should i consider taking this
Because it works!
Beta Glucan naturally and powerfully
supports your immune system, to promote and
maintain defense against the environment and
daily life.
Is Beta Glucan:
Beta Glucan is a polysaccharide found in
foods like barley, oats, reishi, shiitake
and maitake mushrooms, miso soup, brewer's
and baker's yeast.
It is the most studied external
immunomodulator on earth, with over 140,000
published studies on PubMed, and is
perpetually being tested in countless
ongoing clinical trials.
Beta Glucan activates and enhances the
immune system, and known as a super-charger.
External immunomodulators are substances
that have been shown to modify the immune
systems response to a threat upon it. It is
an all-natural, food source derived dietary
supplement. It modulates and potentiates the
macrophage (white blood cells), keeping them
in a highly prepared state for threats the
immune system may encounter.
With this balancing effect, all subsequent
immune responses improve. When your immune
system is in a prepared state, invading
organisms do not have time to build up force
and strength before the immune system
attacks, destroys and / or weakens the

Is there
scientific data for Beta 1, 3D Glucan?
A resounding YES! There are literally
hundreds of scientific studies on Beta 1, 3D
Glucan. From PubMed, to prestigious
institutions such as Harvard, and even the
armed forces in multipe countries including
the USA and Australia.
Beta Glucan
has over 1,600 general research papers
ranging across 40 years.
A majority of this health related research
has been completed at some of the most
prestigious institutions in the world,
including Harvard Medical School, Tulane
University, National Cancer Institute,
Department of Defense, Sloan Kettering,
Cornell University, Brown University, Auburn
University, U.S. Armed Forces Radio-biology
Research Institute, University of
Massachusetts and the Department of
Agriculture, just to name a few.
- Source:
There are well over 1,800 MedLine references
and 800+ peer reviewed studies. Sloan
Kettering, Cornell University, Brown
University, Auburn University, U.S. Armed
Forces Radio-biology Research Institute, and
University of Massachusetts, attest to the
immune activating and protective effects of
Beta-1, 3-D Glucan.
Beta glucan, also helps the immune system to
very accurately recognize "self" so that you
don't experience auto-immune reactions.
If you research the countless clinical
studies and benefits of Beta1-3D Glucan, you
will understand why this needs to be in
everyone's home.

JANA - Vol. 5, No 2 Spring
- www.biotherapharma.com/pdf/glucan-reprint5-2.pdf
Article printed in the
Journal of the American Nutraceutical
Association. Study led by Vetvicka.
Articles on Biothera
compounds that were published in peer reviewed
science and medical journals.
- www.biotherapharma.com/scientific-articles.html
The Immune System:
1) The
immune system is made up of over one trillion
white blood cells. They are responsible for
the protection and maintenance of every other
cell in the body.
2) From
allergies and auto immune diseases to
infectious diseases, inflammatory diseases and
cancer, they are all results of a compromised
immune system.
3) The
rate at which you age, is dependent upon the
state of your immune system.
Winter protection:
The immune system is especially vulnerable and
at risk during cold weather months due to low
temperatures and lack of sunshine (Vitamin D).
Common overindulgence during party season
(Thanksgiving through New Year), further
compromises the body.
BetaGlucan is a serious consideration for all
of us during the wintertime, and a wise choice
for those who are especially vulnerable, such
as seniors.
Days of battle:
Resistance to antibiotics,
prescribed medications and over the counter
drugs, experimental vaccinations,
environmental pollution, and chemically
bloated food and beverages, all work towards
creating a compromised immune system.
BetaGlucan is an OUTSTANDING dietary
supplement from the SOQI family, a true knight
in shining armor available all year long.