Hyperthermia, Heat
                    Therapy, Far Infrared


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Hyperthermia and
Hyperthermic Oncology.
The fascinating evolution and benefits of heat therapy - From ancient Eygpt and Greece, to modern Japanese and European hyperthermic oncology.
Hyperthermia, also known as heat therapy or thermal therapy, proven to combat and eliminate disease, dates back thousands of years to the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians, as well as to ancient civilizations in India, China and Scandinavia.

Heat therapy has evolved in leaps and bounds since those ancient times. Originally hot water, steam and heated blades were used. Modern hyperthermia now uses directed far infrared (FIR) heat.

Far Infrared Heat.
Far Infrared domes produce heat energy, which is radiated directly to the body from a very close distance between the unit and the body area being targeted - far infrared loses intensity the farther away it is from the body. Far Infrared heat travels in a straight line and generally penetrates to a depth of 2-2 1/2 inches and is an absolutely safe and natural therapy with no side effects.

Western Medicine vs Alternative
Although it has been known for many centuries that heat helps the body combat and eliminate illness and disease - including malignant cell activity - the enthusiasm of modern American cancer research for this natural healing modality has been unfriendly, lukewarm and sporadic until recently.

It has been the alternative health community and well-educated innovative hyperthermic oncologists that have kept the access open for patients worldwide particularly in countries such as Europe (Germany), and Asia (Japan).

World map of cancer.

Conservative global cancer statistics.
1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer.

Cancer Therapy.
Hyperthermia is often combined with conventional protocols to target cancer - sarcomas, skin tumors and carcinomas of the breasts, prostate, ovaries, lung, stomach and skin. The temperature of the cancer tissue is elevated by far infrared heat energy - approximately 107 to 113 degree range - to weaken malignant cells.

History Of Hyperthermia:

The term hyperthermia is a combination of two Greek words: hyper (rise) and therme (heat) and refers to the increasing of body temperature or selected tissues in order to achieve a precise therapeutic effect.

The use of high temperature as a healing protocol for various diseases was common in various cultures since ancient times. Primarily, the heat had sacral meaning and was associated with the healing power of the Sun. Therefore, it was used for the therapy of locally affected human body parts or the whole organism. For that purpose, hot water and sand (mud baths) from natural thermal springs, and hot air and steam occurring in volcanic caves were utilized.

The first known use of heat therapy was carried out by an Egyptian aruspice named Imhotep (2655 – 2600 B.C.). The Edwin Smith Papyrus from about 1700 B.C., which is probably a copy of a thousand year old text, reports that the ancient Egyptians used the so-called "fire drills" - hot blades and sticks - for breast cancer.

These protocols involved the burning of cancerous cells and had nothing to do with elevated body temperature. It is worth noting that the local and systemic hyperthermic methods were also very popular in ancient China and India.

Ancient Greece:
In ancient Greece and Rome many physicians shared the opinion that knowledge how to control human body temperature will allow them to cure all diseases, including cancer, whose pathology was well known and described in those days. For example, the Greek philosopher Parmenides (ca. 540 – ca. 470 B.C.) was deeply convinced of the effectiveness of hyperthermia as evidenced by the words: “Give me the power to produce fever and I will cure all diseases”.

This view was shared by Hippocrates (460 – 370 B.C.), a Greek philosopher and scientist who is considered the “father of medicine”. He claimed that the disease must be incurable if it can not be cured by using heat. Moreover, Hippocrates successfully used heat to target breast tumors.

His medical practice was based on the philosophy of ancient Greece, which attributed the fire to the highest level of intelligence and freedom. Heat therapy was recommended after unsuccessful trials of invasive procedures and when known drugs and other methods failed. This conviction is well illustrated by the words of Hippocrates: "What medicines to not heal, the lance will; what the lance does not heal, fire will".

Belief in the curative effect of fever was also shared by Celsus (ca. 25 B.C. - 45 A.D.), a Roman author of the first systematic treatise on medicine "De Medicina" and Rufus of Ephesus, a Greek physician who lived at the turn of the 1st and 2nd century. Celsus described the hot baths as a tool in the treatment of various diseases.

