Far Infrared Cancer


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Far Infrared Cancer Therapy,
Detoxification and Diet.

By Tricia Dickens, CMH, C.Hyp, CPNLP
"In my work as a therapist in the UK, i am often confronted with clients diagnosed with cancer. During the first session with them it is not unusual to find that we have to do a lot of healing therapy around how they were dealt with by their consultant during the hospital appointment.

It is not unusual for the client to be in a complete state of shock exacerbated by the attitude of the senior health carer which can range from arrogance to cold detachment and lack of compassion. So when i had the opportunity to go to a conference on cancer therapy, to be attended by a number of eminent medical professionals, i felt compelled to attend.
The conference in London was organized by Lynne McTaggart, executice director of "What Doctors Don't Tell You", the UK's most successful health newsletter and author of "The Field", the book that brought together the findings of quantum physicists and psychics into one coherent science and philosophy.

The 200 delegates were doctors, nurses, physicists and health carers from all over the country and the speakers were leading authorities in the world of alternate approaches to cancer.

Speakers included:

- Bill Wolcott - leading authority on Metabolic Typing.
- David Vaughan - NC with an unsurpassed record of successful cancer protocols using nutrition.
- Jochen Toedtmann - practitioner of New Medicine.
- Dr. Karl Horst Poehlmann - one of Germany's most successful doctors working with cancer.
- Lothar Hirneise - founder of "People Against Cancer" in Germany.
- Dr. Patrick Kingsley - a holistic physician based in ther UK with a worldwide reputation for successfully addressing all manner of illnesses but primarily cancer and MS.

All the speakers agreed that the preferred treatment of cancer involves a four-pronged approach:

a) Nutrition and Diet - Alkaline Foods play a critical role.

b) Detoxification
c) Emotional/Mental/Spiritual Therapy

d) Energy medicine in its many forms.

Energy medicine includes not only the subtle vibrational medicines we are familiar with but electrical vibrational medicine. This particularly excited me because this is an area i have been researching for some time.

"We are what we eat" has never been truer.

Our food lacks the necessary enzymes and vitamins our bodies need to function at optimum. Not only that, as Bill Wolcott was at pains to explain, we are each so individual we are like snowflakes - we all need a nutritional diet designed soley for our particular metabolism.

There is no 'one diet fits all', this is where metabolic typing comes in, we have to discover the right diet for our particular body chemistry and how to combine proteins, carbohydrates and fats in a ratio that is just right for each one of us.

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Elimination of toxins from the body is crucially important. Heavy metals are a scourge of modern living, we are constantly exposed to a high concentration of them in our food products, household products and personal products. Mercury inparticular kills natural killer cells, especially from leaking mercury fillings.

So what was the recommended method of elimination? Far Infrared.

Far Infrared 'saunas' are able to remove heavy metal toxins that accumulate in the organs by eliminating them through the stools, hair, urine and skin. It seems the combination of 'resonant absorption' and thermal therapy - hyperthermia - that effectively removes these heavy metal toxins from the body, also supports the immune system.

This in turn triggers the production of white blood cells and killer T cells by the thymus. Cancer cells die at a temperature over 42 degrees whereas healthy cells survive. Cancer cells weakened by hyperthermia become easier to eliminate, especially when other anti-cancer strategies are incorporated."

The information above was written by Tricia Dickens based on her own research and extensive professional knowledge of this subject. This general advice does not cover specific situations encountered by the individual. Research and seek further independent health care advice regarding your own particular situation. Tricia may be contacted via this website for further information. Permission to reproduce this article must be requested via this website at email below.

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