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SOQI NewsFeng Shui and Astrology.

Combine these powerful energy tools, for amazing changes in your life. Arrange your home and environment to create balanced energy to empower love, money and health.

Feng Shui, originating from the I-Ching, uses compass directions to determine the best location for the natural elements and colors that are all around us.

The Bagua is an octagonal grid containing nine boxes that correlates to different aspects of our life: Relationships and Love, Children and Creativity, Helpful People, Career, Knowledge and Communication, Family, Wealth and Social Reputation.

The traditional zodiac has 12 houses each with there own meanings and specific energies, which correlate to the compass directions and energies of Feng Shui and the Bagua.

Simone Butler.

A professional astrologer since 1985 (AstroAlchemy.com), devised an amazing system that combines Feng Shui with Astrology to help manifest our desires.

"According to the system I devised, the 1st house of self-image and pioneering efforts links up with the Career/Life Path gua. This is where you assert yourself in the world and develop your life direction.

Career and Fame are directly opposite each other on the Bagua Map and represent two ends of the same axis: Essentially, you assert yourself in the 1st, Career, and see the results in the 10th, Fame and Reputation.

The 4th house of home and family equates with the Family gua; the 5th house of creative efforts and progeny, with the Creativity/Children gua; and the 7th house of marriage, with the Love/Marriage gua. The 10th house of reputation is a natural for the Fame gua, and the 11th house of friends and community dovetails with the Helpful People gua.

Since there are nine guas and twelve houses, some of the houses do double duty. For instance, I associate both the 2nd house of personal earnings and the 8th house of shared wealth with the Prosperity gua. And the 3rd house of the "lower mind" and the 9th house of the "higher mind" represent the Knowledge gua.

Finally, the Health gua at the center of the home connects to both the 6th house of physical health and habit patterns and the 12th house of mental and spiritual health."


Feng Shui grid / Bagua.
This represents your home with the traditional elements - earth, metal, water, wood, fire - and colors associated with each compass direction.

Zodiac-Astro Houses

The 12 houses of the zodiac
and their meanings.

Simone paired each zodiac house with a compass direction and its Feng Shui meaning:

1st House (Aries) / Self, Purpose and Life Path.
North: Career, life path and purpose.
Attributes: Blue, black - moving lines - Water.
Elements to minimize: Red, triangular shapes, fire.
Enhancements: Fish tank, indoor Fountain.

2nd House (Taurus) / Money and Possessions, Sensuality, Nature, Beauty, Stability, Luxury and Comfort.
SE: Finances, self-esteem, priorities.
Attributes: Green, purple, red - Wood.
Enhancements: Jade plant, lucky bamboo.

3rd House (Gemini) / Communication.
NE: Mind, communications, education.
Attributes: Blue, dark green, black - Water, wood.
Enhancements: Books, travel posters - awards, certificates.

4th House (Cancer) / Family and Roots.
East: Family, home, ancestors.
Attributes: Green, blue - rectangles, columns - Wood, water.
Elements to minimize: Metal, white, round shapes.
Enhancements: Family pictures, heirlooms - green candles, plants.

5th House (Leo) / Creativity, Affairs, Pleasure, Entertainment, Children, Projects.
West: Creative efforts, children, romance, joy, gambling, the Arts.
Attributes: White, pastel - round, square shapes - Metal.
Elements to minimize: Fire, red, triangular shapes.
Enhancements: Original artwork - pictures of children - baby animals (but not in bedroom).

6th House (Virgo) / Health and Service To Others.
Center: Health on all levels, compassion.
Attributes: Yellow, red - square or triangular shapes - Earth, fire.
Elements to minimize: Wood, green, columns, metal.
Enhancements: Artwork that depicts beauty, strength, joy, love and health - Salt lamp.

