drug resistant
virus and bacteria flooding our world, created
by natural mutation or by scientific military
labs for population control and death (HIV, a
man-made disease, killed tens of thousands).
Flu Virus:
Vitamin D
helps to protect the body from flu virus -
Get out into the sunshine for 15-20 minutes a
day (without toxic sunscreen), and eat wild
Alaskan salmon or cod (no farm raised fish), as
often as possible. If you don't like fish and
you receive little sunshine, 2,000 units of
vitamin D every day is recommended or Cod Liver
FYI: The H1N1 flu virus was created in
laboratories and the vaccine patented by Baxter
International BEFORE the 'Swine Flu' was
unleashed in Mexico. The vaccine is highly
dangerous and known to cause miscarriages, death
and possible cancer.
information is at your fingertips. Always
question everything.
Avian Flu Virus.
How to Protect Yourself and
Your Family.
Extracted from newsletter
written by Dr Rima Laibow.
"Worried about Avian Flu?
.... Don't be. As a physician and a
scientist, I want to share the best news of this
flu season: You can prevent or treat the
Avian Flu (IF it develops the ability to infect
humans), easily, simply, cheaply, safely and
naturally. And I know that there are things you
can do to make the problem much, much worse. The
choices are yours. Please share what you are
about to read with everyone you know. This
information could save huge numbers of lives.
Please remember, though, that this information
is not a diagnosis or a treatment plan. It is
educational material intended to help you
develop your own personalized disease
prevention or treatment strategy. You might
want to consult a nutritional professional or
natural physician to help you personalize it
for you and your family.
How does the Avian Flu do
its damage?
Birds (or humans if the
virus mutates spontaneously - or is mutated in a
lab) die because the H5N1 virus depletes Vitamin
C stores so quickly that the cause of death is
fulminate scurvy. Scurvy is the same disease
that killed seamen on long voyages because
unless we get enough Vitamin C from our diet or
our supplements, we get sick or die.
Humans cannot make Vitamin C
but we need it for a great many vital processes
including immune function and vascular
integrity. This particular type of virus uses up
Vitamin C stores so quickly that the immune
system is overwhelmed and the blood vessels
loose their structural integrity: they leak so
badly that infected animals literally bleed to
death through those damaged vessels.
Flu Virus
Prevention? Vitamin C and D.
Lots and
lots of vitamin C.
Lots and lots of Sunshine, Vitamin D.

Flu Virus Treatment?
Lots and lots of vitamin C.
Lots and lots
of Sunshine, Vitamin D.
Vitamin C is not toxic. Under
stress (like a viral infection), your need for
Vitamin C is increased.
When your body has had enough,
your body will tell you by soft stools or
diarrhea. This is not a sign of toxicity: it is
a sign that you have reached "Bowel Tolerance"
(BT). Once you get there (and it can be at
1 gram or 20 grams: your body will tell you),
cut back to 75% of the dose that represents BT
for you and keep taking that dose EVERY DAY.
Write down each of the 4 daily doses of
Vitamin C that you take each day because you
will be increasing your intake gradually
until you find the amount that you
need for immune support. This dosage
information is important enough that it
could literally save your life so it is
worth taking the time to record this
information carefully and stick to the
dosing schedule precisely. If you mess up,
don't quit, but do make your best effort to
stick to it.
will start with 1 gram per dose so, for
example, on Day 1, suppose that you take
1000 mg (= 1 gram) of Vitamin C every 4
hours for a total of 4 grams. On Day
2, increase the first dose to 2 grams and
then take 1 gram for your other 3 doses.
(You will take 4 doses per day).
On day 3, take 2 grams for your first and
second doses and 1 gram for the remaining
two doses. On Day 3, you would take 2 grams
for the first three doses and 1 gram for the
next dose. You would continue increasing
your dosage in that way until your body lets
you know via your GI tract that you've reach
the level you need. Now multiply that total
daily dose by 0.75 and you've got your daily
For example, suppose you reach
Bowel Tolerance at 10 doses. Multiply by
0.75 and you now know that you need 7.5
grams of Vitamin C a day for immune
system support. You would do well to take
reasonable doses of Vitamins E and A along
with Zinc and reduced L-Glutathione since
they work together with Vitamin C. How
much? That depends upon your weight, health,
It goes without saying that the
more processed foods you eat, the more
chemicals, flavors, preservatives, pesticides,
sugar and artificial sweeteners, in short, the
more junk you put into your body, the
more acidic your body will be and the less
resistant to viral infection it will be.
So now would be a great time to switch over to
a diet rich in fruits, dark and brightly
colored veggies, free range animal protein and
organic everything. Those are food choices
that build your immune capacity, not bang it
1) Selenium
blocks deadly mutations in the Avian Flu virus
- x2 Brazil nuts daily (applies for COVID-19
2) Elderberry
syrup has been shown to be an effective
flu remedy.
