Hyperthermia, Cancer


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Personal Experiences
with Hyperthermia.

                        Infrared Therapy

Far Infrared Thermal Therapy,
Hippocrates Health Institute.

Hyperthermia (heat therapy), may be used alone as a non-invasive therapy, or as a complimentary therapy, alongside traditional invasive cancer protocols.

Case studies and clinical trials can be researched at:
- pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

PubMed® comprises more than 35 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

- www.esho.info
- www.thermaltherapy.org/
- www.tandfonline.com/journals/ihyt20
- https://hcioncology.com

Far Infrared is the chosen heat therapy of the six anecdotal experiences below, more commonly recognized and used worldwide by hyperthermic oncologists outside the USA.

The Far Infrared dome medical units used for hyperthermia (as seen above), are highly advanced Japanese technology, causing no side effects or damage to the body as caused by orthodox oncology.


Anecdotes from USA, Mexico, Canada:

Besides adjusting their diet and implementing additional modalities using intergrative therapies of their own choosing, all of the individuals below followed conventional cancer protocols and maintained contact with their doctors and oncologists.  

USA Keeping her body in balance, no fear.
"At age 35, on New Years Eve 2003 I found a lump in my left breast that turned out to be breast cancer. My life was about to change drastically. I had two lumpectomies to remove the cancer and a sentinel lymph node biopsy that showed lymph node involvement. The cancer was diagnosed stage 2b.

I underwent 4 months of dose dense chemo. This is chemo every two weeks. My first cocktail of chemo was Adriamycin and Cytoxan. My second round of chemo was Taxotere. These drugs were very hard for me to tolerate.

I suffered from the usual chemo side effects that included nausea, body aches, shortness of breath, low energy, complete hair loss, extreme swelling and many other unfavorable side effects.

I did manage to maintain a positive outlook through out my treatments. On July 7, 2004 I had a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. I wanted to prevent any chance of a breast cancer re-occurrence.

My life was almost back to normal in January of 2005. I had finished all of my reconstructive surgeries. I was like most Americans doing too much too quickly and was right back in my hectic routine. I changed jobs in June and the training was intense. I started in my new sales territory August I, 2005. Life was good.

I was asked to participate in an interview for breast cancer awareness month for a local hospital giving complimentary mammograms to 200 patients. On Halloween 2005, the last day of breast cancer awareness month I performed a self breast exam and found a suspicious lump. I had surgery to remove the lump that turned out to be breast cancer again, at 37.

I met with my oncologist who scared me senseless with his talk of how grave and serious the re-occurrence was being only 17 months out from my last chemo treatment. My mother and I left the hospital in tears and I told her I would never see that doctor again because he did not think I would beat this.

My cancer was totally different than my first cancer and this diagnosis was stage 4. I had a PET/CT scan that showed lymph node involvement with malignancy behind my left clavicle bone, left of my trachea, two para-aortic nodes, and a large focal area on my liver between the left and right lobes. I was in serious trouble.

After many prayers as to why this happened to me again ... a  dear friend of mine called me on the phone and told me about a wellness consultant, Mary Miltenberger in Cumberland, Maryland. She specializes in patients the doctors have given up on.

Body Mind and Spirit:
Mary introduced to me the concept of body, mind and spirit healing. I started taking supplements to get my immune system back on track. I changed my lifestyle eating habits to all organic foods, no dairy, no refined sugar or red meat. I used Frankincense, a therapeutic grade essential oil over all the areas where the cancer was seen on the scans.

I used far infrared thermal therapy for an hour, and did passive aerobic exercise for 5 minutes twice a day for 8 straight days. I started to feel better and better as each day passed. Everyone commented on how good I was looking. I would reply "I feel terrific." Mary encouraged me to use far infrared thermal therapy as much as possible, knowing I had another scan coming up."


Stacey - Intergrative Therapies.

"I had a repeat CT scan with and without contrast to have a liver biopsy done a month later. Well, we could not find the lesion in my liver it was so ill defined. The lymph nodes were all back to normal size and no new lesions seen within the liver, spleen, pancreas, adrenal glands or kidneys.