In the 19th
century German physicians observed regression of sarcoma in patients who suffered prolonged high fevers due to infectious disease. In NY, William Coley, a famous oncologist at the time, used immunotherapy toxins produced by a German pharmaceutical company, known as Coley's toxins, to induce fever (hyperthermia), and in multiple documented cases, successfully attack many types of cancer, from 1893 thru 1963.

He thus showed again what has been recognized for centuries, that elevated body temperature for 30 minutes to several hours, may be used as a therapy for cancer and other diseases. It must be noted that for various reasons, including the development of radiation and chemotherapy at this time, the conventional medical establishment were extremely critical and in fierce opposition.

Source: William Coley Review, Post Graduate Medical Journal: pmj.bmj.com/

The 1960's:
Some researchers confirmed that cancer cells are more vulnerable to heat than their normal counterparts. In the U.S. the hegemony of the three official modalities - surgery, radiation and chemotherapy - lasted until the 70's, when hyperthermia was taken off the ACS blacklist (Unproven Therapies List).

In the late 70's and early 80's several trials showed that hyperthermia combined with radiation produced superior results over radiation alone.

- Source: AGH University of Science and Technology.

From 3000 BC until today:
Pdf - Essential Facts on the History of Hyperthermia

Hot Springs

Macaque monkeys enjoying natural hot
spring hyperthermia in Jigokudani, Japan.

Japan, China, and Germany:
Japanese and Chinese researchers have both conducted extensive work in the far infrared field over the past 30 years. The research on hyperthermia in Japan was begun by the Hyperthermia Study Group in 1978. In 1984, the Japanese Society of Hyperthermic Oncology (JSHO) was established.

"Compared to other countries, Japan has the highest number of hyperthermia equipment installed, and the most doctors involved in hyperthermia therapy. The main reasons for the advanced state of hyperthermia research in Japan include the development of excellent heating equipment, high membership in JSHO, grant-in-aid by the Japanese government, and coverage by insurance for this form of therapy." - PubMed 8876910

German physicians and hyperthermic oncologists have been recommending and using whole-body hyperthermia therapy for over 70 years with well established clinics now attracting patients and celebrities (actress Farrah Fawcett documented her journey), from all over the world.

The benefits of
hypertherapy are extensive and impressive. Research from Sweden, Finland, Japan, China, and Germany lists numerous conditions that can be successfully addressed.

This list includes, but is not limited to: arthritis, acne, cancer, soft-tissue injury, menstrual pain, eczema, upper respiratory infections, wound healing, broken bones, Bell's palsy, neuro-dermatitis, GI problems, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and ear, nose and throat disorders such as sore throat, chronic middle ear inflammation and infection.

Present Day.
Whole body hyperthermia is constantly being researched and updated whilst being used all over the world to combat cancer, most notably by hyperthermic oncology institutes and clinics in Germany. Published data worldwide has proven remarkable results and is changing lives.

The USA continues to lag behind, regarding it as experimental and a threat to the extremely profitable and conventional protocols of prescribed synthetic drug cocktails, coupled with chemotherapy and radiation.


Global success using hyperthermia
for cancer tumors.

1) Klinic St. Georg in Germany.
- www.klinik-st-georg.de

St. Georg clinic uses hyperthermic oncology to increase the permeability and receptivity of tumor cells to chemotherapy. Hyperthermia therapy is a very gentle but nevertheless very effective protocol and is one of the basic elements of the integrated cancer therapy concept of Klinic St. Georg. During hyperthermia therapy, tumerous tissue is heated using different techniques.

As a result:
- The cancer cells are damaged and weakened.
- The body's own immunological defense mechanisms are supported.

Hyperthermia is applied alone, or recommended by Western oncologists to be used in in combination with radiation or chemotherapy. Hyperthermia is also used successfully in the aftercare for secondary cancer prevention. Metastasis and tumors that are inoperable or resistant to other protocols can be influenced favorably by Hyperthermia.

Klinic St Georg Germany.

World famous Klinic St. Georg,
Bad Ailing, Germany.

2) Private clinics in Germany.
Several offer heat therapy for cancer, including the Hyperthermia Center in Hanover who write the following:

"During whole-body hyperthermia, the whole body - with the exception of the head - is overheated. In our practice we use water filtered infrared lamps with a high atmospheric humidity to generate heat. The body reaches temperatures of between 39.5C and 40.5C.