3) Garlic
is a highly effective anti viral substance
which should be part of your diet.
Children's doses should be measured the same
way taking the weight of the child into
At the very first indication of
anything that might be viral disease, increase
your Vitamin C immediately.
That level might be very, very high. Vitamin C
is not toxic. Unlike drugs, which poison enzymes
and are thus capable of severe toxicity,
nutrients, especially water soluble ones like
Vitamin C, have no meaningful level of toxicity.
Your body knows what you need. Pay close
attention to it.
the event that you think you may have the
flu, take the amino acids l-lysine,
l-proline and l-glycine. An average size
adult can take up to 3 grams of each one, 4
times a day since they help prevent the
spread of the virus in your body.
personal regimen for immune health includes
high dose Vitamin C and Vitamins A and E
along with zinc and L-Glutathione:
I travel with Olive Leaf Extract, Oil of
Oregano (not to be taken by pregnant
women since it can cause miscarriage),
goldenseal, Echinacea, curcumin (from
turmeric), probiotics, B complex, fish oil
and alpha lipoic acid. I drink organic green
tea and I do not eat any sugar whatsoever.
you do become ill, the best thing you can do
is contact a physician who practices natural
and nutritional medicine and begin a regimen
of Intravenous Vitamin C treatments - you
may need between 100 and 200 grams (not
milligrams) for a short time since the Avian
Flu is so good at using up your urgently
needed Vitamin C."
Tamiflu -
Think Twice!
Tamiflu, the widely touted antiviral
drug (like its cousin Relenza or zanamivir)
produced drug resistant viruses in 18% of children
treated with the drug and a drug resistant strain
has been found in a Vietnamese girl treated with
the drug. A drug resistant strain would be a far
more dangerous virus than one which had not
learned how to evade the drug's effect.
Viruses cannot become resistant to Vitamin C.
The following article maybe old news, but serves
to show government and big pharma manipulation and
control as certain individuals and companies bank
billions of dollars:
Rumsfeld's stake in
Tamiflu - October 31, 2005. Defense Secretary under
George W Bush, sees portfolio value growing By
Nelson D. Schwartz, Fortune senior writer.
"Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other
politically connected investors in Gilead
Sciences, the California biotech company that owns
the rights to Tamiflu are profiting from scaring
Americans about a possible avian flu pandemic.
Vice President Cheney is richer thanks to
Halliburton contracts in Iraq. Now its Rumsfeld's
The forms don't reveal the exact number of shares
Rumsfeld owns, but in the past six months fears of
a pandemic and the ensuing scramble for Tamiflu
have sent Gilead's stock from $35 to $47. That's
made the Pentagon chief, already one of the
wealthiest members of the Bush cabinet, at least
$1 million richer.
Rumsfeld isn't the only political heavyweight
benefiting from demand for Tamiflu, which is
manufactured and marketed by Swiss pharma giant
Roche. (Gilead receives a royalty from Roche
equaling about 10% of sales.) Former Secretary of
State George Shultz, who is on Gilead's board, has
sold more than $7 million worth of Gilead since
the beginning of 2005.
Another board member is the wife of former
California Gov. Pete Wilson.
"I don't know of any biotech company that's so
politically well connected," says analyst Andrew
McDonald of Think Equity Partners in San
Francisco. What's more, the federal government is
emerging as one of the world's biggest customers
for Tamiflu.
In July, the Pentagon ordered $58 million worth of
the treatment for U.S. troops around the world,
and Congress is considering a multi-billion dollar
purchase. Roche expects 2005 sales for Tamiflu to
be about $1 billion, compared with $258 million in
USA Flu Epidemic 2013 - Babies and Tamiflu:
Flu Drug Approved for Use on Infants: Tamiflu,
the antiviral drug facing international
criticism for its deadly side effects, has been
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
for use on infants just TWO WEEKS OLD!
FDA’s decision comes amidst international
controversy over Tamiflu, known generically as
oseltamivir. Since the drug’s approval in 1999,
several suicide deaths and incidents of bizarre
side effects have been recorded. In the UK, where
use of Tamiflu was relatively low at the time of
publication of a 2005 article, only 41 “yellow
card” reports of adverse reactions were recorded,
just one being agitation and two being
“confusional states.”
In Japan, however, close to the cries of a
then-imminent avian flu pandemic, 54 people with
no previous discernible psychiatric or health
complications were dead after taking Tamiflu in
Tamiflu-maker, Roche Holding AG, responded
chillingly. “These events are extremely rare in
relation to the number of patients treated.”
