The Great
Wall of China 2004

Las Vegas 2009

Distributor Global Award
Hong Kong and
China 2004:
The group
was primarily from the USA, Hawaii, Canada and
Mexico. This photo was taken in front of The Great
Wall Of China.
you all for the experience of a lifetime and love to
David and Andy our fantastic tour guides.
thanks to the amazing Mexicans for their love of
life, their songs and passion for shopping!
my American room-mate, you go girl. I would have
lost my mind and belongings without you.
lets do this again next year and have another
brilliant 90 minute Beijing massage for $15! Anyone
want to join us?
China: Jade, pearls,
silk, incredible
history, stunningly beautiful scenery,
extremely hardworking people.
No English.
Hong Kong:
Skyscrapers, shopping,
humidity, beaches,
cosmopolitan, smog.
English speaking.
Taipei, Taiwan
Sadly the last major HTE International
but guess what? I was awarded the number one
International distributor global award.
I was up against USA, Canada, Mexico, China,
Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Vietnam, Australia and Europe. I was humbled,
thrilled and honored, it was a complete
surprise, i had no idea as i never
compete for
anything, i just do my own thing.
For me health and
happiness are intertwined. If you love
to help people, if you are really into
alternative, natural healing, health and
nutrition, i invite you to join me and
become a distributor.
We don't travel anymore since the world
changed but we still help and make a
difference thanks to cyberspace.
now over 20 years since i began all this. I
love what i do because it's all about helping
If you need guidance on your
journey, reach out to me anytime.