Our patients experience whole-body hyperthermia in a particularly beneficial, integrated and healing environment. After a preparation period of approximately half an hour, the actual fever therapies begins, lasting for around two and a half hours. The patients receive comprehensive care, with monitoring of their body functions, throughout the procedure . Strengthening Ayurvedic teas and fortifying natural beverage are available. The subdued lighting, relaxing music and soft color hues of the new practice rooms have a soothing effect on mind and body.

After the healing phase, the patients enjoy a period of rest in this environment, during which their fever abates. They receive oxygen for stabilisation, and can recuperate through meditation. The practice team takes care of the patient's well-being throughout the entire time - and afterwards too, as telephone support is provided for all queries relating to hyperthermia.

In our experience, whole-body hyperthermia is particularly effective for inoperable tumors and metastases, and for frequently recurring tumor types. However, it is also used for limited tumor onsets. We have successfully used whole-body hyperthermia in our practice for mamma carcinomas, sarcomas, skin tumors, melanomas, bone metastases as well as carcinomas of the lung, the stomach, pancreas, the gallbladder and kidneys."

3) Prostate Cancer.
In May 2000 a German researcher reported that an experimental technique was used on 440 patients using "a probe inserted into the rectum so cancer cells in the nearby prostate gland may be heated and killed with ultrasound".

The report goes on to say "A recent study showed nearly 80% of the 440 men treated had a cancer-free follow-up test, or biopsy. Nearly all had a clear biopsy after a second treatment of high intensity focused ultrasound, or HIFU."

Source: www.webmd.com

Lance Armstrong.

Lance Armstrong beat testicular cancer. "Applying heat might make other cancers as easy to eliminate as testicular cancer, which is foiled by body temperature." - www.sciencenews.org

4) Hyperthermic Oncology in Europe.
For nearly three decades, oncologists in Europe have gathered together to discuss the use of hyperthermia to address cancer, as well as actually implementing it. The two most prominent groups being The International Clinical Hyperthermia Society and The European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO).

About ESHO:
"The object of the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO) is to promote for the public benefit, fundamental and applied research in physics, engineering, biological and clinical sciences relating to the use of hyperthermia in cancer therapy.

Moreover, the society wants to facilitate integration and exchange of information between different disciplines in the study of the biological effects of heat in the treatment of cancer either alone or combined with other cancer treatment modalities.

The European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology was established in 1987 in England. In 1992, the registered office of the Society was transferred to The Netherlands.

Board Members: G.C. van Rhoon (The Netherlands), M.R. Horsman (Denmark), GJ. van Tienhoven (The Netherlands), O.J. Ott (Germany), T.L.M. ten Hagen (The Netherlands), V. Kouloulias (Greece), S. Dall'Oglio (Italy), L.H. Lindner (Germany), M. Persson (Sweden)." - www.esho.info

Extract from the ESHO invitation to 28th annual meeting in Munich, Germany, 2013:

"Over the last years, the field of clinical Hyperthermia has become increasingly dynamic. Results of phase II and III studies as well as new findings in basic research have firmly established Hyperthermia as a protocol option in conjunction with standard regimens in the field of oncology."

- Conference held at The Klinikum Großhadern of the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich who have been using hyperthermia cancer therapy since 1986.

Hyperthermia Journal.

International Journal of Hyperthermia - 1985 to present day. Currently, it is the most important periodical devoted to hyperthermic oncology.

5) Hyperthermia Journal.
International Journal of Hyperthermia is the official journal of the Society for Thermal Medicine, the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology, and the Japanese Society for Thermal Medicine.


Oncothermia therapy expands hyperthermia by also using a modulated electrical field. This has become one of the leading hyperthermia based therapies in Europe.

6) Oncothermia
Developed in Germany, oncothermia stems from Hyperthermia. Oncothermia is a Hungarian invention from 1988, connected to the bioelectric ideas of a Hungarian Nobel Laureate for discovery of Vitamin C, Albert Szentgyorgyi.