Haruhiko Nokiba, whose a 17-year old
victim who committed suicide in 2004 after taking
Tamiflu, says, “Had they issued a warning earlier,
then the number of deaths could have been halved.”
The FDA - Following the
warning label about such bizarre psychiatric
side effects - like the one the Japanese
pharmaceutical company Chugai slapped onto
Tamiflu in 2004 - might have affected Roche’s
sales, which is where the FDA’s priority seems
to be. This is, of course, conjecture - like the
kind the FDA used when approving Tamiflu for use
on infants under a year old.
Existing Data
Encourages Caution:
What this conjecture fails to take into
consideration, however, is an infant’s
significantly greater vulnerability to drugs. Their lesser developed
blood-brain barriers and detoxification
mechanisms make them less capable as adults
of keeping chemicals out of their developing
brains and bodies.
As a neuraminidase inhibitor, Tamiflu blocks the
principle enzyme in a flu virus that allows it
to enter through the membrane of the host cell.
Because mammals have four variations (that we
know of so far) of neuraminidase enzymes, known
as sialidase homologs, a drug like Tamiflu that
targets these neuraminidases is likely very
These enzymes are crucial for neurological
health, so “cross reactivity” associated with
Tamiflu may be to blame for many things, like an
increased risk of birth defects in offspring
of pregnant women given Tamiflu.
In fact, existing data rather than
conjecture should have turned the FDA away from
this approval. According to a study published in
'The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal', the
majority (54 percent) of evaluable infants
treated with Tamiflu experienced complications.
“The most serious of [these complications] were
meningitis in 1 infant (1 percent), pneumonia in
9 (6 percent), and [ear infection] in 2 (1
Another study, published in
the ' International Journal of Vaccine Risk and
Safety in Medicine', tracked down 119 reports of
Tamiflu-induced death, 38 of which were of sudden
deterioration within 12 hours of prescription.
“These findings are consistent with sudden
deaths observed in a series of animal toxicity
studies, several reported case series and the
results of prospective cohort studies.”
Source: Lisa Garber - January 5, 2013:
"FluMist is a live virus vaccine which
introduces between 10 and 100 million viruses into
the nose. Those viruses are not the same as the
Avian Flu virus and therefore do not confer
immunity against it since only the identical virus
could do that. FluMist is based on last years
viruses which were not effective against last
year's flu viruses. They are certainly not
effective against the Avian Flu virus which has
not yet become ineffective to humans so no vaccine
exists against it in its ineffective form.
However, once treated with FluMist, people shed
live, ineffective viruses for up to 3 weeks which
can give people flu In fact, immuno-compromised
people, nursing babies, people with eczema, HIV,
taking steroids, chemotherapy, radiation treatment
(or the 60% of the American population which is
chemically immuno-suppressed) are at significant
danger if they come into contact with anyone who
has been inoculated with FluMist.
FluMist is delivered into the nostrils by a
forceful squirt. This puts ineffective viruses
very close to the brain where they can pass
through the thin cribiform plate at the top of the
nostrils and enter the brain. It is not
known if such treatment causes encephalitis. Only
time will tell but the risk is a serious one
considering the morbidity (sickness) and mortality
(death) caused by encephalitis.
Each of the three viruses in FluMist can mutate
and can cause mutations in the Avian Flu. Those
mutations can supply the Avian Flu virus as it
currently exists with the genetic sequences it
needs to become a pandemic virus. The FluMist live
virus nasal inoculation can assist the much feared
Avian Flu virus to transform into the very
pandemic we are being told to fear.
Flu Vaccines for a
pandemic version of the Avian Flu virus do not
The only way to make a vaccine
against a particular virus is to have the virus
available and then make a toxic brew filled with
poisons (mercury, aluminum,
squalene), foreign particles (egg, chick, and
other proteins) and contaminants (stealth viruses,
etc.) That flu virus does not yet exist, we are
told. Assuming that it is not already manufactured
and waiting for release in a lab somewhere, it
would be 6 months before an Avian Flu vaccine
could be ready. Vaccination with anything else
would not help a bit with the Avian Flu strain
which we are supposedly facing disaster from.
But, assuming that we already had a
vaccine for the right flu strain, and assuming
that vaccines were safe enough to use (which I do
not believe they are since vaccines are very
dangerous treatments which should be approached
with the gravest reservations) the fact is that
they do NOT produce immunity most of the time.
safeguard your life and that of your loved ones.
Pass this information to everyone you know so
that they can delve further and make their own
choices. Yours in health and freedom."
- Rima E. Laibow, MD - Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation.
A healthy body
comes from a healthy mind,
sunshine, exercise and a healthy diet.

The health choices you make
your tomorrow's.
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