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Dare To Say No!

Medical malpractice and drug abuse have joined hands and the Hippocratic Oath has been trashed. Despite having the internet at our fingertips, the masses still do not research or question, but trust and believe TV doctors, the MSM, corrupt politicians & paid celebrities.

This became more apparent than ever in 2020/2021 with millions rushing to be injected for a fake pandemic (coronavirus cold/flu), with a 99% recovery rate for majority who refused the jab. Those who took the needle have since experienced 'sudden death', and a host of illnesses and disease, including turbo cancer.

Are YOU one of these people?

Drug free.

1 in every 4 hospital admissions are allegedly due to the side effects of prescription drugs. Are you a victim, or another happy customer?
Why on earth would anyone willingly take drugs from a stranger? Because he/she is a doctor? Because you trust and believe them? Because you are willing to risk the possible side effects such as suicidal thoughts, heart attack, stroke, blood clots, weight gain etc, as advertised on TV.

Conventional medicine and corporate monopoly will not heal you but sell you a poison band-aid. Is it not time to become educated and wake up ... or look forward to an early grave?


Prescription meds are
#1 accident killer in USA. 
- Source: CDC

Doctors are licensed drug dealers.
What doctors deliberately fail to tell you may cost you your life. Doctors in the USA are statistically more dangerous than guns. 

Western medicine generates billions of $$$. There is zero profit in keeping the masses well.

Doctors are paid to push drugs by pharmaceutical corporations. Doctors who do not promote oxygen, water, alkaline diet and exercise, are merely licensed drug dealers, keeping you hooked on prescribed medications and trapped inside a revolving door, until you drop dead. 

How expensive is your chemical band-aid ... and how long have you been wearing it?


The shocking malpractice of the conventional medical establishment is unacceptable. Have you become a voluntary victim?

Health care has gone terribly wrong with no end in sight.

October 23rd 2003: "Primetime" and ABC World News aired reports on the following facts:

The Washington Post on April 15, 1998 quoted the Journal of the American Medical Association: "One in 15 hospital patients in the United States can expect to suffer from a prescription or over-the-counter medicine adverse reaction, and about 5% of these will die as a result."

You Ain't Heard Nothing Yet ...

May 2013 - Nothing has changed:
1) Doctors can't read test results properly and will disagree with each other. Many doctors disagree with each other on a patients diagnosis. If you don't demand answers and get a 2nd or 3rd opinion, you easily become a victim.

2) 1.7 million people in America will contract an infection from the hospital they were in. Disease is transferred by around 60% of hospital staff failing to wash their hands in between patients!

3) Many doctors (20% are over 65yrs), do not keep their medical knowledge updated which often leads to dangerous situations from outdated choices and procedures.

4) 25% of staff shift changes result in patient care errors.

FYI: Patients are listed and tended to accordingly, but NOT by most important first. If your last name begins with W, X, Y or Z, good luck in getting the immediate diagnosis or the care you need, let alone an attentive conversation with your doctor.

5) Hospital bill overcharging of both uninsured and under-insured patients is not only common, but out of control.

American hospitals have been caught charging people a 10,000 percent markup for ER-administered Tylenol, and over $1,200 for a blood test that actually costs about $39.

FYI: You must haggle your hospital bill unless you welcome bankruptcy, but most patients have no idea they can even do this.

Read the complete article:

2016 Outrage:

The Obama Care health program is mandatory, meaning everyone has to pay for insurance every month whether they want conventional medical care or not. Failure to comply means a fine by the IRS come tax time in April.

August 2016:
It's all over the news that an EpiPen twin-pack now costs over $600.00. An EpiPen is a portable auto-injector device used to treat allergic reactions.

The EpiPen delivers epinephrine, more commonly known as adrenaline, a hormone that can help to relax muscles. It opens the airways, and reduces swelling during a severe allergic reaction. EpiPen is a necessary lifesaving medication and without it, adults and children die. The national outrage is huge.

CNN Article - August 25th 2016:
The soaring cost of prescription drugs - "Net spending on prescription drugs by consumers in the United States has increased about 20% between 2013 and 2015, according to a new paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on Tuesday.

Prescription drugs also cost about twice as much in the United States compared to other advanced nations.

Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR's), Hospital Infections and medical errors are the FOURTH leading cause of death in the USA, after heart disease, cancer and strokes.
"More than two million American hospitalized patients suffered a serious adverse drug reaction within a 12 month period of study conducted by the University of Toronto, and of these, over 100,000 died as a result.

The researchers found that over 75% of these ADRs were dose-dependent, which suggests they were due to the inherent toxicity of the drugs rather than to allergic reactions.

The data did not include fatal reactions caused by accidental overdoses or errors in administration of the drugs.

If these had been included, it is estimated that another 100,000 deaths would be added to the total every year. Medical errors kill some 44,000 to 98,000 people in U.S. hospitals each year.

More people die from medical mistakes each year than from highway accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS."

Source: The Cancer Cure Foundation.

Annual deaths from medical errors in USA:

- 225,000 deaths annually from medical errors including 106,000 deaths due to "error adverse events of medications." - Starfield

Doctors are the third leading cause of deaths in the USA, causing 225,000 deaths every year. - JAMA article (Volume 284, No. 4, 2000)

- 20,000 annually to 88,000 deaths annually from infections caught during hospital stay.


- Death by Medicine, written by Dr's. Gary Null, Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio and Dorothy Smith, 2003.

Legally prescribed killers:

Ritalin, Oxycodone, Prozac

AZT, and Vaccinations

Your health is not by chance. It is a refection of who you are mentally and emotionally.

Obesity which often leads to diabetes.

1 in 50 or about 4 million Americans are severely obese. Nearly 1 in 3, or almost 59 million are fat.

About 12 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes, the 5th leading cause of death among women and 6th among men.

Diabetes is associated with heart disease, chronic kidney disease, blindness, and amputations.

April 2016: The WHO announced that 1 in 11 people worldwide have diabetes and 1 in 3 are overweight.

April 2021: Shockingly, 5.2 million people die from inactivity each year. The 4th biggest killer in the world. - BBC Word News.

1) WHY is there an epidemic of adverse drug reactions, medical errors, obesity and diabetes?

2) WHY is America one of the worst countries in the world for health care?

3) WHY are statistics for diseases going up instead of declining?

4) WHY is there an opioid epidemic in the USA?

Corporate profit, lack of health care prevention and education, medical malpractice, vaccinations, acidic food and beverages, chemically saturated diets, gluttony, and lack of exercise.

Conventional medicine has no intention of healing the source of any illness or disease.

2021: Fear was the true virus.
Lack of research by the public coupled with blind trust in Big Pharma and the media, has turned the general population into easy and willing victims managed by fear, and emotional pressure to comply. Millions of people volunteered to be lab rats in a global experiment and did not question what was being injected into them. 

Lawsuits are not a solution otherwise these statistics would not continue to exist, and lawsuits do NOT bring the dead back to life.

The manufacturers of all the experimental Covid-19 injections have immunity from injury or death, besides adamantly denying any wrongdoing or correlation.

Why does the F D A insist that websites offering natural options for taking care of health - those proven and used worldwide for decades - have to state a disclaimer telling readers to refer to a healthcare specialist?

If the chosen healthcare specialist is part of the conventional medical establishment, they are going to tell you natural remedies are dangerous and must be ignored, and give you toxic drugs instead, recieving a monetary reward from the drug company in return.

Oncologist will tell you they have to pump killer chemo into your body, or tell you it's ok to eat sugar when you have cancer, knowing sugar feeds cancer, or even tell you to remove your breasts to prevent a cancer that has not yet, and may not ever manifest.

American TV Ads:
Do we really need to discuss the outrageous American TV ads that promote toxic pills for everything imaginable but spend most of the ad warning that the drug they want you to take may create adverse side effects such as blinding headaches, or may paralyze you, or cause a stroke, or create breathing problems, or irregular heartbeat, or impotency, or convulsions, or may make you feel suicidal etc.

Many websites, message boards and blogs have been set up to deliberately disinform you regarding natural 'alternative' health care, including, but not limited to websites such as Wikipedia and well known medical doctors, joined by celebrities and TV hosts. Trolls are paid to jump into social media conversations to challenge and tear down those speaking the truth.