German, Hungarian and Japanese scientists and engineers have partnered up together conducting ongoing research and development, distributing this method worldwide. Known as the Oncotherm Group, they hold International symposiums in Europe and have multiple publications available for personal research.

Heat Therapy Clinical Trials:

"In trials reported in the May 2005 Journal of Clinical Oncology, Theodore De Weese, a radiation oncologist at Johns Hopkins University, showed that heat therapy could amplify radiation's effects. The scientists recruited 109 cancer patients with superficial tumors, such as those in the skin of the head, neck, or breast. Half the patients received radiation alone, and the other half received radiation plus two weekly sessions of hyperthermia.

After several months, the researchers found that about two-thirds of the patients in the hyperthermia group showed no lingering signs of their cancer. In contrast, only 42 percent of patients receiving just radiation had that response."

- www.sciencenews.org

PubMed has numerous medical citations on hyperthermia from all over the world - click on link to read one from the Netherlands back in 2002.

'Heating the patient: a promising approach' - PMID 12181239


Hyperthermia Therapy in the USA.

The American Cancer Society, Stanford, The National Cancer Institute:

If you research hyperthermic oncology on the internet, more and more information is being made available. American medicine is finally taking a look at this ancient healing protocol and using it alongside chemo and radiation.

Whilst their chosen methods may seem crude, cause side effects, and are expensive and experimental, the use of hyperthermia in the USA is now underway with even the American Cancer Society discussing hyperthermia and posting articles on their website: www.cancer.org

There are varied methods used to create Hyperthermia, many of them are crude:

a) Thin heated wire probes, hollow tubes filled with warm water, or implanted microwave antennae and radio frequency electrodes.
b) Magnets and devices that produce high energy are placed over the region to be heated.
c) Some of the patient's blood is removed, heated, and then pumped into the region to be heated. The process is known as perfusion.
d) Hot wax.

Source: Stanford Cancer Institute, USA.

American Cancer Society:
Other hyperthermia methods include: "Whole-body heating is being studied as a way to make chemotherapy more effective in treating cancer that has spread. It can be done using warm-water blankets, inductive coils (like those in electric blankets), or thermal chambers (similar to large incubators)." -

The Food and Drug Administration approved a microwave hyperthermia unit made in Utah, USA (BSD 500 and BSD 2000), to be used specifically for cancer management, required to be used in tandem with radiation or chemo.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) website, cites the following:

1) Hyperthermia is a type of cancer treatment in which body tissue is exposed to high temperatures (up to 113°F) to damage and kill cancer cells.

2) Hyperthermia is almost always used with other forms of cancer therapy, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

3) Several methods of hyperthermia are currently under study, including local, regional, and whole-body hyperthermia.

4) Many clinical trials (research studies) are being conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of hyperthermia.

The NCI goes on to explain different methods of hyperthermia using instruments such as probes, needles, thermal chambers or hot water blankets. The NCI is U.S. government’s principal agency for cancer research.

Read the NCI Hyperthermia FACT SHEET

Hyperthermia, although an ancient health protocol, is considered today as a revolutionary technology, changing the face of conventional Western modalities who would prefer the public not stray from their toxic protocols and invasive procedures which are not as effective as they say, and have lasting side effects.

Japanese and German Far Infrared heat therapy, is available for everyone worldwide.

Far Infrared Units are available across Asia, the Pacific, Europe and North America in the form of lamps or sauna units. Traditional sauna units still generate ' wet' heat but have incorporated far infrared ceramic plates or metal rods, a few units use precious stones such as amethyst or jade (a gimmick), whilst the superior Japanese dome unit uses pure far infrared 'dry' heat generated via silicone crystal chips.

Far Infrared heat does not burn the body (as regular heat does), and does not cause any recognized side effects when used by itself. Far Infrared ray are measured in microns, the most beneficial being between 7-11 microns.

Hyperthermia is a totally intergrative therapy which may be used with other alternative and conventional procedures and protocols. Confer with a professional medical specialist for guidance.
Far Infrared Heat Detoxification
London conference of eminent specialists.

Far Infrared Thermal Therapy
History, technology, benefits.

Far Infrared Facts and Data
Medical data, Japanese research.

Personal Experiences
Mexico, Canada, USA.


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