7th House (Libra) / Love and Marriage, Contracts, Partnerships, Beauty, Balance and Harmony.
SW: Relationships, love, marriage, business partners - the head female of the house.
Attributes: Red, pink, orange white, lilac - square shapes - Earth.
Elements to minimize: No water or mirrors if bedroom.
Enhancements: Two crystal rabbits or mandarin ducks, inviting bed, pink candles, matching end tables/lamps.

8th House (Scorpio) / Sex, Transformation (life and death), Other Peoples Money.
SE: Shared finances, transformation.
Attributes: Green, purple, red - Wood.
Enhancements: Fish tank or fountain, jade plant, lucky bamboo.

9th House (Sagittarius) / Knowledge, Mental Exploration, Travel, Foreigners.
NE: Education, wisdom, travel, communication.
Attributes: Blue, dark green, black - Water, wood.
Enhancements: Books, travel posters, awards.

10th House (Capricorn) / Career, Status.
South: Reputation, social status, fame and fortune.
Attributes: Red, wood, green - triangular shapes - Fire.
Elements to minimize: water, blue or black.
Enhancements: Fireplace, red candles - trophies, awards.

11th House (Aquarius) / Friends.
NW: Helpful people, help from angelic realm - the head male of the house.
Attributes: White, gray, black, silver - round shapes - Metal.
Elements to minimize: Fire.
Enhancements: Silver box - pictures of mentors or spiritual guides, Buddha statue.

12th House (Pisces) / Spiritual Health, Karma.
Center: Health on all levels.
Attributes: Yellow, red - square or triangular shapes - Earth, fire.
Elements to minimize: Wood, green, columns, metal.
Enhancements: Artwork that depicts beauty, strength, joy, love and health - salt lamp.



Natural Cycles of Elements:
Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire.
Clockwise is creative - Anticlockwise subdues.

So how does Feng Shui and Astrology work together to manifest desires and needs?

Find out which part of your home the upcoming New Moon activates.
For example:
A New Moon falls on April 14th, 25 degrees Aries. Find out where 25 degrees Aries is in your natal chart. Lets say 25 degrees Aries is in the 7th house in your birth chart. The 7th house is correlated to the SW corner of the Bagua.

Clean out the SW corner. Remove anything not associated with romance and a loving relationship. Place objects of love - always in pairs. Check that the correct annual elements are in place.

On or just before the night of the New Moon, write down what you want, be specific, put happy, loving emotion and feeling into your words as you write, light a new candle - color pink is good for love - read aloud what you have written. Do this within the 24hr period of the New Moon. And always say 'Thank You' to the Universe afterward!

Do not ever try to manipulate or hurt another person by invocation. Even when sending out healing energy, you must always use the words "Be it for his/her highest good".

Free will is a law of the Universe and not to be messed with unless you want to suffer the consequences and bad karma which you will then need to atone for and balance.


Proven Results:

Simone Butler (the creator of this energy tool), writes in the Mountain Astrologer:

"Watch for results. They may not come in the form you intended, but there will be some kind of manifestation associated with the astrological house and gua (area of the Bagua) you activated, often around the Full Moon. Even seemingly negative results usually lead to improved conditions for that area of life."

Simone has had amazing feedback from her friends and clients, as detailed in her article below:

First House / Career and Life Path - North:
This woman redid her front porch. She got rid of plants that were struggling, moved other plants around, and bought a new welcome mat and bamboo screen to make the space more inviting. She taped her own company's brochure over the inside of the front door, and wrote affirmations on 3 x 5 cards and left them on a table inside the front door for a week after her ritual.

Then, she gave her brother, a successful businessman, a large plant that had been partially blocking her entryway. "It really opened up the porch," she relates, "and reminded me of how I block my own access to success." In a fascinating twist, her brother has since begun working with her, and her business has tripled!

Second House / Money and Possessions - SE:
Another participant transformed an unused sauna in her upstairs bathroom into a sumptuous wealth altar. She spread a cloth over the bench, hung a painting of Lakshmi (goddess of wealth), and added a basket of coins, some candles, a chalice of water, an open treasure box, a belly-dance coin belt, and some silk plants.

