Grande Far Infared
                  Dome, Hothouse Sauna



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The HotHouse
Far Infrared Dome - Grande

NOTE to clients who own the original regular size Far Infrared Hothouse - also known as the Far Infrared Dome, or Super Radiant Dome, or SOQI Ceramic Heater ...

The HotHouse Far Infrared 'Grande' Dome is identical to the original Hothouse Dome (phased out a few years ago), now larger so as to fit most all shapes and sizes, keeping everyone happy!

One Size Fits All.
Clothing removal is optional.

SOQI Far Infrared Dome Sauna.

  Far Infrared Grande Dome

SALE: $1,050.00


Far Infrared (FIR) heat therapy:
Traditionally known as thermal therapy - is commonly used to promote circulation, relieve pain, for accelerated healing, serious toxin elimination, physical and mental relaxation, and to maintain and promote health and wellness on many other levels. 

Winter is a cold, dry season when it is common for health complications to arise for many people, especially the sick and the elderly. The drop in temperature is a catalyst for health challenges. The SOQI Far Infrared Grande Dome will help support the body to maintain health all year long.

The Far Infrared Dome Sauna has been created with cutting edge technology, exclusive to HTE. The 160 degree semi-circle dome, radiates 8-10 microns of far infrared ray which are the most desirable wave length for human beings and pets.

Far infrared heat ray resonate cells from the inside out, to maintain health and to promote natural healing and relaxation.

Also known as the 'sweatless sauna' because far infrared thermal therapy emits 'dry' heat so you may keep your clothes on.

This portable Far Infrared dome generates 100% far infrared heat which does not cause the body to sweat, as it does not overheat the body as a traditional 'wet' sauna does.

Grande Dome Hothouse Spa.

far infrared ceramic

The multifaceted crystal chip surface
greatly increases the radiation density.

The close proximity of the dome to your body promotes optimal far infrared benefits. Far infrared waves travel in straight lines, and the further away the less impact, so the closer to your body the better.

No other Far Infrared sauna on the market compares, and none have them have been able to duplicate this advanced Japanese healing technology.

The Original Far infrared Sauna.
Advanced Japanese technology.

                            Dome face down.

Far Infrared heat for all the family,
including pets, children, and seniors.

Party Season and Wintertime:
Health is especially important during wintertime, and throughout 'party season' - Thanksgiving thru New Year - which generates an overindulgence in food and drink, thus compromising the immune system.
Lack of sunshine (vitamin D), inactivity, and insufficient warmth in cold, dry weather, lowers the strength of the immune system. Far Infrared thermal therapy may be used to support the body through this particular season, and to relieve aches and pains associated with cold temperatures. It also promotes relief for breathing problems due to seasonal illnesses.

                      device coronavirus

Famous cancer therapy clinic in Florida.
Patient is seen using x3 FIR Domes.


Personal anecdotal experiences:

b "I live in Maryland and the snow levels combined with extremely cold temperatures aggravate my body (i grew up in sunny California). The Far Infrared dome and the "Chi" (The Chi Machine), really made a difference by diminishing and relieving pain which flares up every time i have to go out in the cold.

My husband is already in love with far infrared heat as it helped him deal with male problems he had last year. As advised, he changed his diet to mainly alkaline food (occasional grass fed beef or Alaskan salmon), juiced every morning, and lay under the far infrared heat nearly every evening for 1 to 3 hrs for several months. He is now completely well.

We are both happy, healthy and sleep well. We use the Chi Machine everyday before breakfast for 10-25 minutes of aerobic exercise as a kick starter to the day ahead, and the SOQI Dome at least once or twice a week for one hour for health maintenance." - Kay Montgomery, Cumberland, MD.

"I broke my wrist in several places and used the dome to help relieve the pain before and after they repaired it and to support healing. The bones were reset and pins implanted. A year or so Iater, i then had a ruptured appendix (i didn't know), and endured hideous pain for four weeks which was only helped by using the far infrared dome which allowed me to get some sleep.

I was eventually rushed into emergency to remove my appendix but ONLY after demanding the doctors re-diagnose what was causing my pain, as i had initially been given drugs and sent away! I used the dome everyday after the operation (one hour in evening), to promote my recovery and to relieve healing pains. During cold weather i use the dome for my wrist." - Rad, 28 years old, Los Angeles, CA.

b "Winter 2019 hit me hard being a farm worker in Indiana. Due to personal issues, my immune system was not great and i succumbed to the flu. The lung congestion refused to clear, my head was pounding and energy zapped. I can't afford to be sick.

A neighbor lent me her Far Infrared Dome and i admit i was skeptical but chose to give it a shot with nothing to lose. I used it for 2 hrs watching TV and the next morning not only could breath clearly but felt nearly normal. I used it every night for a week and became right as rain. Thank you! -
Max, Ft. Wayne, Indiana.

Far Infrared Dome
In-depth details and info.


FYI: Your Immune System.

Liquid Vitamin C (citrus fruits), and Vitamin D (from natural sunshine, or cod liver oil), are critical, powerful, natural preventatives that promote and support the immune system.
Elderberry and Oil of Oregano are also recommended.

BetaGlucan is a superb dietary supplement for all those with compromised or weak immune systems. Especially perfect for wintertime, as well as year round.


SOQI Grande HotHouse
Far Infrared Dome.

7-12yr life expectancy daily use.
Weight: 16.5lbs.

Grande Hothouse dome.

x2 Height Risers, x2 Armrests,

Free E.Books and Videos.

Sale: $1,050.00
List Price: $1,290.00

15.8 inch / 401 mm - floor to top.
31.7 inch / 805 mm - side to side.

Bundle Deals
Free Essential Oils

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1-5 business days USA.
7-10 days Canada.
Shipped from HTE head office

Los Angeles, CA.


USA or Canada only.


Far Infrared Therapy Research:

Far Infrared Thermal Therapy
Detailed History and Benefits.

Thermal Therapy Data

Facts, benefits and data from Japan.

Far Infrared Sauna
Comparison Buyers Guide.


Far Infrared for Pets
Heat therapy for cats and dogs.

This website is for informational and educational purposes and is not intended to provide individual medical advice which may be obtained from your chosen health practitioner.

Voluntary anecdotes from individual users sharing what they personally experienced, relevant to their lifestyle and state of health do not necessarily reflect results that other individuals may or may not experience. Always ask questions, research everything.
©2002-2025 Chimachine4u - SOQI HTE Independent Distributor.
Chi Energy International.

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