Entire websites have been dedicated to tearing down natural therapies and protocols. The health care practitioners and scientists behind health discoveries - some dead, many murdered, some still alive, some in hiding to protect their life - are being called quacks and charlatans, even though they have proven their protocols with thousands of recovered healthy patients.

Natural medicine is labelled harmful, pseudo science, unproven, perverted, quackery etc., when in fact it is conventional medicine that has become exactly that!

Big Pharma wants natural healing erased and orthodox protocols made mandatory, including dangerous unproven experimental injections. The choice is yours, but too many allow strangers to make the choice for you.

31 Reasons I Won't Take The Vaxxine
The greatest medical experiment and scam
in the history of the human race.

Change your health choices and change your life.
There are 3 Daily Keys to Health and Wellness:
Oxygen and Water plus Physical Movement.

There are three basic things that keep us healthy.

1) Without sufficient oxygen, due to shallow breathing, poor physiology, lack of exercise, stress, substance abuse, and environmental pollution - your body will sooner or later become painful, dysfunctional and eventually diseased.

2) Without sufficient water, your cells will clog and decay, wrinkled skin and facial lines develop, weight gain becomes obvious due to trapped toxins which will create a multitude of minor to major health challenges.

3) Without sufficient physical stimulation (exercise), your cells will become clogged and dysfunctional, circulation will malfunction, muscle tissue will break down, and toxicity will begin to accumulate as oxygen depletion and acidity sets in.

 Lack of oxygen, water and movement will result in aging, illness and disease.


10 Simple Choices for a Healthy Life.

1) Physical Movement. Lack of physical movement causes a domino effect in the body which results in pain and decay. Daily exercise increases oxygen levels thereby reducing the possibilities of dysfunctional body systems, mental, emotional and physical stress, energy depletion, toxicity accumulation, poor circulation, weight gain and aging.

2) Oxygen. Lack of oxygen is the root of most, if not ALL disease. Cancerous cells cannot survive in the presence of sufficient oxygen. A cell becomes cancerous when it receives less than 60% of its oxygen requirement.

Daily oxygenation of the body via physical movement (aerobic exercise), is critical for the body and mind to remain healthy and focused. Breathing alone does not increase oxygen in the body.

3) Your Lymphatic System activated by physical movement, must be stimulated daily in order to remove physical toxicity and waste which leaves the body via urine, feces and sweat, flushed out by drinking water.

4) Your Circulation is entirely dependent upon your lymph system operating optimally with sufficient oxygenation.

5) Water. Your body is about 75% water so imagine what can happen if that percentage drops. Dehydration causes trapped toxins, cell malfunction, circulation to the skin decreases and so aging, weight gain, pain and illness can take hold.

Sipping water throughout the day, moisturizes, hydrates and detoxifies the body - half your body weight in ounces equals your optimal personal daily water intake.

6) Your Immune System strength depends upon the amount of oxygenation, lymph drainage and sleep that it receives. Of course diet and mental/emotional state also play a role - stress kills and must be avoided at all costs. Detoxification and relaxation of the mind and body is absolutely critical.

7) 80% of chronic diseases are linked to the Spine. If your spine is causing pain - commonly due to continued bad posture, lack of oxygenation, lack of physical activity or injury - multiple health problems may result which too often lead to invasive procedures, toxic drugs and long term disability.

The spine houses the Autonomic Nervous System which plays a critical role in the optimal function of the body.

8) Quality Sleep - Your body must have it in order to heal, balance and rejuvenate. Uninterrupted, sound sleep occurs when stress and mental activity are at peace, created by a fully oxygenated, relaxed mind and body.

9) Alkaline Foods and Liquids - Eating Acid foods and liquids will break down, age and destroy your body.

Number one enemy? SUGAR.

10) Sunshine - Far Infrared Heat and Vitamin D are vital for physical and mental health. 15-20 mins of sunshine per day is all that is needed (no toxic sunscreen).

If you become ill, your body is telling you that you have become toxic physically and mentally. The number one protocol to heal is common sense ... DETOXIFICATION

This website is for informational and educational purposes and is in not intended to provide individual medical advice which may be obtained from your chosen health practitioner. Always ask questions and research everything.
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Chi Energy International.

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