Note: Silk plants are acceptable; dried plants are not, as they equate to dried-up life force.

She wrote out an affirmation for wealth, lit the candles, and spoke her intention, sealing the energies by burning sage. In the garage below the bathroom she replaced an old, leaky water heater with a new one (leaks in this gua can drain your resources). Since then, she has begun presenting seminars, which in turn has increased her wealth.

Third House / Knowledge - NE:
One person made a vision board depicting the East Coast town where he wanted to live, including the words "alternative health network," which related to his ideal job. Creating a vision board that incorporates words and images is a perfect 3rd-house ritual, as it engages both the conscious and unconscious mind. And though Feng Shui assigns travel to the Helpful People gua, I relate it instead to the 3rd and 9th houses of travel - so it was an appropriate gua in which to manifest a trip.

The day after this man's New Moon ritual, he called the owner of the TV station in that town, who sent him a contract to begin a new job. Soon he was on his way across the country to a whole new life.

Fourth House / Family - East:
A participant painted her Family sector green, a power color for this gua. Next, she hung photos of friends and family (close friends qualify as family). This triggered a significant psychological shift. "I distanced myself from an old friend who has emotional outbreaks that confuse and hurt me. And I've welcomed one of my oldest friends back into my life."

She also set limits on how she was to be treated by her boyfriend's mother and other family members. As a result, she says, "I feel truer to myself now and have a solid foundation to work from." (The 4th house is associated with foundation-building.)

A skeptical client activated her Family gua, at the New Moon in her 4th house, and suddenly her sister, who'd always been a taker rather than a giver, sent her a homemade strawberry rhubarb pie. The sister also called to thank my client for all she'd done for her over the years - which catalyzed a healing in their relationship.

Fifth House / Creativity, Children and Entertainment - West:
The 5th is a good house to activate when you need help releasing a child, as one friend discovered. "So much of my life has been wrapped up with being a mother," she explained, "but now that my son is 17, he needs to spread his wings."

On a small glass table in this gua, she placed the Page of Cups Tarot card to represent him ("he's a really gentle, sweet-natured boy") and added a jade dragon (his Chinese animal) and two candles. She called on her personal deities to help with the process, lit the candles, and smudged herself with sage at the moment of the New Moon. "Now I feel more able to let him go," she reports, "and my professional life is taking off."
Sixth House / Health, Service To Others - Center:
"My improved health is my biggest win from this cycle," one participant told me. Her ritual was simple - all she did was light a candle in the center of her home at the New Moon and invoke good health (she had been suffering from an intestinal disorder for years).

"Soon thereafter," she relates, "I discovered this specific carbohydrate diet, and I've lost 15 pounds and have more strength and energy than ever before! I'm 80 percent symptom-free and am working out regularly with a trainer." Her work is also advancing, because she is feeling better about herself.

Seventh House / Love and Marriage - SW:
A solar eclipse dealt a resounding blow to this friend's 7th house last year, triggering issues that had been festering beneath the surface. I'd noticed that her husband's presence was not reflected in their home - you'd think she was still single. And between them, there was a struggle for dominance.

"I was in a rut," she admits. "The eclipse hit us hard, and I knew that change was in order. For the ritual, I placed my husband's trophy in a prominent place in the bedroom, to give him a place of honor. We just had the hottest sex we've had in ages! Our marriage is in a much better place now, because I have shifted emotionally."

Eighth House / Transformation, Other Peoples Money - SE:
Even though the 8th house is usually associated with shared wealth, this ritual effectively boosted my friend's personal income. In preparation for the New Moon in his 8th, he performed a thorough cleansing of the closet/storage space in his Wealth gua, donated several pieces of clothing to the Goodwill, cleaned the floor, and reorganized the space. He also dusted the nearby display shelves and art objects and washed the leaves of a resident plant.