I am continuing my far infrared dome heat therapy and aerobic exercise machine. I have more energy than ever and I feel fantastic. Oh by the way, the swelling I (still) had from the chemo is completely gone, and I've lost 25 pounds. I have stopped fearing the return of cancer ... I have gotten the fear out of my mind."

- Stacey Sprenkle, April 2006, USA.


Mexico Cáncer de mama.
"Doy gracias al Señor y a mis amigas Lolys y Conchita que me dieron a conocer estos maravillosos aparatos, hace dos años me diagnosticaron cáncer de mama, después de 6 quimioterapias y 25 radiaciones continuaron los chequeos de rutina.

Hace 3 meses que uso los aparatos diariamente, far infrared de 2 a 3 horas y exercise de 5 a 15 minutos, la electrotherap 1 hora. Los últimos análisis salieron excelentes, el oncólogo dijo: Señora hace 4 meses sus exámenes eran dudosos, ahora todo está muy bien.

Los recomiendo como preventivos y para los enfermos que van a dejar de sufrir, de inmediato se sienten resultados. Son rejuvenecedores, regeneran células. Si desean ser productivos y activos durante toda su vida le invito a usar estos aparatos, cambiarán sus vidas."



canada Less pain.
"I have owned and operated a very successful therapeutic massage therapy business since 1996. I have a young client who had intestinal cancer as an external growth, diagnosed in May 2004. Being an external growth with just a skin covering, it was easy too see the extreme large size of it, like a big grapefruit.

She borrowed our far infrared dome unit last fall, September 2004, and used it for two full weekends - 6 days and nights in total. She used it for all of each day, only stopping to eat and go to the bathroom.

In those two weekends she reported her tumor was shrunk from the size of a grapefruit to the size of a golf ball. Also, while using the thermal therapy she said her pain was less than 1/2 and most of her body and leg swelling disappeared too.

When it was finally operated on, in January 2005, the doctor said it resembled a shriveled, dried up prune."

- Brenda Rose Natural Treatments, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.

It is not standard procedure to use far infrared heat for really lengthy periods due to the fact that every body is different and that amount of rapid detoxification may be too overwhelming and cause a Herxheimer reaction.


canada A love story.
"In January of 2006, Eileen used far infrared thermal therapy for the first time to maintain healthy lung function. Joan (her neighbor), went over to her place and lent her the unit and rubbed her chest and back with some essential oils.

Eileen slept under the unit and also used it in the daytime as well for about 3 days. Eileen was so impressed with the benefits that she and her husband, Vic, purchased heir own. They also both started doing aerobic exercise twice a day.

About the middle of February 2006, Vic was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer and was told by doctors that he and Eileen would have possible another year together.

He continued to passive aerobic exercise twice a day, slept under the far infrared unit and also spent as much time as possible during the day under it. Eileen set her alarm for every hour during the night so she could get up and reset the units for Vic who was sleeping under them.

"The doctors had told Vic that he would have a colostomy after surgery. On March 7, 2006, Vic has his surgery and eighteen inches of his colon was removed, however, he did not have to have the colostomy.

The surgeon then informed Vic that they did not get all the cancer and that he would have to have another surgery. He was given some medication in pill form but did not have to have chemotherapy.

After 8 days in the hospital, Vic returned home and started using the far infrared unit again frequently. Then 2 months after the surgery, Vic started back up the aerobic exercise machine.

In June, Vic went back to his oncologist who told him his blood tests were good. He then inquired what Vic had been doing, so he told the doctor about the units and the doctor asked for some data.

Vic and Eileen went back to see the doctor in July 2006 and gave the doctor the data he had requested. At that time the doctor informed them that Vic was healthy and would not need further surgery."

- Joan Lefaivre, friend and neighbor, Canada.


canada Alternative therapies.
In May 2006, Jean Wiliams of Winnipeg, Manitoba, was told that she had advanced cancer. In November 2006, Jean is healthy and this is her story.

"Back in May, following 4 days of lower abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and bloating. Jean had to undergo an active investigation in an acute care hospital. A CT Scan revealed a large pelvic mass, which was thought to be an ovarian cancer and multiple pulmonary nodules were present bilateral.

