Distributor Websites
                    HTE, Choice


SOQI Machines
Distributor Websites.
Hosting Choices.

If you do not have a website but as a distributor you would like one, here are a few options to choose from. Ideally you will create your own for originality.

1) ISOQI App:

HTE has a free phone App called ISOQI, introduced in April 2017. This App is a compact version of the HTE website, including their shopping cart. As most people worldwide now depend on their phone for most every aspect of their life, this company App is a perfect choice for HTE distributors who can use it at anytime, anywhere.

ISOQI App includes a shopping cart, videos and product info.

For more info, contact HTE head office Los Angeles - Tel: (1) 626 575 9969


2) Distributors hosting websites for clients:

Independent distributors offer to set up websites by adding your name to a pre-packaged, generic template, charging you a fee for an already existing set-up and annual/maintenance web fee, that they have already paid for.

There is no extra charge to them if they add pages i.e. a 'website' with your name on it. You benefit their own master website, whilst your own generic website will not be ranked in the search engines, therefore having no chance of being discovered by the public unless you use the webmasters personal URL plus your name.

Actual Cost of Personal Website:
Cost to set up your own non-generic, personalized website and name, with annual fee included?
Approx. $100.00 - We encourage you to shop around, or try IPOWERWEB.COM

3) E.Commerce:

We seriously suggest distributors create and design their own website from scratch, which is personalized, informative and inviting to customers. Personal websites also present the opportunity for rankings in the search engines, which is important for those few of you focused on e.commerce.

On the downside, it takes at least three years to establish a good presence on the internet due to many involved and complex protocols, and the website must be constantly maintained and updated. It's a huge amount of work and entails hours of ongoing research, constant optimization on many technological levels and a knowledge of SEO really makes a difference.

all machines

Anyone can become a distributor. New distributors are assigned a distributor ID number and given an informative business and health manual by HTE which may be downloaded. The rest is up to the individual's depth of personal passion for HTE's products that truly make a difference the world over.


This website is happy to create a single personal page, free of charge. Just send us a photo of yourself that you love and any information about yourself you want to share. We want you to benefit and do well as it benefits the company as a whole.

Any spoken language will be added to the contact page as a lovely bonus.

2) Sorry but we will not duplicate this entire website for anyone, but our distributor downline is welcome to use it for research or print out.

3) We encourage you to also create your own website regardless. There are many existing websites that do this really well.


No-one may copy anything from this website to another website and expect to be invisible. We have watermarked images and a tracking program. This is to a) prevent duplicate content and to b) most importantly, maintain originality!

©2002-2024 Chimachine4u - Distributor Website.
Chi Energy International.

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