At the New Moon, he performed a short ritual affirming his financial, physical, and spiritual wealth. "My phone began ringing immediately," he reported, "and within the next week I had seven new clients - a significant number, considering that 60 is my maximum client load per year!"

Ninth House / Knowledge - NE:
A writing buddy came up with this unique ritual. "A very old, baby-poop-colored fridge sits in my Knowledge corner," she confided. "Several times, I'd told my landlord about its state of disrepair. No response. Every time I looked at the fridge I thought of him and felt resentment. So, I started blessing him instead."

At the New Moon, she scrubbed the inside and collaged the outside of the fridge with images she loved, and she added a sign: "Soul-Satisfying Nourishment for Body, Mind, and Spirit." Shortly thereafter, the refrigerator died - and a brand new, self-defrosting model took its place. And my friend received a grant to help finish a book (9th house) that she was writing. "When you pour enough love into something," she noted, "the love transforms it!"

Tenth House / Fame and Reputation - South:
Here is another example of how ritual can bring things to the surface for healing. "Redecorating my Fame sector was a difficult process," related an artist friend. Since fire is associated with Fame, she was fortunate to have a fireplace there - but wasn't happy with the surrounding wall. So, she painted it with a red Venetian plaster, which proved harder to work with and took longer than anticipated. She decorated the mantel with her art, lit red candles, and invoked business and reputation goals at the New Moon.

Soon, she received a commission for a painting and was asked to exhibit in two shows. But a road trip to visit galleries that month was rocky. "I didn't realize the inner conflicts I have about fame! I have really become aware of the rollercoaster ride I've been on."

Eleventh House / Helpful People - NW:
This gua encompasses help from the "other side" as well as this realm, hence the addition of angels and ancestors to the ritual. This participant set up an altar on her bathroom shelves, placing a white and silver angel, a photo of her grandparents, "star" candle holders and white candles, and a silver box in which she placed the written intentions she had invoked at the New Moon.

A fundraiser she hosted that month for an ailing friend (11th house) was wildly successful, and she began to feel more centered and focused. "The exercise helped me to acknowledge the support I have from the other realms and to ask for guidance."

A struggling realtor enhanced the Helpful People corner of her living room, at the New Moon in her 11th and placed her client files there. "I'd been feeling so beaten down," she confided, "so I lit a candle and told the Universe, 'I need help!' " To her amazement, the inactive clients paid her for her time and left. And at the Full Moon, two of four pending offers were accepted (the Full Moon often gets New Moon seeds blossoming).

Twelfth House / Spiritual and Mental Health - Center:
Earth is the element for this gua, and since this healer friend has no earth in her chart, this ritual was particularly helpful for her. She transformed her oak dining table at the center of the home into an altar - adding terra cotta pieces and plants (growing in earth). She initiated her ceremony with earthy-smelling Tibetan incense and Tibetan spinning, to invoke spiritual health.

The result, she reported, was "a general uplifting of spirits and a more solid sense of contact with my spiritual core, and more 'aha' experiences." She is now better able to trust her intuition and has renewed her passion for quantum biofeedback and energetic healing.

Simone concludes:
"Each individual, each home, and each chart is unique - these are only twelve examples of what is possible when you combine astrology and Feng Shui. Intention and action, teamed up with the powerful energies of the New Moon and the art of placement, can transform your life.

I encourage you to play with this system and keep me posted on the results: I'd love to include your experiences in upcoming writings."

- www.AstroAlchemy.com

Many, many thanks to Simone Butler for her amazing work!

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Please buy and read Simone's book 'Astro Feng Shui', available on Amazon.com. I do not know Simone personally, but i'm a huge fan of her work as i too have studied both astrology and Feng Shui for decades.

Try out Simone's combined Astrology and Feng Shui tool with clear intention, focused action and strong, positive emotion - afterall, what do you have to lose!

Five Elements

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Element and color placement for home.

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