This is most consistent with metastasis. There was also a defect in her left kidney. This information was taken directly from reports from the hospital and cancer care.

Jean was sent home with a long acting analgesic and with Percocet 10mgs for breakthrough pain. The wait for cancer care and the treatment plan began. After waiting for one month, we decided we could not wait any longer and do nothing, so the alternative therapies were to begin.

Up to this time, Jean gave up her job as a school bus driver since bouncing about and sitting caused her pain, and a short walk resulted in a feeling of lower abdominal pressure and pain. As well, she had trouble sleeping and needed pain medication.

Jean was put to bed in my home and two far infrared units were placed over her chest and abdomen for 24hrs. Her blood pressure, pulse and respiration's were monitored by me and were stable. She got up only to go to the bathroom. Jean had her meals in bed and drank lots of fluid. Just 5 days after this period there was no more pain.

Change in diet:
While lying under the units, my good friend Karen and i talked to Jean about a herbal regime and Dr. Johanna Budwig's anti-cancer diet. The purpose was to change her intestinal environment to make her body hostile to invaders.

Jean is a naturally positive person with a fine sense of humor and so also introducing positive thinking and visualization was easy for her. We made a phone call to Calgary and Jean spoke to another cancer survivor. Our alternative plan was put into place.

5 days layer, Jean started on her herbal plan and the anti-cancer diet. This was followed very diligently for 30 days and modified at Jean's request. Jean continued on using the far infrared thermal therapy for 1 hour each morning and 1 hour in bed at night. Aerobic exercise was done twice daily to increase her oxygen levels and other benefits.

Sweat Lodge for detoxification:
Also, our other sister Barbara, practices Traditional Native Medicine and so we arranged for the three of us to attend at Sundance and another time for a Native Sweat Lodge.

Jean had wonderful support from her friends and if her husband was out of town i was able to stay overnight. I was always beside her when she was using the far infrared. We talked into the night. We all kept our positiveness even though there was such an emotional roller coaster felt by her family, friends and siblings.

Eventually, Cancer Care did a needle biopsy of her lungs with no result and in search for a primary site for ovarian cancer, Jean was scheduled for major abdominal surgery on September 28th, 2006.

In the meantime, we saw Jean getting better and better with more endurance and energy. She went back to driving her car and returning to doing fun things like visiting her friends.

Jean had her surgery on September 28th, with no cancer detected. Before her discharge she had a CT Scan. Jean's oncologist called her on November 17th, 2006 to say her pathology report and her CT Scan was negative."

- Respectfully submitted by sister Verna Nicolls, retired R.N. Canada.

canada Intense therapy.
November 2010 Diane Bussiers husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Surgery removed a malignant tumor but doctors then wanted to remove his bladder, prostate and lymph nodes completely, along with chemo and radiation. The cancer specialist said without these traditional protocols, he would be dead in 6 months.

Diane and her husband decided to utilize alternative, natural therapy. They used far infrared thermal therapy for 5 hrs a day coupled with aerobic exercise and a homeopathic program for one year. Mr. Bussier's doctors confirmed he was healthy and well.

- Diane Bussiere and her husband reside in Wakaw, SK.


Personal stories do not necessarily reflect results that other individuals may or may not experience. These voluntary anecdotes from individual users sharing what they personally experienced - relevant to their lifestyle and state of health - are not presented as medical advice and are not intended with the intention as such.

Whilst real-life experiences can be a helpful resource, medical advice, diagnosis, and guidance from your chosen healthcare professionals is fully encouraged to determine the absolute best course of action to take with no regrets or forced choices.

History, Evolution, Benefits.

Kill Cancer
Extensive checklist for cancer patients.

Conventional Protocols
Chemo, radiation, and special focus on breast cancer.

Anti-Cancer Diet
Focus must be alkaline - NO sugar.

Chemotherapy Heals Cancer
and the World is Flat

Every successful cancer treatment contains three ingredients:

1) Serious detoxification.
2) Diet change.
3) Mental/emotional stress release.

This website is for informational and educational purposes and is not intended to provide individual medical advice which may be obtained from your chosen health practitioner. Always ask questions and research everything.
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